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Steve 04-21-2017 01:38 PM

Voyager Probes
I watched a documentary on the Voyager Probes from the early 1970s with the family last night. I mentioned to my daughter that in the first Star Trek movie, Voyager came back to earth ready to kick some butt. She reminded me of all of the things that Star Trek predicted that have actually come to fruition...

Think about that for a while :tf

av8tor152d 04-21-2017 01:56 PM

Re: Voyager Probes
I still don't have a machine that is voice activated and produces any type of food I want out of thin air...not buying it.

And I can't beam myself to work yet.

The Poet 04-21-2017 02:00 PM

Re: Voyager Probes
Star Trek did NOT predict a pair of sneakers that will order you a pizza.

shark 04-21-2017 05:05 PM

Re: Voyager Probes
Voyager 1 is in interstellar space now. After all of those years I'm sure everything is dead on it now electronically. I remember the featured editions of the flybys of Jupiter and Saturn in National Geographic (Dad had a subscription for a long time).

Wharf Rat 04-22-2017 06:36 AM

Re: Voyager Probes
The probe to watch right now is Cassini. It's orbit around Saturn is being altered so it will pass in between the rings and finally crash into the planet.

jonumberone 04-22-2017 07:36 AM

Re: Voyager Probes
Did they ever send a probe into Uranus?


pnoon 04-22-2017 08:00 AM

Re: Voyager Probes

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 2122133)
Did they ever send a probe into Uranus?



Footbag 04-22-2017 08:44 AM

Re: Voyager Probes
Voyager is still returning data. Right now, it's helping to determine where our solar system actually ends. Basically, confirming or in some cases contradicting theory.

Steve 05-06-2017 08:46 AM

Re: Voyager Probes

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 2122133)
Did they ever send a probe into Uranus?


Not mine... :r

AdamJoshua 05-06-2017 09:06 AM

Re: Voyager Probes
Another prob sent out in the 60s just started transmitting again for no apparent reason, the true Vegar.

jledou 05-06-2017 09:41 AM

Re: Voyager Probes
I am always amazed that these are still working and they were able to pull off the actual flight and mechanical computation given that we all carry more computing power in our pockets on a daily basis now.

kydsid 05-07-2017 05:51 AM

Re: Voyager Probes

Originally Posted by av8tor152d (Post 2122101)
I still don't have a machine that is voice activated and produces any type of food I want out of thin air...not buying it.

And I can't beam myself to work yet.

Alexa will send the Dominoes guy to my house toot sweet. Even remembers my order. ;)

shark 05-07-2017 01:44 PM

Re: Voyager Probes

Originally Posted by jledou (Post 2123258)
I am always amazed that these are still working and they were able to pull off the actual flight and mechanical computation given that we all carry more computing power in our pockets on a daily basis now.

All of the calculations alone to get the probes where they want them to go are mind boggling. They don't just send it up and towards the targeted planet.

NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft made 2 Earth flybys, 2 Venus flybys and 3 Mercury flybys before it was going slowly enough to make an orbital insertion around Mercury. Ulysses, the solar probe launched in 1990, used gravity assists to totally change its trajectory into a polar orbit above and below the Sun. And Cassini used flybys of Venus, Earth and Jupiter to reach Saturn with an efficient flight path.

icehog3 05-08-2017 10:30 AM

Re: Voyager Probes
It's a city of apes!

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