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CigarNut 09-15-2014 07:19 AM

Never Thought I Would Say This...
..."The Water Fountain Needs To Be Rebooted"...

They installed a new water fountain at work -- one with spigot to fill water bottles with an electronic on/off sensor. The LED display that counts "plastic bottles saved" is flashing an error code.

Times have certainly changed from the old glass 5 gallon bottle sitting on top of a ceramic tank...

ColdCuts 09-15-2014 10:35 AM

Re: Never Thought I Would Say This...
I prefer the ceramic. Not everything needs to be computerized.

Don't get me wrong. I like my laptop and my smartphone. But, enough with the computers already.

markem 09-15-2014 10:39 AM

Re: Never Thought I Would Say This...
An "electronic off" sensor. What could possibly go wrong.

The Poet 09-15-2014 10:50 AM

Re: Never Thought I Would Say This...
The Internet Of Things shall spell our doom, one byte at a time. I don't need my fridge to tell me I'm out of milk.

8zeros 09-15-2014 11:45 AM

Re: Never Thought I Would Say This...
Oven, sure.
Dishwasher, of course.
Cable TV receiver, occasionally.
Even a clothes washer, sometimes.
Heck, cars, all the time.
But you would never suspect the water cooler.
It probably lost it's connection to the NSA. You fixed it.

CigarNut 09-15-2014 01:53 PM

Re: Never Thought I Would Say This...
It looks like our facilities folks do not (yet) know now to reboot it. They cannot simply power cycle it as the power cord is behind a screwed-on panel :rolleyes:

dave 09-15-2014 02:04 PM

Re: Never Thought I Would Say This...
We don't have LED's, but we have had the 'motion sensor' type for a long time. I swear those things (as well as the ones on sinks, soap, etc.) must all come with a candid camera. I end up waving my hands and doing a fn jig just to get a drink of water most of the time.

TXSmokey 09-15-2014 04:42 PM

Re: Never Thought I Would Say This...
They took all the water fountains out where I work, now we have coolers with ice and bottles of water. The coolers are usually empty though. Now they complain about water bottles being thrown on the floor.

The Poet 09-15-2014 04:46 PM

Re: Never Thought I Would Say This...

Originally Posted by TXSmokey (Post 1986862)
They took all the water fountains out where I work, now we have coolers with ice and bottles of water. The coolers are usually empty though. Now they complain about water bottles being thrown on the floor.

So what, they want you to throw them on the ceiling instead? :confused:

Dude Here 09-15-2014 08:07 PM

Re: Never Thought I Would Say This...
My gym has one of those fancy water fountains as well. Damn thing is always out of order.

Steve 09-16-2014 07:11 AM

Re: Never Thought I Would Say This...


dave 09-16-2014 10:44 AM

Re: Never Thought I Would Say This...
^ We're only about 20 years behind Japan. I was afraid to sit on a crapper when I first got there.....wasn't sure I'd be able to figure out how to flush the damn thing....after three years I still couldn't operate a toilet very

The Poet 09-16-2014 11:22 AM

Re: Never Thought I Would Say This...

Originally Posted by dave (Post 1986991)
^ We're only about 20 years behind Japan. I was afraid to sit on a crapper when I first got there.....wasn't sure I'd be able to figure out how to flush the damn thing....after three years I still couldn't operate a toilet very

Reminds me of that Stallone/Snipes/Sandy Bullock flick, Demolition Man, where Sly didn't know how to use the three shells. :r

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