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croatan 10-25-2018 09:25 AM

Golf Clash
Anyone play? A friend got me hooked on it a few months ago and now, any time I find myself watching the kids or waiting for someone/something for 4-5 minutes, I have the phone out playing this ridiculously addicting golf game.

A couple of guys from here and other cigar buddies started our own clan, so if you play and want to join, look for Smokin' Aces (make sure to check international and invite-only in the search) and you should see my screen name (among others) up there.

galaga 10-25-2018 11:27 AM

Re: Golf Clash
Just loaded it on and won my first match with a birdie! My Pokémon time is going to suffer LOL Looks like Ill have to see how to join a clan

Scottw 10-25-2018 05:22 PM

Re: Golf Clash
I downloaded it after reading James’ post. Very addictive. I like it

dijit 10-26-2018 05:02 AM

Re: Golf Clash

Originally Posted by croatan (Post 2162152)
Anyone play? A friend got me hooked on it a few months ago and now, any time I find myself watching the kids or waiting for someone/something for 4-5 minutes, I have the phone out playing this ridiculously addicting golf game.

A couple of guys from here and other cigar buddies started our own clan, so if you play and want to join, look for Smokin' Aces (make sure to check international and invite-only in the search) and you should see my screen name (among others) up there.

It would appear I need to switch clans! I dont play very often though.

dijit 10-26-2018 05:15 AM

Re: Golf Clash
Oh yeah request sent too

croatan 10-26-2018 09:46 AM

Re: Golf Clash
Request accepted, Mike. Now you just have to go accept the acceptance.

For any newer players, here are some quick tips:

Pay attention to the stats for your clubs.
Ball Guide. The ball guide stat shows you how much of a ball guide you're getting with a particular club, which means you see more of what the ball is going to do after it hits the ground. When you're just starting out, all clubs have horrible ball guides, so you have to expect the ball to roll out significantly past what the ball guide shows. As you upgrade clubs, this discrepancy is lessened.

Accuracy. This is on scale of 1-100. The more accurate the club, the smaller the bullseye rings are, so non-perfect shots are less penal (note that the bullseye rings your arrow bounces through directly correspond to the rings on the ground where your ball lands). This is also the number you need to look at for wind adjustments. For a club with 100 accuracy, each mile per hour of wind is going to push the ball one ring on the bullseye on the ground. For a 50 accuracy club, it's 2 miles per hour per ring. For 0 accuracy club, it's 3 mph per ring. So if you have a 50 accuracy club and a ten mile per hour wind to the east, that wind is going to move your ball 5 rings to the right. So all you have to do is touch and manually drag your landing position over 5 rings to the left and, voila, your ball will land right where you wanted it to. A lot of players will zoom in and then rotate their phones so that they're using the "take shot" button as a reference point to move the cursor around.

Curl. This is how much you can move the ball left or right (draw/hook or fade/slice). You drag the ball left or right to make it go that way. You can use this to go around obstacles, to counteract wind, or to ride the wind for super long drives.

For long putts that you're afraid of missing, line up the ball guide so it's toward the top side of the hole. So if you have a putt breaking right to left, instead of just putting the guide in the middle of the cup, put it in the right-center of the cup, that way a great shot on either side still has a good chance to go in.

Clubs Opening chests and upgrading your clubs is a must.
Driver: Extra Mile is probably what you're going to play through most of the tours, so get used to it.

Woods: Learn to love your Big Dog and then switch to Sniper as soon as you can because you'll start winning way more shootouts with its 100 accuracy.

Long Iron: You're usually going to be playing Backbone for its accuracy or Saturn for its backspin.

Wedge: I like wedges with lots of topspin and ballguides (like Firefly early and Rapier later), so I can max out the roll, move the bullseye closer to me, and line up with the hole to make more chips.

Scottw 10-26-2018 02:12 PM

Re: Golf Clash
James, I’m two days in so I haven’t gotten a lot of stuff figured out so this is helpful. When I am able to join a clan I will look your’s up. My handle there is SLW.

elderboy02 10-26-2018 08:27 PM

Re: Golf Clash
Request sent

GreekGodX 10-26-2018 08:40 PM

Re: Golf Clash
I’m getting in on this

stearns 10-29-2018 08:17 AM

Re: Golf Clash
Spent the weekend hooked on this, request incoming from "BS"

BigAsh 10-29-2018 11:28 AM

Re: Golf Clash
James...just sent join request...username "Keith"...BigAsh was deemed too "naughty" :confused: :tu

GreekGodX 10-29-2018 11:53 AM

Re: Golf Clash
Request sent as GreekGodX

Scottw 10-29-2018 01:22 PM

Re: Golf Clash
Request sent from SLW

croatan 10-29-2018 02:25 PM

Re: Golf Clash
Approved everyone who asked to join. So if you asked and didn't get a response back, it probably means you asked to join the wrong clan.

Here are a couple other resources:
Has sections on clubs, balls, holes, and a great section on wind adjustments, including cheat sheets you can print out or download.
A collaborate google docs sheet listing all the clubs, their attributes, and how some people rank them. This is a great resource when you're just starting out and trying to figure out which clubs to upgrade.
This is a walk through of the current tournament holes along with a text guide to them that I find particularly helpful--I skip all the youtube stuff because I'm lazy, but there's great info in there, too. Golf Clash Tommy also plays through on Rookie, Pro, Expert, and Master accounts if you really want to go down the youtube rabbit hole.

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