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ksknnr 02-05-2020 02:05 PM

Beginner Machine?
I have been thinking about buying a cappuccino/espresso machine. I found a few on Amazon for like 75-100 bucks to start out with, anyone have any suggestions, or warnings?

mosesbotbol 02-05-2020 05:00 PM

Re: Beginner Machine?
I would advise not buying one at anything near that price. Espresso machines are expensive and for a reason.

Do you have a quality burr grinder?

CigarNut 02-05-2020 05:14 PM

Re: Beginner Machine?
I opted for Nespresso and the capsule route. They offer a good variety of flavors and the machines make a great espresso. It’s a good compromise between regular coffee and a full blown espresso machine, grinder, etc. We used to have all the gear and downsized to the Nespresso. We’re very happy.

mosesbotbol 02-06-2020 05:17 AM

Re: Beginner Machine?

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 2192607)
I opted for Nespresso and the capsule route. They offer a good variety of flavors and the machines make a great espresso. It’s a good compromise between regular coffee and a full blown espresso machine, grinder, etc. We used to have all the gear and downsized to the Nespresso. We’re very happy.

That's a good alternate and you should be able to find used Nespresso items on CL.

BigAsh 02-06-2020 06:31 AM

Re: Beginner Machine?
I've had a Nespresso for years and love it...don't drink espresso that often to warrant a full blown maker....quick, easy and makes a great espresso in my opinion :2

ksknnr 02-06-2020 07:04 AM

Re: Beginner Machine?
I was looking at Nespresso also, I think that is the route I will go, thanks for the input gents

CigarNut 02-06-2020 08:49 PM

Re: Beginner Machine?
There are two kinds of Nespresso machines: original and virtueo (or something like that). The original capsules are labeled to indicate what kind of shot — you need to look at the capsule to know how much espresso to make (ristretto, espresso or lungo— short, espresso or long shots). The lungo is supposed to be more “coffee-like”, but with crema.

Most Original machines have two buttons — one for espresso and one for lungo.

The virtuo line pods are encoded, so the machine will automatically do the right thing (although you can overrride).

We have an Original and like it a lot. The original capsules are cheaper than the virtuo.

You can also find 3rd party capsules; Costco carries Peet’s coffee capsules at a fantasitic price. I like the Peet’s, but they do leak a little bit (inside the machine), so the catch tray needs to be checked more frequently.

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