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badbriar 05-09-2015 08:55 AM

In support of COPs
We all see the media storm from the recent fatalities involving police officers and suspects, casting doubt on the ethics and honesty of the officers involved. This seriously pisses me off. I find it interesting that that same media offers little coverage in instances where officers are injured or worse in the line of duty. Now we have the Million Mom March. It seems that police in this country are once again being vilified. Here is an idea... How about if all police and law enforcement personnel in the U.S. walk off the job for an entire week and see how things fair. No issues with police brutality will occur during that week for sure. Maybe then, some measure of respect will return. I am deeply disturbed that police and emergency responders are held in such high esteem following crises such as 911, but that same support quickly disappears. I am not a COP, but have friends who are and support them unconditionally. My :2

icehog3 05-09-2015 10:32 AM

Re: In support of COPs
99.9% of the cops, who are ethical, would never leave their constinuency unprotected for a week, Rob. While most of the incidents the media misconstures disturbs me, I would never turn away from the vast majority of those who support LEOs. I totally understand the way you feel, though. :)

Steve 05-09-2015 10:35 AM

Re: In support of COPs


Subvet642 05-10-2015 12:08 PM

Re: In support of COPs

Originally Posted by badbriar (Post 2033644)
We all see the media storm from the recent fatalities involving police officers and suspects, casting doubt on the ethics and honesty of the officers involved. This seriously pisses me off. I find it interesting that that same media offers little coverage in instances where officers are injured or worse in the line of duty. Now we have the Million Mom March. It seems that police in this country are once again being vilified. Here is an idea... How about if all police and law enforcement personnel in the U.S. walk off the job for an entire week and see how things fair. No issues with police brutality will occur during that week for sure. Maybe then, some measure of respect will return. I am deeply disturbed that police and emergency responders are held in such high esteem following crises such as 911, but that same support quickly disappears. I am not a COP, but have friends who are and support them unconditionally. My :2

The incidents I've seen on video were egregious; I'm not surprised in the least that people are angry. When a person wields the awesome and terrible power of the State, their conduct must be above reproach, period. If it cannot be, then they should not be trusted with the power of life and death. If every cop walked off the job every cop would be fired. The Police unions would go away. The National Guard would do the job until new cops could be hired and trained. They would only be screwing themselves. The police do a vital and dangerous job, but we shouldn't engage in blind hero worship, either; that is far more dangerous.

MarkinAZ 05-10-2015 12:43 PM

Re: In support of COPs

Originally Posted by Subvet642 (Post 2033892)
The incidents I've seen on video were egregious; I'm not surprised in the least that people are angry. When a person wields the awesome and terrible power of the State, their conduct must be above reproach, period. If it cannot be, then they should not be trusted with the power of life and death. If every cop walked off the job every cop would be fired. The Police unions would go away. The National Guard would do the job until new cops could be hired and trained. They would only be screwing themselves. The police do a vital and dangerous job, but we shouldn't engage in blind hero worship, either; that is far more dangerous.

Agreed! Not really in to or having some politician find a loop hole or reason to activate Martial Law on the Sovereign states of America.

On the other hand, my Remington P870 is always well oiled and ready to go:D

dijit 05-10-2015 02:08 PM

Re: In support of COPs

Originally Posted by badbriar (Post 2033644)
We all see the media storm from the recent fatalities involving police officers and suspects, casting doubt on the ethics and honesty of the officers involved. This seriously pisses me off. I find it interesting that that same media offers little coverage in instances where officers are injured or worse in the line of duty. Now we have the Million Mom March. It seems that police in this country are once again being vilified. Here is an idea... How about if all police and law enforcement personnel in the U.S. walk off the job for an entire week and see how things fair. No issues with police brutality will occur during that week for sure. Maybe then, some measure of respect will return. I am deeply disturbed that police and emergency responders are held in such high esteem following crises such as 911, but that same support quickly disappears. I am not a COP, but have friends who are and support them unconditionally. My :2

Maybe this will place some perspective on it. I happen to strongly dislike my neighbor. We just dont see eye to eye, ever. She is a LEO and I would hope to God she never decides to walk off her job because of some idiot news report villifying the police. While like I said we dont like each other at all I know she is part of that 99% that do things right.

CoffeeWaterBeer 05-11-2015 06:35 AM

Re: In support of COPs
I can tell you this. I live in Baltimore City and the since the rioting occurred a few weeks back, homicide has skyrocketed. My neighborhood has a community Facebook page and every morning there is another post of a stolen car. Now I don't live on the West side, my neighborhood is pretty nice and relatively low in crime normally. What we're seeing is the effect of a trigger happy and lawsuit happy culture.

There was an article in the paper saying how Police are now reluctant to do their jobs. Worded that way is a little biased but I can see the point that was trying to be made. Who would want to go to work as a target, or watch every minute move in fear of lawsuit, scrutiny, or worse? It's the generalizations that need to go. Sure there are bad apples in any demographic but it doesn't reflect the group as a whole.

For what it's worth, I won the April pipe lotto and am taking sticks and tins to my local precinct once they arrive. If you are interested in joining in, please PM me. If this is a rule violation, please let me know and I will edit the post.

hotreds 05-11-2015 06:49 AM

Re: In support of COPs

Blueface 05-11-2015 07:15 AM

Re: In support of COPs
Two more senselessly murdered.
What the heck has our world come to?
Just saw in the news some moron celebrating their murder.
Where is the uproar, the demonstrations for this atrocity?

