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jonumberone 06-12-2017 05:45 AM

Cigar Vending Machine
I came across this machine yesterday.
I have never seen one before, so I figured I'd share.
This would be great for people that say they want a cigar, so you're happy to give them one, but then they only smoke an inch before pitching it.
I hope to have one installed before my BIL's next visit. :D

I'm going to try and get more information on how the humidification works.

elderboy02 06-12-2017 06:14 AM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine
How does the cigar not get damaged when it falls to the bottom of the machine?

av8tor152d 06-12-2017 06:36 AM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine
Looks to be that the smokes are in plastic tubes..guessing foam padding ?

elderboy02 06-12-2017 06:50 AM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine

Originally Posted by av8tor152d (Post 2126326)
Looks to be that the smokes are in plastic tubes..guessing foam padding ?

Good catch! I didn't see the tubes initially.

BigAsh 06-12-2017 06:54 AM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 2126320)
I came across this machine yesterday.
I have never seen one before, so I figured I'd share.
This would be great for people that say they want a cigar, so you're happy to give them one, but then they only smoke an inch before pitching it.
I hope to have one installed before my BIL's next visit. :D

I'm going to try and get more information on how the humidification works.


WhiteMamba 06-12-2017 07:46 AM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine
I'm curious where is this machine located? Out of country?

T.G 06-12-2017 08:17 AM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine
Too funny, Dom.

I wonder if it even has a humidity system. Maybe they are relying on the packing tubes to hold humidity and the small inventory (appears to be only one of each cigar in there) for rapid product turnover.

Other than that, it looks like a standard vending machine.

kelmac07 06-12-2017 05:57 PM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine
Dom...why? Pablo is just going to ask Nina for the money to get it. :r :r :r

The Poet 06-12-2017 06:05 PM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine
I could see this working well for those "humi-pack" cigars out there, but I can't see a huge market for it.

Now BEER in a vending machine, like the Japanese have, that's a market opportunity for you.

AdamJoshua 06-12-2017 06:26 PM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine
I'm going to also say the sealed tubes are keeping the cigars whatever humidity. Need, I grew up in the amusement and vending business, of course all he had were cigarette machines and I haven't seen one of those in a long time, looks like he abandoned the family at the right time. :lr

Since it's a corkscrew vend like that you could just load it up with Black n Milds, or Swishers or whatever you wanted and not worry about tubes.

Weelok 06-12-2017 10:22 PM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine
That vending machine has good taste.

jonumberone 06-13-2017 04:30 AM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine

Originally Posted by WhiteMamba (Post 2126334)
I'm curious where is this machine located? Out of country?

New Jersey.

And, yeah, the sticks are in tubes.
I assumed for protection, but I think Adam may be onto something with them holding in humidity as well.
The machine was mostly full, though the pics don't really show it.

Next time I'm there I'll buy one and see if any damage occurs when it falls.
I might even smoke it to see if it has humidification issues.

No promises. :tf

Brian D. 06-13-2017 09:16 AM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine
I assumed credit card only..until I saw the coin slot below. Don't often find myself carrying around $6 to $15 worth of quarters in my pocket. A slot for paper money would be a little more useful.

But a cool idea nonetheless.

The Poet 06-13-2017 10:33 AM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine

Originally Posted by WhiteMamba (Post 2126334)
I'm curious where is this machine located? Out of country?


Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 2126398)
New Jersey.

So is that a yes or no? :r

jonumberone 06-13-2017 11:14 AM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine

Originally Posted by WhiteMamba (Post 2126334)
I'm curious where is this machine located? Out of country?


Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 2126398)
New Jersey.


Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 2126419)
So is that a yes or no? :r

Same country.... Whole different world. :sl

The Poet 06-13-2017 12:19 PM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 2126423)
Same country.... Whole different world. :sl

Yeah, pretty much. :tu :noon

WhiteMamba 06-13-2017 05:14 PM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine
I'm surprised that would be legal in the US since anyone (under 18) could purchase without showing ID. While in Germany recently I did notice a lot of cigarette machines but no cigar machines or at least none that I noticed.

The Poet 06-13-2017 06:12 PM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine
FYI, the legal age for tobacco products in New Jersey is 19, statewide. I qualify by noting a few dozen towns have local laws increasing that to 21. This would have been the state law as of last year, but Gov. Krispy Crisco vetoed that.

WhiteMamba 06-14-2017 12:42 PM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine
I can't keep track.

The Poet 06-14-2017 02:45 PM

Re: Cigar Vending Machine

Originally Posted by WhiteMamba (Post 2126494)
I can't keep track.

As long as they don't cap the legal age at 65, I have no reason to keep track. :D

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