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nutcracker 05-02-2014 11:24 AM

5 finger bags
I've picked up a few 5 finger bags of cigars from vendors and DMK on a great newbie trade.
So my question is - can/should one leave the sticks in the bags - as they seem so very happy there, or should I decant them into the humi all naked and vulnerable?:confused:

pektel 05-02-2014 11:38 AM

Re: 5 finger bags
I keep em in the bags. Easy labeling, safer from damage, yadda yadda...

Remo 05-02-2014 12:10 PM

Re: 5 finger bags

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 1958031)
I've picked up a few 5 finger bags of cigars from vendors and DMK on a great newbie trade.
So my question is - can/should one leave the sticks in the bags - as they seem so very happy there, or should I decant them into the humi all naked and vulnerable?:confused:

Take them out and introduce them to fire :tu

MrClean 05-02-2014 12:31 PM

Re: 5 finger bags
I take them out, only because of space constraints.

WhiteMamba 05-02-2014 12:47 PM

Re: 5 finger bags

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 1958055)
Take them out and introduce them to fire :tu


Lockspur 05-02-2014 01:12 PM

Re: 5 finger bags
If you're storing in a humi, you can leave them in the bags...just open the top. I like the bags for storing sticks received from others. Easy to label, store, etc.

nutcracker 05-03-2014 06:43 PM

Re: 5 finger bags
So I assume the bags breathe a bit ??
If you guys are leaving them as is, do the sticks age adequately, or this for short term storage and shipping only?

T.G 05-03-2014 07:12 PM

Re: 5 finger bags

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 1958377)
So I assume the bags breathe a bit ??
If you guys are leaving them as is, do the sticks age adequately, or this for short term storage and shipping only?

Different quality / manufacture bags will behave differently. In theory, these bags should be airtight, but in practice, they sometimes aren't. Some might leak (breathe) a bit while others won't / will only leak minimally.

I personally don't usually mess around with the cheaper, thinner 5-finger bags, because, well, they suck. I've left cigars sealed in the thicker bags for years and I'll pull the particular cigar(s) out a few weeks before I plan on smoking them and they smoke great.

Sweet_Leaf_PDX 05-08-2014 03:32 PM

Re: 5 finger bags
If I am putting a bag of cigars into my coolidor, then I just leave the top of the bag open.

Most of them time I take them out and keep them in trays. Unless I want to keep them in the bag for labeling purposes, or if all my trays are full.

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