AdamJoshua 05-11-2015 09:03 AM

Re: In support of COPs
Did you see the video of when they were taking one of the perps out of the back of the car he was crying and moaning and swearing he was innocent, I honestly got the feeling he was trying to act like he was injured and just couldn't pull it off.

Subvet642 05-11-2015 09:35 AM

Re: In support of COPs

Originally Posted by CoffeeWaterBeer (Post 2034007)
I can tell you this. I live in Baltimore City and the since the rioting occurred a few weeks back, homicide has skyrocketed. My neighborhood has a community Facebook page and every morning there is another post of a stolen car. Now I don't live on the West side, my neighborhood is pretty nice and relatively low in crime normally. What we're seeing is the effect of a trigger happy and lawsuit happy culture.

There was an article in the paper saying how Police are now reluctant to do their jobs. Worded that way is a little biased but I can see the point that was trying to be made. Who would want to go to work as a target, or watch every minute move in fear of lawsuit, scrutiny, or worse? It's the generalizations that need to go. Sure there are bad apples in any demographic but it doesn't reflect the group as a whole.

For what it's worth, I won the April pipe lotto and am taking sticks and tins to my local precinct once they arrive. If you are interested in joining in, please PM me. If this is a rule violation, please let me know and I will edit the post.

I work security at a downtown Boston college under the aegis of the campus police and they were saying the exact same thing.

Subvet642 05-11-2015 09:41 AM

Re: In support of COPs

Originally Posted by MarkinCA (Post 2033895)
Agreed! Not really in to or having some politician find a loop hole or reason to activate Martial Law on the Sovereign states of America.

This is from Wiki:

In the Boston Police Strike, Boston police officers went on strike on September 9, 1919. They sought recognition for their trade union and improvements in wages and working conditions. Police Commissioner Edwin Upton Curtis denied that police officers had any right to form a union, much less one affiliated with a larger organization like the American Federation of Labor (AFL). Attempts at reconciliation between the Commissioner and the police officers, particularly on the part of Boston's Mayor Andrew James Peters, failed.

During the strike, Boston experienced several nights of lawlessness, although property damage was not extensive. Several thousand members of the State Guard, supported by volunteers, restored order. Press reaction both locally and nationally described the strike as Bolshevik-inspired and directed at the destruction of civil society. The strikers were called "deserters" and "agents of Lenin."

Samuel Gompers of the AFL recognized that the strike was damaging the cause of labor in the public mind and advised the strikers to return to work. Commissioner Curtis refused to re-hire the striking policemen. He was supported by Massachusetts Governor Calvin Coolidge, whose rebuke of Gompers earned him a national reputation. The strike proved a setback for labor unions, and the AFL discontinued its attempts to organize police officers for another two decades. Coolidge won the Republican nomination for vice-president of the U.S. in the 1920 presidential election.

Blueface 05-11-2015 11:24 AM

Re: In support of COPs
Looks like that moron Subway worker who glorified the recent murders now has more concerns.........find a new minimum wage job as she just lost her current one. Subway fired her for her statements. You live by Social Media, you die by it.

68TriShield 05-11-2015 11:37 AM

Re: In support of COPs

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 2034064)
Looks like that moron Subway worker who glorified the recent murders now has more concerns.........find a new minimum wage job as she just lost her current one. Subway fired her for her statements. You live by Social Media, you die by it.

Well Horatio, she may have a problem finding another job. Minimum wage or otherwise. Who in their right mind would hire her?

Blueface 05-11-2015 11:43 AM

Re: In support of COPs

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 2034068)
Well Horatio, she may have a problem finding another job. Minimum wage or otherwise. Who in their right mind would hire her?

Don't worry Dave, we have all collectively just hired her and new pay will come via staying at home.;)

CoffeeWaterBeer 05-11-2015 11:57 AM

Re: In support of COPs
"Ten people were reported shot in Baltimore on Sunday, including three fatal shootings that occurred within a span of about two blocks in Northwest Baltimore."
Baltimore Sun

What kind of message was sent when Police weren't allowed to engage rioters and many people were freed without charges? I'm ready to leave move out of the city. I still love it but it's just a mess and I don't see things improving anytime soon after the current headlines.

RWhisenand 05-11-2015 08:16 PM

Re: In support of COPs
I wish the best for you and your family Seth. Sucks my old home town has to go through this.

RWhisenand 05-11-2015 08:22 PM

Re: In support of COPs

Originally Posted by CoffeeWaterBeer (Post 2034007)
For what it's worth, I won the April pipe lotto and am taking sticks and tins to my local precinct once they arrive. If you are interested in joining in, please PM me. If this is a rule violation, please let me know and I will edit the post.

Hey Seth I can throw some sticks your way, I'll check and see if I still have your address, if not I'll shoot you a PM.

CoffeeWaterBeer 05-12-2015 06:01 AM

Re: In support of COPs
Major Garrity says they would appreciate it Rob. I can't imagine how rough their month has been. I'll be sure to post pics when I get everything together and deliver.

cjhalbrooks 05-12-2015 07:02 AM

Re: In support of COPs
Hey you think your a bad as $ put your life on the line. Most Americans will back down from that challenge. They like to complain and whine but they are cowards.

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