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jhedrick83 09-11-2014 05:31 PM

Ray Rice
Say what you want about Keith Olbermann's politics, this is pretty good:

pnoon 09-11-2014 11:48 PM

Re: Ray Rice

Originally Posted by jhedrick83 (Post 1986019)
Say what you want about Keith Olbermann's politics, this is pretty good:

Feel free to discuss that POS Ray Rice.
Leave the politics out of the discussion.

elderboy02 09-12-2014 04:58 AM

Re: Ray Rice
Ray Rice is bad.


jhedrick83 09-12-2014 05:45 AM

Re: Ray Rice

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1986101)
Feel free to discuss that POS Ray Rice.
Leave the politics out of the discussion.

That was my intention. I was hoping nip it in the bud with that caveat. I guess now that I think about it, it's probably a lot like asking someone not to think about pink elephants.

I can believe how much the NFL has chit the bed and seems dead set on rolling around in it. Why the hell would you try and shield him? As hard as Goddell has been on discipline I don't get it.

TXSmokey 09-12-2014 06:39 AM

Re: Ray Rice
Investigating the investigation of the investigation. Rofl

8zeros 09-12-2014 07:23 AM

Re: Ray Rice
I was wondering if someone would raise this up.
I think the Rice issue has been blown out of proportion by too much attention being paid by people who it's none of their business.
That said, the NFL is continuing to line up sharks to jump. I don't even want to watch them any more. Corruption, drugs, politics, lies, backhanded deals, yuck! I wouldn't care if I didn't hear about it all the time. I reckon someone is probably even trying to line up a reality show already. I shouldn't have said that.

yourchoice 09-12-2014 07:26 AM

Re: Ray Rice
Did someone say pink elephants?

mosesbotbol 09-12-2014 07:42 AM

Re: Ray Rice
Rice should and will be able to play pretty soon. Owners don't want players banned indefinitely. As bad as what Rice did, it wasn't what Vick did...

Rice is just a scapegoat for all arm chair, shot from the hip attitude. Everything is real time today...

Steve 09-12-2014 08:47 AM

Re: Ray Rice

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 1986132)
Did someone say pink elephants?


jhedrick83 09-12-2014 11:59 AM

Re: Ray Rice

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 1986151)


357 09-12-2014 12:12 PM

Re: Ray Rice

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 1986134)
Rice should and will be able to play pretty soon. Owners don't want players banned indefinitely. As bad as what Rice did, it wasn't what Vick did...

Rice is just a scapegoat for all arm chair, shot from the hip attitude. Everything is real time today...

No, what Ray Rice did was worse. Vick mistreated and killed animals. Ray Rice beat a woman; a human being. Rice is supposed to be a protector of his wife/fiancé. Instead he was her assailant. In my book domestic violence is way worse than animal abuse. Neither is a good thing but one is much worse in my opinion.

yourchoice 09-12-2014 12:17 PM

Re: Ray Rice

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1986200)
No, what Ray Rice did was worse. Vick mistreated and killed animals. Ray Rice beat a woman; a human being. Rice is supposed to be a protector of his wife/fiancé. Instead he was her assailant. In my book domestic violence is way worse than animal abuse. Neither is a good thing but one is much worse in my opinion.

I tend to stay out of threads where strong opinions may lead to headaches for the ToE, so I'll just say, :tpd:.

Steve 09-12-2014 12:18 PM

Re: Ray Rice

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1986200)
No, what Ray Rice did was worse. Vick mistreated and killed animals. Ray Rice beat a woman; a human being. Rice is supposed to be a protector of his wife/fiancé. Instead he was her assailant. In my book domestic violence is way worse than animal abuse. Neither is a good thing but one is much worse in my opinion.

Steve 09-12-2014 12:19 PM

Re: Ray Rice I did have something to add.

357 09-12-2014 12:23 PM

Re: Ray Rice

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 1986203)
I tend to stay out of threads where strong opinions may lead to headaches for the ToE, so I'll just say, :tpd:.

I know it's a heated topic. I simply disagree. I am not angry, calling names, or anything like that. I have no ill will toward Moses.

yourchoice 09-12-2014 12:28 PM

Re: Ray Rice

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1986210)
I know it's a heated topic. I simply disagree. I am not angry, calling names, or anything like that. I have no ill will toward Moses.

I understand, as I'm sure Moses does and wasn't suggesting otherwise. Just saying that I personally tend to stear clear of heated topics, yet felt compelled to say I agreed with what you said. :tu

mosesbotbol 09-12-2014 01:35 PM

Re: Ray Rice

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 1986213)
I understand, as I'm sure Moses does and wasn't suggesting otherwise. Just saying that I personally tend to stear clear of heated topics, yet felt compelled to say I agreed with what you said. :tu

I really don't care about Rice and whether he ever plays in the NFL again. I don't hit people or harm animals, and I know there is no ill will towards me, so no worries. Just want to give an objective opinion on the whole thing.

Harming and killing animals (non hunting) is worse to me. It's pointless to convince each other which is worse; just opinion... If what Rice did was so bad, why isn't he being punished by the State? Vick did Federal time for his crimes. Is there any correlation between the punishment of a crime and the detriment it has to society? There's supposed to be...

Do we know what the precedent for the Rice incident was? Do you think she was antagonizing or "pushing his buttons". Not that either is an excuse for hitting anyone, but sometimes if you push hard enough you get the response intended...

357 09-12-2014 01:45 PM

Re: Ray Rice
I think criminality of said actions depends on the state where it took place. I believe in Michigan, domestic abuse charges are pressed by the state regardless of the victim's stance. So, if that had happened here Rice would likely be facing charges. I don't know the law for domestic abuse in NJ nor the law in Georgia or wherever Vick was busted.

In my opinion Rice should absolutely do time for his actions.

If he did that to a stranger on the street wouldn't he face assault charges at the minimum; regardless of what the stranger said to him?

Dave128 09-12-2014 01:47 PM

Re: Ray Rice

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1986200)
No, what Ray Rice did was worse. Vick mistreated and killed animals. Ray Rice beat a woman; a human being. Rice is supposed to be a protector of his wife/fiancé. Instead he was her assailant. In my book domestic violence is way worse than animal abuse. Neither is a good thing but one is much worse in my opinion.

In my opionion...this. I tend to regard humans a whole bunch more than animals.

markem 09-12-2014 01:56 PM

Re: Ray Rice
Personally, it doesn't matter to me if the perpetrator was a male or female or if the victim was male of female, a crime is a crime and a (putting it very mildly) lapse in behavior is a lapse. For anyone who (for better or worse) is held to a higher standard (and often a higher salary and/or level of influence), such matters do matter a great deal.

In all of this, it seems to me that it is the NFL which is lacking. I do not forgive or in any way condone Rice's actions, but in this case I would expect him to be self-serving. As a result, I do agree with the analysis of John Stewart of The Daily Show in this matter.

I am not pushing any political slant for either The Daily Show or Jon Stewart. It is my opinion, in this case, that he speaks for my views and, perhaps, many here.

And finally, I send my thoughts and prayers to the victim who is now his wife. I pray that she never has to have this experience again and that her marriage is all that she hopes for it to be.

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