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Subvet642 07-30-2017 05:15 AM

Found a cool shop in Hampton Beach, NH
Yesterday, the wife and I went to Hampton Beach, NH as part of our 22nd anniversary weekend and we found a shop on the beach called Just Cigars. It was a small shop with a pretty good selection considering it's only open three months a year, during the summer season. I had brought some CC's with me but they were still in the car so I picked up a Baccarat Bonita, a little 4½ X 30 stick 'cause I was with the wife and we wanted to do a little shopping, drinking and arcade stuff. They had a little smoking area on the covered boardwalk area, so I sat there with Bob, the guy running the shop; very cool guy! It was the first NC I've smoked in quite a while and it was tasty as hell so I went back in and picked-up a fiver. As I was paying for that, I spotted another, smaller case with some Ligas; Flying Pigs, Feral Flying Pigs, Papas Fritas and Dirty Rats. The wife insisted I get a Dirty Rat, as I haven't even seen one in years. Bob threw in a Papas Fritas as a gift. Bob told me that in Hampton, you can smoke anywhere outside; even bars and stuff, as long as it's open to the outside and the people running it don't mind. :banger I made it back to the car to retrieve my CC's so on my way back in that direction I gave Bob one of the LFdC's I brought with me. I have no connection with the shop but if you're ever in Hampton Beach, stop in; it's a great place to smoke, people watch and look at the waves. :tu Here's a link to their web page:

Porch Dweller 07-30-2017 06:32 AM

Re: Found a cool shop in Hampton Beach, NH
I don't get up that way often but I'll file this away for the future. Sounds like a cool place!

markem 07-30-2017 12:50 PM

Re: Found a cool shop in Hampton Beach, NH
Wow, that looks great. Thanks for sharing, Darren.

Tio Gato 07-30-2017 01:25 PM

Re: Found a cool shop in Hampton Beach, NH
Thanks Darren. NH is a great cigar state because of low taxes. I'll check it out sometime.

ksknnr 07-31-2017 08:07 AM

Re: Found a cool shop in Hampton Beach, NH
I have been to this place many times, my inl-aws have a house there. Always very friendly.
There is a great tiki bar about 2 blocks down on the boardwalk called Bernies Beach bar, great roof deck overlooking the ocean for the sunset and a smoke.

Subvet642 08-04-2017 04:35 AM

Re: Found a cool shop in Hampton Beach, NH

Originally Posted by ksknnr (Post 2129567)
I have been to this place many times, my inl-aws have a house there. Always very friendly.
There is a great tiki bar about 2 blocks down on the boardwalk called Bernies Beach bar, great roof deck overlooking the ocean for the sunset and a smoke.

I love tiki bars! I know I've seen it but I don't know why I didn't check it out. I will next time. :tu

boyd45 08-08-2017 09:46 PM

Re: Found a cool shop in Hampton Beach, NH
That sounds a good shop. Only needing to visit when they are open.

Subvet642 08-14-2017 03:35 PM

Re: Found a cool shop in Hampton Beach, NH

Originally Posted by ksknnr (Post 2129567)
I have been to this place many times, my inl-aws have a house there. Always very friendly.
There is a great tiki bar about 2 blocks down on the boardwalk called Bernies Beach bar, great roof deck overlooking the ocean for the sunset and a smoke.

I checked it out this Saturday and you were right; it's a very cool place!

ksknnr 08-15-2017 06:33 AM

Re: Found a cool shop in Hampton Beach, NH
I was up there Saturday also, no smokes though, took the kids to the Arcade.

Subvet642 08-15-2017 02:39 PM

Re: Found a cool shop in Hampton Beach, NH

Originally Posted by ksknnr (Post 2130534)
I was up there Saturday also, no smokes though, took the kids to the Arcade.

I wish I knew, I had smokes with me, we coulda smoked on a bench by the beach. I smoked about 3 or 4 that day.

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