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JenksAnejo 01-03-2014 10:32 AM

When did bombing become an announced event?
Question? - What is a bomb and should I be scared?

Answer - A bomb is really a package of cigars that has been sent to a person unsollicited and unannounced. They are a gift to the person who recieves them. Some people may fear getting this type of a gift.


Maybe I missed the message..

The Poet 01-03-2014 10:38 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
On the one hand, brother, I agree. On the other, I don't have an issue with a "declaration of war" as opposed to sneak attacks . . . as long as I'm not the victim. :r

bruceolee 01-03-2014 11:01 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
Bombs can be secret and random and those are certainly fun to do but they can also be public. Like a declaration of war and so on which involves everyone on the boards and I think can bring a lot of positivity into this place. It's entertaining as well. We all enjoy watching a BOTL or SOTL getting their mailboxes or houses destroyed. Especially if that person is very deserving of such a thing. It's a lot of fun but there should never be any pressure to compete. It's entirely up to that person but it's also infectious. :)

AdamJoshua 01-03-2014 11:02 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by JenksAnejo (Post 1917870)
Question? - What is a bomb and should I be scared?

Answer - A bomb is really a package of cigars that has been sent to a person unsollicited and unannounced. They are a gift to the person who recieves them. Some people may fear getting this type of a gift.


Maybe I missed the message..

I tend to agree that a bomb is a "nice surprise" to someone to put a smile on their face, when you expect it it doesn't seem that big of a deal and what if you expect it but you aren't the one getting bombed, seems like there's room for a let down there. Then again I'm a noob. :)

Remo 01-03-2014 11:07 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
It's all in fun, just because it's announced doesn't mean the target knows where it's going, unless the bomber puts the tracking number up. Seems to me that it really doesn't matter how we bomb, all good clean we really need rules of bombing and is it really something we need to concern ourselves with :sh

Bomb how you like is my motto :tu

equetefue 01-03-2014 11:07 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by JenksAnejo (Post 1917870)
Question? - What is a bomb and should I be scared?

Answer - A bomb is really a package of cigars that has been sent to a person unsollicited and unannounced. They are a gift to the person who recieves them. Some people may fear getting this type of a gift.


Maybe I missed the message..

You feeling left out ?

All joke aside I partly agree with that as the way that has taken place here as of late, increases traffic, promotes a healthy environment, and receivers are still unannounce and somewhat a surprise.

massphatness 01-03-2014 11:09 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
I've gone back and forth on this issue in my head over the years. I've settled on "what's my motivation" as a guiding principle. As a result, I no longer announce my intentions because I don't really want it to be about me sending the gift as I do about the recipient receiving the gift. More often than not, I send along a note asking that we keep this between us (doesn't always work). And if I really don't want any credit for the bombing, I simply send anonymously through a third party because if I decide to show you some love, it should be all about you and not about me.

markem 01-03-2014 11:10 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
The notion of a bomb has actually changed over the years to include the "incoming!" announcements. Some see it as hubris or "look at me!", but I doubt that is the case for most people here.

The quiet, anonymous bombing still occurs, but of course you don't hear about it.

czerbe 01-03-2014 11:13 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by bruceolee (Post 1917880)
Bombs can be secret and random and those are certainly fun to do but they can also be public. Like a declaration of war and so on which involves everyone on the boards and I think can bring a lot of positivity into this place. It's entertaining as well. We all enjoy watching a BOTL or SOTL getting their mailboxes or houses destroyed. Especially if that person is very deserving of such a thing. It's a lot of fun but there should never be any pressure to compete. It's entirely up to that person but it's also infectious. :)


equetefue 01-03-2014 11:16 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1917887)
The notion of a bomb has actually changed over the years to include the "incoming!" announcements. Some see it as hubris or "look at me!", but I doubt that is the case for most people here.

Correct, I'm willing to bet that no one here does it for personal recognition or gain. Definitely not detectable that way from the messages being posted. More of a friendly "in your face" type of thing.

Remo 01-03-2014 11:17 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1917887)
The notion of a bomb has actually changed over the years to include the "incoming!" announcements. Some see it as hubris or "look at me!", but I doubt that is the case for most people here.

The quiet, anonymous bombing still occurs, but of course you don't hear about it.


