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The camaro show 04-01-2019 01:32 PM

Need some help with a life decision
since you guys are the brothers I need some help. So like many of you know I’m a freshman in college and I really enjoy cigars now. I’m a bio major on a pre dental track which I’ve always wanted to do I also play D2 golf with is another dream I’ve always wanted. So I’ve had a great year to find out my university is 10 million in debt and is having a financial Crisis. Long story short they cut over half of the majors including mine but all sports are staying. Everyone thought they were gonna close but the school says they have enough gas In the tank for. The 2019-2020 year but after that who knows. There’s a few schools around but none I’ve been thrilled with and the other university which is a public state D2 university golf coach is kinda a ass and probably wouldn’t take me even tho I’m a upper 70s shooter and a 5 handicap. So do I change schools or stay and change my major to exercise science and then try to go into physical therapy which was always my backup plan because honestly idk if I’d get into dental school. The other issue is my best friends both golfers who are like my bothers. One is leaving for sure but the other will probably stay because they kept nursing. It would kinda suck if I stayed and my friends left even though we need to do what’s good for myself. I’m a torn up mess because I’m really happy where I’m at in life.

mosesbotbol 04-01-2019 01:41 PM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
Tough choice. Your vocational goals should be the first priority. Are you really reliant on a school to propel your potential career in golf?

massphatness 04-01-2019 02:46 PM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
You do what's best for you and your future.

Change schools to continue your pursuit of your primary objective: getting into dental school.

Continue to golf.

Keep in touch with old friends.

Make new ones.

AdamJoshua 04-01-2019 02:52 PM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
Wise advice here, a lot of people play golf and want to go pro and don't make the cut. I'd worry about my major and how I planned on paying my bills and living my life, you might just have to settle for being a rich dentist that golfs with his doctor buddies at the club.

markem 04-01-2019 02:59 PM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
Only you can decide what is best for you. Anyone with pat answers has something to sell.

I started college with one major and a legitimate 1 handicap. I switched majors (not schools) and kept the 1. Over the years, the handicap was far less useful than my friends and my career change. Your experience may vary.

That’s all I got.

Brian D. 04-01-2019 03:09 PM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
You definitely got some really good advice so far. Not much for me to add.

markem 04-01-2019 03:14 PM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
Oh. I’ll point out that I am a professor of computer science. Many students come to me for career advice. I always say some variation of, “do what makes you happy”.

nutcracker 04-02-2019 01:24 PM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
Dentists play golf (a lot). Golfers don't get to be dentists.

dijit 04-02-2019 02:16 PM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
Lots of good advice here. I tend to agree with the change schools to keep the career Hope's in line. Settling for your second career choice is like choosing the girl you like instead of the girl you love.

Golf on the other hand while at your level may be easier in a D2 situation is still attainable if you truly desire it. If you never make the tour you still have a fun way to meet and stay in touch with friends.

Friends now, if they are friends will always be friends.

icehog3 04-02-2019 04:24 PM

Re: Need some help with a life decision

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 2172543)
Dentists play golf (a lot). Golfers don't get to be dentists.

Sometimes I think Sergio Garcia is getting ready to send somebody to the dentist though. ;)

Wharf Rat 04-02-2019 05:40 PM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
If you’re a freshman, I’d find a school that will survive without question. They may make it another year, but the coaches and profs will be bailing out. Playing golf on a sinking ship sounds more like putt-putt than D2.

mosesbotbol 04-03-2019 08:52 AM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
I bet going to a school that will be out of business or on the cusp would negatively impact your odds on getting into dental school. Plus, who wants a degree from a defunct school?

Another thought to think about; Would you rather be at a country club because you can afford the membership or because you work there?

The camaro show 05-13-2019 12:13 PM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
Thanks guys

shepherdaway 05-13-2019 07:08 PM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
Some excellent advice here. I know this, with a aeronautical science major, pilots license etc, everyone thought I would be flying for the airlines one day (as did I), then I had to follow my heart and do what "I" wanted to do (joined the Marines....ground guy). Not for my parents, friends (esp girlfriend), "you" be you. Never regretted a second of it.

Frankly its just fine not to know what you want to do in life but what I would tell all my Marines, do a profession, regardless of what it is that on sunday night, you aren't mad about going to work. If you do that, you will be very happy and live a lot longer. Additionally, unless you want to be a doctor or lawyer, the school you graduate from, means very little in the business world. Get your degree no matter what, get a job at the golf course while youre in school so you can play for free.

p.s. - Barnes and Noble has a very thick book re: grants & scholarships that go unclaimed every year b/c no one applies for them. You will never get one if you never apply for one, then you can go to school pretty much wherever ya want.

Time for a C-Gar

The camaro show 05-13-2019 07:28 PM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
Barnes and noble has scholarships??

shepherdaway 05-13-2019 08:01 PM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
Lol, no Barnes & Noble doesn't have scholarships, wait, they actually do...


Barnes and Noble Book Scholarships. ... At Pace University, each Barnes and Noble award is valued at $500 per semester. Successful applicants are full-time undergraduate students with grade point averages above 2.0. Financial need, as demonstrated by FAFSA results is required for application

They also sell a variety of books that list several hundred scholarships that never get claimed because no one applies for them. Check them out and send off some requests

Look here

look here as well

Sauer Grapes 05-15-2019 08:44 AM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
If you stay at your school and it closes after next year, do you know he process of having your credits transfer and getting your transcripts? It may be a lot easier to transfer your existing credits with your current school open still.

The camaro show 07-26-2019 10:38 AM

Re: Need some help with a life decision
So the schools name has been changed from Wheeling Jesuit university to just Wheeling university since the Jesuits have dropped out.

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