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hammondc 09-14-2016 02:27 PM

Favorite Balkans
I suppose I have become a Balkan fanatic. After 6-7 years smoking a pipe, Balkans are what I have tended to go to. It is the strong perfume/incense/Laphroig aromas that I love

What are some of your favorites?

Balkan Sobraine is my current #1 (oos everywhere now though)
Penzance is #2 (Also OOS)
Blue Mountain / Squadron leader and Gawaith Balkan Blend are my other go to's.


stevieray 09-14-2016 04:36 PM

Re: Favorite Balkans
My top 3 would be....

Balkan Sobranie
G.L. Pease - Odyssey
Smoker's Haven - Our Best Blend :pi

AdamJoshua 09-14-2016 11:17 PM

Re: Favorite Balkans
When I smoked a pipe i really enjoyed Squadron Leader

CoffeeWaterBeer 09-15-2016 06:07 AM

Re: Favorite Balkans
McClelland's Samovar - Excellent and incense(y)
Smokers Haven - Exotique - pungent and stinky like Penzance=awesome
GLP - Abingdon
McClelland - Bombay Court Extra - great balkan with some oomph.

These are just a few of my faves as a balkan/oriental fanatic.

hammondc 09-15-2016 09:37 AM

Re: Favorite Balkans

Originally Posted by CoffeeWaterBeer (Post 2101312)
McClelland's Samovar - Excellent and incense(y)
Smokers Haven - Exotique - pungent and stinky like Penzance=awesome
GLP - Abingdon
McClelland - Bombay Court Extra - great balkan with some oomph.

These are just a few of my faves as a balkan/oriental fanatic.

Added Samovar to the cart. P&C doesn't carry Smokers Haven stuff so I'll have to order that direct from SH next time. That Exotique sounds great though.

Ended up with
McClelland Blue Mountain
McClelland Bengal Slices
McClelland Smovar
Dunhill NightCap
Gawith Balkan Mixture
And this brand new Special Reserve Plum Pudding.

CoffeeWaterBeer 09-19-2016 08:46 AM

Re: Favorite Balkans
All excellent choices!

Sancho 10-02-2016 08:05 AM

Re: Favorite Balkans
Balkan sobranie never did it for me, still have a few sealed packs from '08 when I scored some.

My goto was nightcap for a long time, just a nice mellow smoke and really what I measure all other balkans by.

hammondc 10-10-2016 07:47 PM

Re: Favorite Balkans
Yep. Nightcap is what I smoke most. Sobraine is so good though. It has that strong perfume/incense note to it. Love the stuff.

CoffeeWaterBeer 10-11-2016 05:44 AM

Re: Favorite Balkans
I should add in C&D's Byzantium. Excellent for a bulk blend.

Sancho 10-11-2016 08:48 PM

Re: Favorite Balkans
What are the feelings on S Gawith Balkan?

MarkinAZ 10-11-2016 09:42 PM

Re: Favorite Balkans
I enjoy Samovar myself, but I believe it's an Oriental (which I enjoy too);)

Balkan Sasieni - a very tasty smoke when burned in the meerschaums...

CoffeeWaterBeer 10-12-2016 06:20 AM

Re: Favorite Balkans
I haven't had SG's alkan but G&H Balkan is quite tasty. I would imagine them being somewhat similar?

Sancho 10-12-2016 08:00 AM

Re: Favorite Balkans
After all this time I still don't fully grasp the G&H and the SG difference.

Although SG seems to only do flakes which I tend to prefer myself.

hammondc 10-12-2016 02:32 PM

Re: Favorite Balkans

Originally Posted by MarkinCA (Post 2103970)
I enjoy Samovar myself, but I believe it's an Oriental (which I enjoy too);)

I sorta lump balkan/oriental together.

weedsnager 10-14-2016 06:27 AM

Re: Favorite Balkans
Balkan supreme is excellent

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