I doubt that anyone here has the "look at me" attitude... We have all bombed, been has been said it is a fun way to get people involved, keeps the board lively and is entertaining. All good, do it how you like :tu

shilala 01-03-2014 11:45 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
I think it's fun, and perfectly okay, no matter how it's done.
I've done it every way that I've thought of, from anonymous to making videos, to saying to a friend in a banter thread "ya know what, I haven't bombed you for a long time."
Lots of my bombs aren't even bombs, really. I'll be talking to someone about smokes, they'll say something that makes me believe they'll really enjoy something I have that they don't, and I want to share. That's what we do with our cigars. We share.
If my motivation is to spread some love, I can't see how that can be wrong.
I can't see a problem with the brothers getting a "feel good" out of the bomb via sharing a picture. And if it motivates them to do the same, all the better. :tu

That said, I completely understand Vinnie's words and he made me smile. I'm taught to do for others and keep my mouth shut about it, that doing the right thing is it's own reward. Life allows plenty of opportunity for that, beyond cigars. It's a wonderful thing, although I won't comment any further via part two of that teaching.

JenksAnejo 01-03-2014 11:47 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

You feeling left out ?
Because I don't feel it neccesary to include a DC when I send out a package? Then I guess, yes, I feel left out Edwin.

I was just wondering when this all started. Things have definitely changed since when I started here. I just never noticed it much until now. :tu

big_jaygee 01-03-2014 11:50 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
as somebody who has bombed and created "incoming" threads...i can honestly say i have sent more bombs without creating a "incoming" thread. i have also received bombs that were sent without a thread, and i have sent my thank you's privately. i dont do it for the "look at me factor".... i just do it so people can start to worry and wonder...."am i next", is it finally my time"?

lately...everything has been public and i have no problem with is all in good fun.

Catfish 01-03-2014 11:56 AM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1917907)
I think it's fun, and perfectly okay, no matter how it's done.
I've done it every way that I've thought of, from anonymous to making videos, to saying to a friend in a banter thread "ya know what, I haven't bombed you for a long time."
Lots of my bombs aren't even bombs, really. I'll be talking to someone about smokes, they'll say something that makes me believe they'll really enjoy something I have that they don't, and I want to share. That's what we do with our cigars. We share.
If my motivation is to spread some love, I can't see how that can be wrong.
I can't see a problem with the brothers getting a "feel good" out of the bomb via sharing a picture. And if it motivates them to do the same, all the better. :tu

That said, I completely understand Vinnie's words and he made me smile. I'm taught to do for others and keep my mouth shut about it, that doing the right thing is it's own reward. Life allows plenty of opportunity for that, beyond cigars. It's a wonderful thing, although I won't comment any further via part two of that teaching.

He always puts things so much better than I could ever hope to. :tu

As someone who is guilty of enjoying finding "bombing" related pictures and captioning them to go along with a sent bomb, I can only hope that anyone here would believe me when I say I don't do it for recognition, I do it for fun.

Remo 01-03-2014 12:05 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 1917915)
He always puts things so much better than I could ever hope to. :tu

As someone who is guilty of enjoying finding "bombing" related pictures and captioning them to go along with a sent bomb, I can only hope that anyone here would believe me when I say I don't do it for recognition, I do it for fun.

Nope, you're a look at me whore!!! :lr

bruceolee 01-03-2014 12:06 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
In the end, what it all comes down to is having fun. No matter your method. We don't need some long thought out philosophy on this. It's just about having fun with our friends. Since we all live (for the most part) so far away from each other it's the next best thing to hanging out with your friends and sharing cigars amongst other things with each other. I can't go and meet Pnoon at my local B&M every saturday since he lives across the country so the next best thing is to send him some good cigars to smoke which i would give to him anyways if we could meet up regularly. In a way it's bonding with your friends the only way we can sometimes. I put up a thread not to say look at me but in the hopes it inspires someone to do it to there friends far away but by no means is anyone ever obligated. As I said in the beginning it's all for fun and that's all it should ever be. Some of us are ninja's and some of us are Churchills or Pattons.

Whipper Snapper 01-03-2014 12:07 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?
:pn <--- I've had a lot of those bombs lately. Might have something to do with my diet though. :r

Remo 01-03-2014 12:08 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by Whipper Snapper (Post 1917919)
:pn <--- I've had a lot of those bombs lately. Might have something to do with my diet though. :r

With those bombs you really should announce and warn people !!!!

Whipper Snapper 01-03-2014 12:13 PM

Re: When did bombing become an announced event?

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 1917920)
With those bombs you really should announce and warn people !!!!

There's usually a certain noise associated with them that alerts most folks. :td ;s

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