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AdamJoshua 08-29-2016 12:42 PM

Westworld Trailer
This actually looks pretty good and a decent cast as well.


From the original, you wouldn't think they would let Rudy Wells work on Steve Austin (a man barely alive..>) after this fiasco, no matter what a brilliant robotics pioneer he was!

Porch Dweller 08-29-2016 01:09 PM

Re: Westworld Trailer
As this will be a series, not a movie, it'll obviously be quite more expansive than the '73 film. But after watching the trailer I wonder if Ed Harris is supposed to be in the Yul Brynner role. That's a decent choice, but no matter who it is those are some big shoes to fill. I was probably around 12 or so when I saw the movie on HBO and Yul Brynner scared the crap out of me.

CigarNut 08-29-2016 03:23 PM

Re: Westworld Trailer
Looking forward to this!

Skywalker 08-29-2016 03:25 PM

Re: Westworld Trailer

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 2099792)
As this will be a series, not a movie, it'll obviously be quite more expansive than the '73 film. But after watching the trailer I wonder if Ed Harris is supposed to be in the Yul Brynner role. That's a decent choice, but no matter who it is those are some big shoes to fill. I was probably around 12 or so when I saw the movie on HBO and Yul Brynner scared the crap out of me.

-(P Yup!

icehog3 08-29-2016 04:16 PM

Re: Westworld Trailer
Loved the movie as a kid. Obviously as James pointed out, this will be much more expansive. I am looking forward to it, as my fave current series just had its finale last night.

irratebass 08-30-2016 05:58 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer
Would love to re-watch the original before seeing this, but either way I am excited about it

AdamJoshua 08-31-2016 10:10 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2099822)
Loved the movie as a kid. Obviously as James pointed out, this will be much more expansive. I am looking forward to it, as my fave current series just had its finale last night.

You should give Preacher a try.

icehog3 08-31-2016 11:00 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2100054)
You should give Preacher a try.

Alrighty I will.

CigarNut 10-23-2016 08:17 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer
Anybody watch Westworld yet?

I watched the first episode, and it was pretty good, but it did not grab me the way GoT did right off the bat. The jury is still out on this one...

Wharf Rat 10-23-2016 08:34 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer
I've watched several, and can't say it's working for me. It's sorta like somebody made up a list of recent successful series and they're checking every box. Kinda clinical.

icehog3 10-23-2016 08:56 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer
It's all a buildup for big surprises and shockers at the end, but they're asking a lot to stick with it to get to the punch line. I'm still watching but getting impatient. If it doesn't start coming together, I'm gonna rent the Yul Brunner / James Brolin version, that only takes 90 mnutes. ;)

jonumberone 10-24-2016 05:59 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer
I'm doing my best to stick with it, but like Tom, they're going to have to give me something soon or I'm done.
I'm a huge fan of violence, and could enjoy a show or movie based on the action alone, but for some reason the shootouts in this show don't do a thing for me.

CRIMPS 10-24-2016 09:39 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer
This may be the slowest show I have ever watched...

icehog3 10-24-2016 10:32 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 2105259)
I'm doing my best to stick with it, but like Tom, they're going to have to give me something soon or I'm done.
I'm a huge fan of violence, and could enjoy a show or movie based on the action alone, but for some reason the shootouts in this show don't do a thing for me.

Maybe the shootouts will be more engaging when guests start getting shot. -(P

Ashcan Bill 10-24-2016 11:20 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer
I enjoyed the shootout set to the orchestra version of Paint It Black, especially the eerie ride they made into town. That was different and had some impact. And cheesy as it was, I couldn't help but laugh at the guy leaking milk out of a bullet hole. :D Otherwise I'm fast losing interest in it. Kinda like watching paint dry. Observing Dolores ever so slowly develop sentience isn't something I find all that interesting nor entertaining.

CRIMPS 10-25-2016 08:04 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer
The intro to this show is phenomenal!!!!

icehog3 05-15-2018 09:38 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer
So is anyone caught up on Season 2 of Westworld right now? I am, and I'm not sure how much longer I am going to watch. Last episode was a mix between artsy-fartsy crap and a zombie movie. The scenes for next week show a bunch of Shogun Ninja bullsh*t. Way too many story lines going on, I know they're building up to some huge shocker for the end of the season....I just don't know if I am going to make it. Thoughts?

Da Klugs 05-15-2018 10:20 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2151864)
So is anyone caught up on Season 2 of Westworld right now? I am, and I'm not sure how much longer I am going to watch. Last episode was a mix between artsy-fartsy crap and a zombie movie. The scenes for next week show a bunch of Shogun Ninja bullsh*t. Way too many story lines going on, I know they're building up to some huge shocker for the end of the season....I just don't know if I am going to make it. Thoughts?

I got addicted in season 1. Didn't expect the expansion time and park based after thinking they were done. Gonna keep watching - you almost need to watch each episode a couple times to get it all. Engrossing but not relaxing.

massphatness 05-15-2018 10:48 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer
Really liked Season 1

Have watched Season 2 Episode 1 twice, and my tiny brain can't seem to grasp all the goings on. May wait a few weeks and binge a few episodes on a rainy Sunday, but I'm not as excited as I was heading into the new season.

Ashcan Bill 05-15-2018 11:21 AM

Re: Westworld Trailer
I haven't seen any of Season 2 yet. Guess I need to catch up.

Need to start watching the current season of Bosch on Amazon as well. I'm just not that big of a tube watcher and need to motivate myself to watch that first seasonal episode - then I get hooked.

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