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MagicDrop 07-19-2014 02:25 PM

ACID cigars by Drew Estates!
What's your take? I love them but I am new to Cigars. Where do they rate in quality? Are they a real Cigar smokers choice or are these something I will likely grow out of?
So many options out there now but mostly I have not liked the stronger Cigars like Macanudo and Chohiba. I have enjoyed a few Rocky Petels and all the ACIDs I have tried.

kelmac07 07-19-2014 02:33 PM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!
You will find that most everyone here does not care for them. Bottom line is "smoke what you like, like what you smoke".

icehog3 07-19-2014 03:38 PM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!
The quality of DE cigars is escellent, but I am not a fan of the infused cigars. As Mac, said, our motto is "smoke what you like, like what you smoke", so if you like 'em, that's all that matters.

I find Macanudos to be one of the mildest smokes around, so I'm suprised to hear you find them strong. If you use the search function here, I am sure you can find lots of recommendations for milder cigars.

T.G 07-19-2014 03:43 PM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!

Originally Posted by MagicDrop (Post 1975057)
What's your take? I love them but I am new to Cigars. Where do they rate in quality? Are they a real Cigar smokers choice or are these something I will likely grow out of?
So many options out there now but mostly I have not liked the stronger Cigars like Macanudo and Chohiba. I have enjoyed a few Rocky Petels and all the ACIDs I have tried.

They are quality cigars, I've been to the factory and seen them being made, there is no "garbage" going into them. Tobacco is same quality as what would be used for a comparably priced non infused cigar, although it is mostly seco (the milder leaves). I have tried a few, they are nothing I personally care to smoke, but there is nothing wrong with them. If you enjoy them, keep smoking them. Some people start with ACIDs or other infused cigars and eventually move away from them into traditional non-infused cigars, while others never move away from them, it's really about personal tastes and there is no rule, so who knows if you will or won't "grow out of."

If you do decide to start keeping both infused and non-infused cigars, get a second humidor/tupperware/cooler/whatever for the non-infused cigars. If you store them with the ACIDs for any length of time, you will infuse them.

T.G 07-19-2014 03:50 PM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1975072)
I find Macanudos to be one of the mildest smokes around, so I'm suprised to hear you find them strong. If you use the search function here, I am sure you can find lots of recommendations for milder cigars.

That was my first thought too, Tom, but then I remembered there are some newer lines under Macanudo that are stronger like the Robust and 1968, could be one of those that is being referenced. :2

AdamJoshua 07-19-2014 03:51 PM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!
Not in my wheelhouse, but then I know one of the toughest S.O.B. Federal Marshal / Ex Marine Drill Sergeant that swears by them, it's all about personal preference, as you try more things you tastes will change as well, there's always something different right around the corner just waiting for you to try. :tu

MagicDrop 07-19-2014 04:42 PM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!
Thanks for the info. I will be getting a different humidor for my Petels. As I wouldn't want the tastes to mix.
Another quick question has anyone smoked VegaFina I got one on my cruise and I haven't found them since. I believe it was a corona but unsure now!

T.G 07-19-2014 04:46 PM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!

Originally Posted by MagicDrop (Post 1975085)
Thanks for the info. I will be getting a different humidor for my Petels. As I wouldn't want the tastes to mix.
Another quick question has anyone smoked VegaFina I got one on my cruise and I haven't found them since. I believe it was a corona but unsure now!


Never had one.

MagicDrop 07-19-2014 10:05 PM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!
Yup those are them. I wonder how I missed them there. I will have to order some. Any suggestions on other Cigars that would be like those?

AdamJoshua 07-19-2014 10:11 PM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!
Do you have a B&M close to you? When I first started I went to a local shop, told them what I liked then they recommended some other cigars that they thought I would enjoy based on what I had already tried, it's a great way to branch out and you help support your local businesses.

T.G 07-19-2014 10:47 PM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!

Originally Posted by MagicDrop (Post 1975145)
Yup those are them. I wonder how I missed them there. I will have to order some. Any suggestions on other Cigars that would be like those?

No clue personally, but the sidebar at CI is showing "People who bought this cigar also purchased: 5 Vegas Gold, Man-O-War Virtue and Gurkha Park Avenue" Might be a place to start. It's been a long time but I recall the 5 Vegas Gold being very mild and pretty straight forward - has some pepper on the start and then after the first few puffs it gets mild and just stays there. Can't recall if I ever tried the other two they mentioned or not. Maybe try a mild cigar sampler from CI.

