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Mr.Maduro 02-06-2017 05:54 PM

RIP Mister Moo
I just heard that our very own Mister Moo, Dan Nathan, has passed away. He will be greatly missed. Please keep his family in your prayers.

RevSmoke 02-06-2017 06:01 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
Wow! Yes, will keep his family in my/our prayers.

Thanks for the update.

pnoon 02-06-2017 06:09 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
Such sad news. He will surely be missed.


Nazgul 02-06-2017 06:15 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
I knew him from another forum, that is horribly sad. RIP Dan

The Poet 02-06-2017 06:20 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
Sad news for his family and friends, and for the CA community. Rest in peace, brother.

markem 02-06-2017 06:26 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
rest in peace

pnoon 02-06-2017 06:43 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
Half mast flag for our brother.

Remo 02-06-2017 06:44 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
Terrible news, prayers to his family and friends.

croatan 02-06-2017 06:51 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
So very sorry to hear that about Dan. He was one of the good ones and will be greatly missed by many people.

massphatness 02-06-2017 07:18 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
Never got to meet the man, but enjoyed reading his insights.

Rest in peace

T.G 02-06-2017 07:23 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo

Never met him either, but did converse with him a few times over messaging about a few things. Damned generous with his knowledge for anyone willing to listen and learn.

AdamJoshua 02-06-2017 07:43 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
May his memory be a blessing. Rest in Peace, Dan.

hotreds 02-06-2017 07:51 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
Very sorry to hear. He helped me a lot when I first started piping. Rest in Peace, brother!

Skywalker 02-06-2017 08:26 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
Sorry to hear. Rest in peace, Dan!

icehog3 02-06-2017 09:23 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
I was fortunate enough to have cigars and martinis with Dan several years back. He was good peeps, and will be missed.

nutcracker 02-06-2017 09:39 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
Wow - sorry to hear that- he always gave such great advice

physiognomy 02-06-2017 10:03 PM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
RIP, Brother. You will certainly be missed.

jsnake 02-07-2017 12:04 AM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
Saw on Facebook. Very sad.

longknocker 02-07-2017 01:26 AM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
So Sad To Hear This About Dan. Prayers Sent For All His Family & Friends.

jonumberone 02-07-2017 05:49 AM

Re: RIP Mister Moo
Sorry to hear. Rest in peace.

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