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Robulous78 11-12-2013 10:46 PM

Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos
Ok Fellas,

Laugh as you will, I know I ask for a lot of advice on here but this question is a bit more serious...

I have a problem, I am a heavy sleeper. I work all night and so I sleep all day. I can easily stay asleep through the landlord mowing right outside my window, Through a friend knocking on my window, and most recently, through 4 iphone alarms and 2 alarm clocks...

The iPhone I keep next to my bed as the ringer (set to "red alert" from star trek) even on full doesn't seem to rouse me... Lately I have been finding it in bed with me which means I have been laying ontop of it to unconsciously smother out the noise... The 2 alarm clocks, 1 set to go off 15 minutes after the other, are as far away from the bed as possible so I have to actually stand up and walk over to turn them off, which apparently hasn't been a problem as I apparently can do all this while still asleep and not even realize it....

My question to you gentlemen, do you know any sure fire ways to make yourself wake up at a specific time? unfortunately my schedule changes a lot so even though a routine would be the simplest answer it doesnt really work with my life as it is right now.

Perhaps you know of an alarm clock that decimates all others? I have seen the ones that launch a helicopter with key to the alarm clock that you have to go recover, I have also seen the ones that look like RC cars that run around the floor till you catch them. These might work but I am looking for something proven, something someone can vouch for.

I am looking for reccos for SUPER ANNOYING/PERSISTENT alarm clocks. ones that preferably;

1) are RIDICULOUSLY LOUD, possibly with lights and vibrations, anything to get my ass out of bed...
2) are NOT EASY to turn off...

Any recommendations?

Thanks Fellas, I appreciate it...


mariogolbee 11-12-2013 11:39 PM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos
This is the only thing that would wake me up in my youth when I had similar sleeping habits.

hazydat620 11-13-2013 12:16 AM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos
Rob, this might be the only thing that could help. I don't think its available yet, still trying to get the start up funds for it now it seems. A little pricey for an alarm clock, but losing your job cause you over sleep could cost more. Looks like there's a few pledge amount's.

Robulous78 11-13-2013 12:51 AM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 1898891)
This is the only thing that would wake me up in my youth when I had similar sleeping habits.

LoL, Thanks but I'm looking for something a bit more fool proof. after some research, I think I want a greater than or equal to 120db alarm clock...


Originally Posted by hazydat620 (Post 1898905)
Rob, this might be the only thing that could help. I don't think its available yet, still trying to get the start up funds for it now it seems. A little pricey for an alarm clock, but losing your job cause you over sleep could cost more. Looks like there's a few pledge amount's.

I really really like everything about this alarm clock, except the price tag :lr Maybe when they get a little cheaper...

emopunker2004 11-13-2013 12:54 AM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos
One thing for me Rob, I can have my phone set to go off as an alarm, It'll go off, I'll grab it and turn it off and go right back to sleep and not remember doing it. Try putting your alarms across the room so you have to get out of the bed to turn them off.

emopunker2004 11-13-2013 12:59 AM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos

pektel 11-13-2013 02:42 AM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos
Your land lord should have an extra key. Just have them come in and throw a bowl of ice water in your face at a pre-determined time.

Or at a non-pre-determined time. Just to shake things up a bit.

Seriously though, the wacky hours at your job are most likely the culprit. Your body wants a sleep routine, and it's not getting it. Could also be caffeine/energy drinks. I have given up energy drinks completely, and I get "good" sleep, so I'm ready to wake up when the alarm goes off. Actually now that I think about it, I haven't even had a cup of coffee in weeks.

My advice is ironic, being 3:40 am and all, but my six year old is awake with a dry cough, so I just got done setting up the humidifier for him. Back to bed for me :)

T.G 11-13-2013 05:52 AM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos

pektel 11-13-2013 05:56 AM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos
All I can make sense of that link (without clicking) is the word "bacon."

But if it has something to do with bacon, I'd bet that's the winning answer.

Porch Dweller 11-13-2013 07:05 AM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1898931)

Winner. /thread


CigarNut 11-13-2013 08:28 AM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos
Maybe a girlfriend would help :)

Seriously, maybe you should visit a doctor just to verify that there is not something more serious going on...

stearns 11-13-2013 08:40 AM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos
I use the "Alarm Clock Plus" app on my droid (not sure if they have iphone or not). I set it to flash a white screen while blasting whatever song I choose, when I hit the screen it gives me a math problem (there are many settings, the one I use is a two digit number plus another two digit number). If i get the problem wrong it spits out another problem, with the music blasting throughout. I can be a bit of a heavy sleeper, but this always works.

There are always the alarm clocks with wheels so you have to go find wherever it rolled to to turn it off as well. I've never needed to go that far with my alarm clocks, but it's an option

czerbe 11-13-2013 09:12 AM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos
Well I to had a similar problem with alarms it normally takes me 3 strong alarms to get out of bed and then my wife kicking me and saying "Get out of this Bed"... but one thing that has changed that is my son... I'm hear to tell you there is nobody that can sleep through a 2 year old climbing on your face putting his fingers up your nose and screaming to watch Mickey Mouse Club House...

So its simple get yourself a 2 year old! Problem solved.

markem 11-13-2013 09:38 AM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos
Google trucker alarm clock.

tsolomon 11-13-2013 11:31 AM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1898910)

From reading this, #11 sounds like a winner. I'm thinking of getting #4, Clocky for my daughter.

bonjing 11-13-2013 12:01 PM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos
Try drinking a lot of water before you go to bed, just don't have the peepee dream.

CigarNut 11-13-2013 12:16 PM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos

Originally Posted by bonjing (Post 1899030)
Try drinking a lot of water before you go to bed, just don't have the peepee dream.

:r :r

Tio Gato 11-13-2013 02:43 PM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1898993)
Google trucker alarm clock.

My BIL is a trucker. The alarm is so loud it hurts your ears. It's awesome.

Lockspur 11-13-2013 03:54 PM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos
In college, my next door neighbor had this thing. I am also a sound sleeper…and in college…a drunk sleeper. This thing (about 18" in diameter) was like a fire alarm going off INSIDE my apartment.

Apart from that, the sonic boom clock would be my next choice.

mariogolbee 11-13-2013 04:25 PM

Re: Alarm Clock/ Sleep Reccos

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 1898891)
This is the only thing that would wake me up in my youth when I had similar sleeping habits.


Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1898908)
LoL, Thanks but I'm looking for something a bit more fool proof. after some research, I think I want a greater than or equal to 120db alarm clock...


Originally Posted by Lockspur (Post 1899104)
In college, my next door neighbor had this thing. I am also a sound sleeper…and in college…a drunk sleeper. This thing (about 18" in diameter) was like a fire alarm going off INSIDE my apartment.

Apart from that, the sonic boom clock would be my next choice.

Same alarm clock. That's two votes now for the giant Garfield clock. Look more into it, seriously. It's HUGE and extremely loud. No artificial beeps, just a good old-fashioned hammer banging rapidly against to metal bells. If this thing won't wake you up, IDK what will.

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