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DMK 12-27-2016 03:14 PM

New phone time, I need opinions...
I'm looking for opinions on the Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 Edge and LG G5.
Who has them and what do you like/dislike about them?
I'm currently running an iPhone 4S and I'm looking to upgrade.

Flynnster 12-27-2016 04:08 PM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
Woah, whatever you end up with is going to me miles (kilometers?) ahead of what you have now.

Everyone I know with the edge likes it but isn't sure it was worth paying more than the regular S7.

I've got a Moto Z and love it, so maybe add that to the running? It's got some really nice features such as infrared scanners to open the screen and shakes/rotations to open certain apps.

ksknnr 12-27-2016 04:32 PM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
I had an iPhone 5 and updated to the S7, I had for about two months and went back to the iPhone with a 6s plus
I just didn't like the android platform and was more comfortable with the iPhone
Just my :2

omahaorange 12-27-2016 06:21 PM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
I have the edge, pre-ordered when it was first announced. Love the phone. The edge part of it is okay, I don't use it much. However, the edge does have a slightly larger screen and bigger battery, which is what sold me.

The only drawback is, if you're like me and don't like the phone in your pocket, cases with belt clips are real hard to find. The S7 itself has a multitude of cases.

Oh, and it hasn't exploded on me...yet.

longknocker 12-27-2016 06:24 PM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
Always Had iPhones & Love Them. Just Bought A 7 Plus Last Week.:tu

bruceolee 12-28-2016 07:25 PM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
Just got an iPhone 7 plus and its killer but also got an LG V20 and it's pretty nice as well but if I was forced to choose I'd go iPhone 7 plus. just my :2

dave 01-03-2017 09:19 AM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
I have 'regular' S7 and love it. I have never used an iphone, so I cannot compare. My previous phone was an S5 Active and the S7 is only incrementally better. Flawed phone warranty plan forced a switch from Windows phone to Android a couple years ago and I'm happy enough with droid os. My only knock on the S7 is the battery life isn't so great...but, in its favor,...... it doesn't explode

G G 01-03-2017 10:13 AM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
I am an iphone guy too. My wife had a couple androids and I hate the operating system, so I finally bought her an iphone and gave it to her and she loves it.

jledou 01-03-2017 01:11 PM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
I have an iPhone 7 and a Nextbit Robin right now. it really depends on what you prefer and what you need the phone for. If you are an iPhone user now and have not played with android then it will be frustrating at first to relearn the menus. Personally I am not a fan on the Samsung extra's they add to Android. for that money I would prefer the Google Pixel or as I have done I go with a lower power mid range phone that costs $200-$400 that doesn't have as mush extra software. The other androids I would look at in the mid-range would be the OnePlus 3 and the Honor 8.

This being said if you have everything with Apple right now then an iPhone 7 or 6s will be a very easy transition.

shilala 01-03-2017 03:39 PM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
I gotta agree with Jay, Darryl.
I'm stuck in the iphone loop. Mind ya, my 6 plus didn't last but a year.
I was in a bind and ran to the 6s plus which has been good to me.

I bought my daughter an s7 and it just came today.
The specs on the s7 blow my iphone out of the water by a blue mile. Just like the "pc or mac" argument, everything apple costs way more for a lot less.
This was okay with me because I LOVE iphones, and they used to stand behind everything 100%.
Not anymore. Problems? They tell you to pound your phone up your ass.

The android OS is stupid simple. Far more direct and allows much greater control over apps and the whole experience.

Personally, I'm all done with iphones and apple. Only because I'm familiar with the Android OS now from fixing everybody's phone and gutting FBI viruses off of them.

The main lure for me to the s7 is the camera, honestly.
Were all things equal, I'd stay with my iphones.
The expanded storage capability of the s7 is BOSS. This is supposed to be the last iteration with that capability, too. So it'd be a good jump.

That's about as muddy as I can make the waters for you, brother. :D
I do know where you can get a pristine 6s plus. :D

DMK 01-03-2017 05:06 PM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
Well.... I went with the Galaxy S7 Edge and LOVE it!
I used the camera today to take some "Here, this is what I'm talking about" pictures at work... WOW! I can't believe the difference from the "Here, this is what I'm talking about" pictures I took with my iPhone in the past.
Got a good deal on a service plan and an in store credit which got me a glass screen protector and Otterbox case.

Anyone want a iPhone 4S??? :r

RelaxingSmoke 01-03-2017 05:41 PM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
The S7 is conisdered the flagship phone so I would go with that. Personally, I got the iphone 6 and I love it!

shilala 01-03-2017 08:31 PM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
You done good, Darryl. :tu

AdamJoshua 01-03-2017 10:44 PM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...

Originally Posted by DMK (Post 2112765)
Well.... I went with the Galaxy S7 Edge and LOVE it!
I used the camera today to take some "Here, this is what I'm talking about" pictures at work... WOW! I can't believe the difference from the "Here, this is what I'm talking about" pictures I took with my iPhone in the past.
Got a good deal on a service plan and an in store credit which got me a glass screen protector and Otterbox case.

Anyone want a iPhone 4S??? :r

To be fair I don't know if you can compare 3 generation old tech with current as far at the pictures, that being said the 7+ takes amazing pictures with the dual cam technology.

Glad you got something you dig because in the end that's all that really matters :tu

mosesbotbol 01-04-2017 07:22 AM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
I went back to iPhone (whatever the new is) and really like it more than the Asus on Andriod I had before. I am not an Apple fan, but they really hit out of the park on the iPhone. It's just easier to use and new one is pretty nice. I bought the regular size one in rose gold. I think it was $600?

GF has Samsung, also nice, but too complicated for something that shouldn't be...

hammondc 01-04-2017 08:32 AM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
Same boat. Limping my iPhone5 until the 8 comes out.

spark 01-04-2017 12:09 PM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...
Op systems is like politics. You're never going to convince a conservative to turn lib, and you're never going to convince an apple user to change.

I also just bought the S7 this past weekend for both me and my wife. (we like having the same phone so we can help each other out ;) )
We'd been using the S3 for 4 years.

Maybe iphone is better but I'm used to how android works so I like the fact that I don't have to re-learn everything with the S7

mosesbotbol 01-05-2017 10:17 AM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...

Originally Posted by spark (Post 2112852)
Op systems is like politics. You're never going to convince a conservative to turn lib, and you're never going to convince an apple user to change.

Yes and no. I hate Apple products, especially their OS. Would do anything not to use IOS, but after a stint with Android, I am all iPhone again.

Phone should be easy and to the point. iPhone is good at that. As long as you don't store music on it; you're all set!

AdamJoshua 01-05-2017 10:21 AM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 2112936)
Yes and no. I hate Apple products, especially their OS. Would do anything not to use IOS, but after a stint with Android, I am all iPhone again.

Phone should be easy and to the point. iPhone is good at that. As long as you don't store music on it; you're all set!

Why don't you like to store music on it, just curious. I used to store all my music on it but then went to Apple Music for 10 bucks a month it's basically every song ever and love the Siri integration.

Don Fernando 01-05-2017 12:44 PM

Re: New phone time, I need opinions...

Originally Posted by spark (Post 2112852)
Op systems is like politics. You're never going to convince a conservative to turn lib, and you're never going to convince an apple user to change.

Not true, I was a PC and Android guy, used to mock Apple fan boys all the time until I got a company phone, an iPhone and then an iPad. Bought a macbook soon after, I'm an Apple fan boy now so I was convinced to change.

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