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cigarmonkel 01-20-2014 01:45 PM

Hunting thread
Thought I'd start a hunting thread to talk about stories, what you hunt, what part of the world you hunt, where you would like to hunt, gear ect ect.

I started out hunting back in 07 when my gf at the time introduced me to it. Her dad and little brother were deer hunters and they would take me out, taught me how to track, field dress and butcher a deer as well as how to shoot a gun. After we went different directions I gave it up as my parents are anti guns and I was in and out of their house quite a bit.

Now that I'm out on my own for good this time I decided to pick it back up. Didn't do any deer this season but did quite a bit of duck and goose and absolutely loved it. I hate to say.. but I think it's more fun then deer.

Veatorious 01-20-2014 04:43 PM

Re: Hunting thread
What do I hunt--currently Mulley's, Elk, Promghorn, Preditors, Waterfowl, and Upland birds. I currently hunt Nevada. Previosuly Washington State and Utah. Looking forward to a Sitka Alaska Blacktail hunt, Wyoming Proghorn hunt, and a Idaho Elk/Wolf hunt.

I am fortunate to have experienced some amazing hunts in my young life, and looking forward to introducing my 5 year old boy to a full hunt this coming season. He has been on some scouting trips, but not an actual hunt yet. Not sure his legs are ready for the high country, but we will see. Got to start them young.... Just like my dad did.

cigarmonkel 01-20-2014 04:53 PM

Re: Hunting thread

Originally Posted by Veatorious (Post 1925620)
What do I hunt--currently Mulley's, Elk, Promghorn, Preditors, Waterfowl, and Upland birds. I currently hunt Nevada. Previosuly Washington State and Utah. Looking forward to a Sitka Alaska Blacktail hunt, Wyoming Proghorn hunt, and a Idaho Elk/Wolf hunt.

I am fortunate to have experienced some amazing hunts in my young life, and looking forward to introducing my 5 year old boy to a full hunt this coming season. He has been on some scouting trips, but not an actual hunt yet. Not sure his legs are ready for the high country, but we will see. Got to start them young.... Just like my dad did.

Nice! I'm not sure if the elk wasn't cured correctly or if it was way over cooked but it was extremely gamey which sucks cause I really want to do some true big game hunting. I'd love to do some trips out west and do some "real" hunting. The hunting we have in MI... not sure I would considering that hunting. Sitting in a blind waiting for them to come to you; I'd much rather go out find the game, stalk and wait/get the right shot.

RWhisenand 01-20-2014 05:02 PM

Re: Hunting thread
Mostly upland fowl, sometimes deer. Mule deer around here. Chuker when I hunt locally and I go up to South Dakota for pheasant. This year I took an all black pheasant, I had it mounted it was the first animal I ever had mounted. Kind of a big deal for me I guess.

MrClean 01-20-2014 05:17 PM

Re: Hunting thread
My father in-law started me hunting years ago. Deer hunting mainly. We live on 16 acres, outside of city limits with crop land behind us so deer hunting is pretty decent. There is 40 acres next to us and I think I'll be able to hunt on next year. I'm a lazy hunter so being able to go out the door, walk 50 yards and hunt is perfect for me. :lr
I wish I had the patience for Turkey or archery, but I don't seem too. Which is kinda strange, because I love shooting my bow. It may be that the wife complains enough when I go deer hunting every year, that I don't want to add anymore to the fire.

Veatorious 01-20-2014 05:19 PM

Re: Hunting thread

Originally Posted by cigarmonkel (Post 1925623)
Nice! I'm not sure if the elk wasn't cured correctly or if it was way over cooked but it was extremely gamey which sucks cause I really want to do some true big game hunting. I'd love to do some trips out west and do some "real" hunting. The hunting we have in MI... not sure I would considering that hunting. Sitting in a blind waiting for them to come to you; I'd much rather go out find the game, stalk and wait/get the right shot.

That's a shame about the Elk meat, truly one of the best game meats. Some older bulls can be a little less pleasing but still better than deer IMO. (I turn everything but the tenderloins and back straps into sausage or pepperoni sticks when I shoot a buck). In regards to hunting in blinds or stands, not my gig either. I did a Whitetail hunt in WA and I couldn't handle the waiting game. I like to cover some country. (Spot and stalk). Out here in the west it isn't uncommon to shoot over 500 yards. I have a couple of buddies that smack bucks/bulls at 700+ yards... Not in my comfort zone, but sometimes the situation doesn't allow for a shorter shot. If you ever want to put in for a non resident tag in NV hit me up, as I can provide some insight.

Veatorious 01-20-2014 05:25 PM

Re: Hunting thread

Originally Posted by RWhisenand (Post 1925631)
Mostly upland fowl, sometimes deer. Mule deer around here. Chuker when I hunt locally and I go up to South Dakota for pheasant. This year I took an all black pheasant, I had it mounted it was the first animal I ever had mounted. Kind of a big deal for me I guess.

Damn crow hunters, trying to pass them off as pheasants.

stitch 01-20-2014 06:10 PM

Re: Hunting thread
Need I say more ...

BeerAdvocate 01-20-2014 07:03 PM

Re: Hunting thread
I hunt deer and turkey in my home state in Kansas.

RWhisenand 01-20-2014 08:43 PM

Re: Hunting thread

Originally Posted by Veatorious (Post 1925645)
Damn crow hunters, trying to pass them off as pheasants.

What da? Are you saying I wasted $200 mounting a crow! Say it ain't so Ryan!


Veatorious 01-21-2014 11:24 AM

Re: Hunting thread

Originally Posted by RWhisenand (Post 1925716)
What da? Are you saying I wasted $200 mounting a crow! Say it ain't so Ryan!


:lr She’s a beaut

Mr B 01-21-2014 02:29 PM

Re: Hunting thread
Hey guys, just an fyi, this is already in action over on the outdoorsmen thread.

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