You might have better luck on suggestions by naming the specific Rocky Patel cigars that you like and asking for cigars similar to those.

icehog3 07-20-2014 01:48 AM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1975076)
That was my first thought too, Tom, but then I remembered there are some newer lines under Macanudo that are stronger like the Robust and 1968, could be one of those that is being referenced. :2

I wasn't aware of those new lines, Adam, thank you for the info. :tu

Shaneg 07-20-2014 04:32 AM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!
The best advice you can be given already has, don't worry about what others like- they make 'em in different flavors for different tastes. If you like them there is nothing wrong with that. I went a against the grain a little myself by starting at the strong end of the spectrum and working toward the lighter smokes somewhat, and there is nothing wrong with that. Glad to see you do plan to get separate storage for your infused and non infused cigars, I feel like that would be kind of like throwing ice cream on my steak, both things I like but not a combination I would ever want to try.

Don Fernando 07-20-2014 06:42 AM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!

Originally Posted by MagicDrop (Post 1975085)
Thanks for the info. I will be getting a different humidor for my Petels. As I wouldn't want the tastes to mix.
Another quick question has anyone smoked VegaFina I got one on my cruise and I haven't found them since. I believe it was a corona but unsure now!

VegaFina is made by Altadis mainly for the European market.

Real1929 07-20-2014 10:33 AM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!
Great advice given. The infused cigar is definitely a change of pace. I really enjoy them and keep them in the mix. There are a few infused samplers for a reasonable price that may help you identify what works for you.

JohnRogers 07-20-2014 03:20 PM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!
"smoke what you like, like what you smoke"
Other communities and people will on occasion give you jazz about them..."chick cigar" unless you're a chick.

brigey57 07-20-2014 03:39 PM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!
If you like the taste then enjoy the smoke, but don't miss the point of "I am not a fan of the infused cigars," as to each his own personal preference.

I prefer a stronger smoke, more to the medium to full bodied strength, but I've also been smoking for a while now and I would say that some of my old favorites are mild smokes and some times you just want the taste of something old and familiar.

Now to answer your question, ACID cigars are legitimate cigars and are well made but the flavor is an acquired taste. You may outgrow the flavor of the infused cigars or maybe not, but as you smoke for awhile you'll develop your favorite sticks and you too will gather your own "old favorites." Plus, the longer the cigars sit and mature in your humidor, they too will pick up a different sometimes better or preferred taste.


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1975072)
The quality of DE cigars is excellent, but I am not a fan of the infused cigars. As Mac, said, our motto is "smoke what you like, like what you smoke", so if you like 'em, that's all that matters.

I find Macanudos to be one of the mildest smokes around, so I'm suprised to hear you find them strong. If you use the search function here, I am sure you can find lots of recommendations for milder cigars.


Originally Posted by MagicDrop (Post 1975057)
What's your take? I love them but I am new to Cigars. Where do they rate in quality? Are they a real Cigar smokers choice or are these something I will likely grow out of?
So many options out there now but mostly I have not liked the stronger Cigars like Macanudo and Cohiba. I have enjoyed a few Rocky Patels and all the ACID's I have tried.

stevef2005 07-20-2014 06:47 PM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1975060)
You will find that most everyone here does not care for them. Bottom line is "smoke what you like, like what you smoke".

Agreed. If you like it, SMOKE IT!

MagicDrop 07-20-2014 09:54 PM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!
I have tried a few Petels but my favorite so far has been the 1990 vintage. I find that to be the smoothest of the ones I have tried.
I will have to try more infused Cigars I didn't even know that was a thing but I was in a B&M and the guy in front of me picked up 2 boxes of them so I figured why not and enjoyed it. I liken it to a clove cigarettes only a high end version and I smoked those for years. I am not a chick. And I'm not to concerned with smoke "chick" cigars more concerned with quality because if it's a crap cigar I would rather find a better quality version and hopefully enjoy that more.

thecatch83 07-21-2014 09:34 AM

Re: ACID cigars by Drew Estates!
They hand these out for $1 at local gas stations.......

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