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E.J. 03-12-2014 08:36 PM

2014 Tatuaje Black CG in the Jar
FWIW, New Havana has them in/coming in, ready for order.....

Beagleone 03-13-2014 09:46 AM

Re: 2014 Tatuaje Black CG in the Jar
Yes, they are quite good!

stearns 03-13-2014 09:55 AM

Re: 2014 Tatuaje Black CG in the Jar
the new jars look interesting, but i love them old jars. Wish I still had one full of that tat black goodness. How was the tatouage?

Beagleone 03-14-2014 09:55 AM

Re: 2014 Tatuaje Black CG in the Jar
The Tatouage was quite tasty. I will probably pick up a few bottles once they are released.

stearns 03-14-2014 09:57 AM

Re: 2014 Tatuaje Black CG in the Jar
Sorry to derail the thread a little, but did he give any info on when it would be released? I've been dying to try some :al

hotreds 03-14-2014 10:56 AM

Re: 2014 Tatuaje Black CG in the Jar
Just ordered a jar yesterday from New Havana.

DaBear 03-14-2014 12:48 PM

Re: 2014 Tatuaje Black CG in the Jar
I'm halfway through my second. I have to say I'm rather disappointed in these. They're pretty darn green, which ain't a good thing, but something that can be worked with, the jars are clearly not melamine which they're marketed as(not a huge issue, but still, its BS to market them as such), plus wrapper issues galore. My first one didnt make it past the cutter before a one inch crack down from the cap came about. This second one had a small crack under the band, which wasn't a huge issue, but let me take it out the damaged pile at work, and unfortunately that wasn't even the half of it. About half an inch in a nice half inch crack came at the foot, plus the wrapper leaf at the halfway point cracked and started to try and unravel, and the crack with that only got worse, peaking at a 2 inch crack down the side of the SOB, and as I type this a crack just showed up a quarter inch from the bottom of the cap. Not to mention, I didn't even really cut it, just used my fingernail to pry the cap right at the little bump on the cap, out of fear it would crack again.

neoflex 03-19-2014 09:12 AM

Re: 2014 Tatuaje Black CG in the Jar

Originally Posted by DaBear (Post 1943283)
I'm halfway through my second. I have to say I'm rather disappointed in these. They're pretty darn green, which ain't a good thing, but something that can be worked with, the jars are clearly not melamine which they're marketed as(not a huge issue, but still, its BS to market them as such), plus wrapper issues galore. My first one didnt make it past the cutter before a one inch crack down from the cap came about. This second one had a small crack under the band, which wasn't a huge issue, but let me take it out the damaged pile at work, and unfortunately that wasn't even the half of it. About half an inch in a nice half inch crack came at the foot, plus the wrapper leaf at the halfway point cracked and started to try and unravel, and the crack with that only got worse, peaking at a 2 inch crack down the side of the SOB, and as I type this a crack just showed up a quarter inch from the bottom of the cap. Not to mention, I didn't even really cut it, just used my fingernail to pry the cap right at the little bump on the cap, out of fear it would crack again.

Interesting, I am halfway thru the pre-release bundle I picked up and had some wrapper issues on three or four of them. Not to the extent that you had but I was wondering if they need more humidity when I was having issues. I typically keep my tower at 65% which is usually the sweet spot for any Pepin/Tat stick. Being so tightly packed probably isn't helping either. I have a jar coming so we shall see how they smoke but the pre-releases are smoking beautifully right now.

stearns 03-19-2014 09:24 AM

Re: 2014 Tatuaje Black CG in the Jar

Originally Posted by DaBear (Post 1943283)
the jars are clearly not melamine which they're marketed as(not a huge issue, but still, its BS to market them as such)

What do you think the jar is made of? I received mine yesterday and, although I'm certainly not a plastics expert, it seemed like melamine to me.

DaBear 03-19-2014 09:58 AM

Re: 2014 Tatuaje Black CG in the Jar
Well I've smoked two more since then with no wrapper issues which is a major positive, but they're still a touch green to me yet.

The jar seems to be made of just some regular old plastic, not melamine. The fact I can bend the top of the jar to the point of almost breaking, plus the complete lack of a metallic feel(as you would get out of melamine) is pretty damning evidence to me that they're not melamine.

Brutus2600 03-19-2014 10:01 AM

Re: 2014 Tatuaje Black CG in the Jar
Oh hey look - a picture of me, haha.

Strange that you've had so many issues with the pre-release bundles? I've smoked about ten of these since the bundle release and haven't had any major issues.

The jar I got the other week hasn't been opened yet though, so I can't speak to their quality or smokeability.

DaBear 03-21-2014 08:58 PM

Re: 2014 Tatuaje Black CG in the Jar

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 1944905)
Oh hey look - a picture of me, haha.

Strange that you've had so many issues with the pre-release bundles? I've smoked about ten of these since the bundle release and haven't had any major issues.

The jar I got the other week hasn't been opened yet though, so I can't speak to their quality or smokeability.

I've been smoking from the jars we received, not the bundles(which we were supposed to receive, but then Pete of course pulled them from everyone but NHC). I may smoke one more for breakfast tomorrow, still deciding if its gonna be a pipe or cigar day.

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