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shilala 01-27-2015 10:23 PM

Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry
It's the Leatherman Tread. Be sure to catch the video.
If I wore a watch, this would be it.
I can't imagine it being all that useful or functional, but it'd certainly be nice in a pinch.
The bracelet by itself, although insanely cool, I wouldn't buy. I just plain wouldn't wear it.
Despite my silly objections, I find myself in awe of it.
I just wanted to know what you guys think. :tu

AdamJoshua 01-27-2015 10:32 PM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry
Very cool, all it needs is the cutting laser, spilling saw blade bevel rim and a retractable garrote!

Remo 01-27-2015 10:52 PM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry

Subvet642 01-27-2015 11:49 PM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry
Couldn't wear it with a sweater; all that stuff would get snagged on the cuffs.

JLMraider 01-28-2015 12:14 AM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry
I dig it. Not bad looking and functional-ish

T.G 01-28-2015 01:12 AM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry
I see it as a niche tool and fashion accessory. The latter being far more likely.

Limited functionality aside, I'd never buy or wear something like this as I'd be concerned about what might happen to your wrist if you catch this on something that could be potentially dangerous; examples like stepping off the platform of a moving vehicle, or moving / rotating machinery, a heavy falling object, etc. And this has a lot to get caught on. Watches have multiple pins that will fail when they get pulled that hard, this has hardened screws, they aren't going to give. There looks like there might be one pin in the clasp, but with the clasp closed, I don't know how easy that will be to break. After all, the band was built with the intent of being used as a wrench handle when flattened out. I think you might break or tear before it does.

It is neat though.

longknocker 01-28-2015 03:39 AM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry
Nice Watch, But I Wouldn't Pay $500-600 For It, Suggested Retail.;)

CigarNut 01-28-2015 07:04 AM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry
Nice idea, but that's huge money for a simple set of tools, regardless of how convenient it may be. It's also not clear to me how much use some of those bits are -- can you get enough torque to be useful?

T.G 01-28-2015 07:56 AM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry
I thought more about the company president's comment about how this all came out of the time he was told he couldn't take his skeletool into Disneyland because they classified it as a weapon, yet to him it was just a tool. You'd think that the CEO would be aware there is a 4" blade in the skeletool...

<insert obvious tool joke here>

How about just making a pocket tool that doesn't have a knife blade if you can't live without having a set of pliers and screw drivers on you at all times? Even Victorinox and Wenger, the two manufacturers of the "Swiss Army Knife" have models which have no knives in them as to be compliant with weapon restrictions.


Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 2014784)
Nice idea, but that's huge money for a simple set of tools, regardless of how convenient it may be. It's also not clear to me how much use some of those bits are -- can you get enough torque to be useful?

Think about how a normal metal link watch band flattens out when you lay it on the counter with the watch face up or face down. Imagine the tool you want being located at one of the edges of the band where it rolls under, the whole rest of the band has now become a handle for leverage in rotating the tool. Clumsy, yes, but I would think it should be able to hold up to whatever minor use it will be used for. It's not like you're going to use it to pull the head bolts on a lawnmower or something.

CigarNut 01-28-2015 08:36 AM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry
I understood about how the band makes a "handle" for the bit you want to use, but I just cannot imagine that the band makes all that good a handle -- with all those edges and gaps. Yes, you are not going to pull head bolts with a Leatherman tool, but I have used mine in situations that required a bit of torque, where I cannot imagine using the Tread tool.

shilala 01-28-2015 08:39 AM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry
I carry a Leatherman Wave on my belt daily. I've carried it for umpteen years.
I use the knife, pliers, and screwdrivers regularly, the rest of the stuff, very seldom.
I've been trying to figure out how I'd use this thing. In my world, it's not much of a fit, but there have to be plenty of people where it'd be ideal. Maybe skatepunks and bicyclists, stuff of that nature?

I still can't help loving that watch, but I agree with Greg.
At $500-600, I sure won't be using it to hammer out kinks in sheet metal. I'd be afraid to turn a screw with it.
Plus, you obviously lose links for the watch, and the tools along with it.
I do suppose it'd be fun for awhile while you show it to everyone you know, cause it's undeniably interesting.

I'd like the watch and band less the tools. I love the links and screws look. It's kind of art deco, steampunk meets high tech. Maybe that's why I like it so much.

shilala 01-28-2015 08:40 AM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry
Here are a couple more things in the same vein...
Kinekt Jewelry.

T.G 01-28-2015 09:14 AM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 2014802)
I understood about how the band makes a "handle" for the bit you want to use, but I just cannot imagine that the band makes all that good a handle -- with all those edges and gaps. Yes, you are not going to pull head bolts with a Leatherman tool, but I have used mine in situations that required a bit of torque, where I cannot imagine using the Tread tool.

Ahh, seems I misunderstood your post.

Yeah, I never thought it would be all that great of a tool either, more like a fashion accessory that is slightly more effective a tool than your fingernail.

jjirons69 01-28-2015 03:37 PM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry
While cool, I'm stick with my pocket multi tool. It's similar to the one below except it has 4 tools per side. It's 2.5 inches when closed and comes in handy all the time. Picked it up at Lowe's 7-8 years ago for $5.

Remo 01-28-2015 03:58 PM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry
I'll end up getting one just for the cool/gear/guy factor :)

longknocker 01-28-2015 05:31 PM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 2014865)
I'll end up getting one just for the cool/gear/guy factor :)

You Be The "Guinea Pig", Brother!:D

Remo 01-28-2015 05:50 PM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 2014883)
You Be The "Guinea Pig", Brother!:D

Kind of like "hold my beer and watch this" :r

JLMraider 01-28-2015 07:49 PM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry
The bracelet itself is just $150-$200 depending on which finish you want. I'm sure I could find a comparable or suitable watch face to add to it for less than $300. May need some "modifying" to make it fit...

longknocker 01-29-2015 12:46 AM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 2014892)
Kind of like "hold my beer and watch this" :r


Remo 01-29-2015 07:29 AM

Re: Sweet Leatherman Tool Jewelry

Originally Posted by JLMraider (Post 2014895)
The bracelet itself is just $150-$200 depending on which finish you want. I'm sure I could find a comparable or suitable watch face to add to it for less than $300. May need some "modifying" to make it fit...

Ya, I wouldn't be buying the watch, just bracelet.

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