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shark 11-02-2014 09:22 AM

Gotta get the pecking order straight!
The General: Faster than a speeding bullet,
More powerful than a locomotive,
Leaps over tall buildings with a single bound,
Walks on water, and
Talks with God

The Colonel: Just as fast as a speeding bullet,
More powerful than a switch engine,
Leaps over small buildings with a single bound,
Walks on water when it's calm, and
Talks with God on special occasions

The Lt Col: Faster than a speeding BB,
Loses a tug-of-war with a switch engine,
Leaps over small buildings with a running start,
Swims well, and
Listens at a distance to the voice of God.

The Major: Can load a gun properly,
Plays with train sets,
Leaps over Quonset huts with a running start,
Can do the Dog Paddle, and
Sometimes pays attention to what the Lt. Col. says,

The Captain: Is not issued ammunition for fear of self-inflicted injury,
Recognizes a locomotive two out of three times,
Runs into buildings,
Can wade through water less than four feet deep, and
Pays no attention to what the Major says.

The Lieutenant: Wets himself with a water pistol,
Says "Look at the Choo Choo,"
Trips over steps when entering buildings,and
Doesn't even notice when the Captain says something.

The NCO: Catches bullets in his teeth and spits them out,
Kicks trains off the tracks,
Picks up buildings and walks underneath, and
Freezes water with a single glance,
He is GOD!

dijit 11-02-2014 09:25 AM

Re: Gotta get the pecking order straight!
Perfectly and intelligently stated. Must have been written by someone watching the NCO that day.

shark 11-02-2014 09:38 AM

Re: Gotta get the pecking order straight!
This was one version that I've seen. I saw this on posters (or something very similar) when I was in the Army way back in the late 1980's. :D

cigarmarine 11-02-2014 11:21 AM

Re: Gotta get the pecking order straight!
Written by a very wise man and a poet :tu . OUTSTANDING !

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