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nutcracker 12-08-2014 06:18 AM

Profound thought for us codgers
My friend Greg can be contentious, but sometimes he states the obvious so well:

"As you age, youthful idealism hardens into rigid legalism or softens into grace-filled acceptance. The first breeds anger, the second, joy"

Greg Boyd, St Paul, Mn.

pnoon 12-08-2014 06:20 AM

Re: Profound thought for us codgers
So true.

dijit 12-08-2014 06:20 AM

Re: Profound thought for us codgers
Not many have the age or the mindset to ponder this with the correct level of patience to understand the true ramifications.

I like it

jjirons69 12-08-2014 06:46 AM

Re: Profound thought for us codgers
I'm 45 and half Peter's age, and I like it.

dijit 12-08-2014 06:57 AM

Re: Profound thought for us codgers
I thought Peter was only 88

shilala 12-08-2014 07:05 AM

Re: Profound thought for us codgers
I just accept, period.
I gave up all my "rights" and expectations, too. The only one I won't give up is my liberty. Ever.
But I consider liberty the right to do and think and choose as I please, as well as being free from the bondage of sin.
I probably think about it more often and more wholly than most.
Or not. I don't ask. What anyone else thinks is their business unless they choose to share with me. Their liberty is just as important as mine, I figure.

markem 12-08-2014 09:26 AM

Re: Profound thought for us codgers
A very good sentiment.

dave 12-08-2014 10:28 AM

Re: Profound thought for us codgers
I'd like to think I'm growing into a much grayer realm that's neglected by that sentiment. I believe that I can be a healthy cynic (or maybe skeptic is a better word) without a lot of anger, but a high degree of tolerance. While 'joy' largely escapes me, I'm OK with that. To me, 'too much' acceptance suggests surrender.

nutcracker 12-08-2014 11:07 AM

Re: Profound thought for us codgers
"Tolerant cynic?"

dave 12-08-2014 11:15 AM

Re: Profound thought for us codgers
Yeah....I think that's gray enough to mean anything I want it to! Thanks.

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