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Footbag 11-30-2016 07:07 AM

Stopped back in to say hi!
Hi guys! It's been a long while since I've posted. I've kept up with the hobby, though I haven't been smoking as frequently. I've been fighting a cold for the last couple months and that has be seriously craving a good cigar. I stuck one in on Thanksgiving (Party short), but had to smoke it out in the cold rain.

I also decided to do some humidor maintenance and found a few boxes I forgot about. One that I was about to order. Although, now the idea of driving to Canada and bringing back some sticks is very tempting.

I'm also hoping to start smoking some of the cigars I've been holding onto for too long. One is a Betsy Ross. 100+ year old. The others are some 20 year + Cohibas, A mid 90's Monte A. I've spent so much time babying them, for what? Time to reap what I've sewn. Also thinking about reopening the original Tatuaje Black jar.

The bad news is that I found three boxed with some mold. A box of RASS, A box of Monte 2's and a box of Monte 4's. It's only about 12 sticks total, but I'd love to smoke them. Hopefully my wipe down helps them out.

Thanks for having me back.

dijit 11-30-2016 10:17 AM

Re: Stopped back in to say hi!
Welcome back sir.

pnoon 11-30-2016 11:28 AM

Re: Stopped back in to say hi!
Welcome back, Adam.

AdamJoshua 11-30-2016 11:30 AM

Re: Stopped back in to say hi!

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 2109026)
Welcome back, Adam.


Oh wait, that is the other other Adam.

Welcome back.

icehog3 11-30-2016 02:33 PM

Re: Stopped back in to say hi!
Great to see you back, Adam. :tu :ss

Footbag 12-05-2016 03:53 PM

Re: Stopped back in to say hi!
Thanks guys for the re-welcome. Sitting in the cigar bar smoking a Liga Privada Dirty Rat. It's ok. Probably should've gone with something more... Well.. Nicauraguan. It's supposed to be strong, but it's a bit mild and boring to me. So little time and so much to smoke!

icehog3 12-05-2016 06:04 PM

Re: Stopped back in to say hi!

Originally Posted by Footbag (Post 2109637)
Thanks guys for the re-welcome. Sitting in the cigar bar smoking a Liga Privada Dirty Rat. It's ok. Probably should've gone with something more... Well.. Nicauraguan. It's supposed to be strong, but it's a bit mild and boring to me. So little time and so much to smoke!

Al least you ARE smoking, Brother! :tu

HabanosBob 12-05-2016 06:13 PM

Re: Stopped back in to say hi!
Glad you made it back!!

BlackDog 12-05-2016 06:16 PM

Re: Stopped back in to say hi!
Nice to see you here again!

Footbag 12-06-2016 06:33 AM

Re: Stopped back in to say hi!
Did I mention I have kids now? No more smoking in the house. Too cold to smoke outside.

And I hate bringing my own cigars to a cigar bar. I like supporting the bar to ensure it'll always be there for me.

bruceolee 12-06-2016 11:38 AM

Re: Stopped back in to say hi!
Welcome back Adam! I just got back myself. :) This place has some of the most outstanding people i've ever met in my life. Great to see you back brother!

SmokeyJoe 12-06-2016 12:52 PM

Re: Stopped back in to say hi!
Hey Adam... welcome back. I have been MIA for awhile myself. Been checking in, but not participating as much. Life! Anyway, still enjoying cigars, or as I call them "hour long vacations" that help keep me sane. Blessings on you and the rest of the Asylum. Merry Christmas to you all!

Dave128 12-06-2016 01:58 PM

Re: Stopped back in to say hi!
Welcome Back!

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