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Fordman4ever 09-27-2013 07:22 AM

Looking for a tablet to take on my deployment
I went to Best Buy last night and was going to buy the Surface RT tablet for my deployment, but I started playing with some of the other tablets and now I can't decide what I want. I don't want an iPad(nothing wrong with them, i just wont buy one out of principle). I like the windows 8 interface, but I really like all the apps that you can get with an android tablet. some of the reviews I've read about the windows 8 tablets say that the app market is kind of lacking. I was looking at the Asus MeMO tablet at the store and it looks pretty good. I also like the Samsung Galaxy 10.1 tab and the Galaxy 10.1 Note. Anybody have any of these or have an opinion on what I should get?

Blak Smyth 09-27-2013 07:24 AM

Re: Looking for a tablet to take on my deployment
I bought my wife the Galaxy 10.1 Tab and she likes it a lot.
I have a Galaxy Note2 so it was a familiar device that I like.

blacklabel 09-27-2013 07:40 AM

Re: Looking for a tablet to take on my deployment
How much are you looking to spend Earl?

You could get a Surface and have a full operating system at your disposal (Windows 8). Otherwise, Samsung makes excellent droid devices and Apple has the iPad that is rock steady...

MrClean 09-27-2013 08:30 AM

Re: Looking for a tablet to take on my deployment
If I was going to buy a new one, I'd look at the Samsung Galaxy. I do have an iPad, the only reason I got it was for the resolution of the screen for my photos. I also have a Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy tablets are great, the app store is also much better on Android and Apple vs Windows. :2

shilala 09-27-2013 08:30 AM

Re: Looking for a tablet to take on my deployment
Earl, Windows 8's App market isn't just lacking, it's almost non-existent.
Android, from what everyone says, is not bad. I've looked over the app market and it's nice.
iPad, and I understand the principle thing, is just plain awesome.
I haven't seen another tablet yet that's built nearly as well as ipad, but you sure pay for it. The only reason I mention it is because all things considered, I'd pick the ipad just for it's durability. Even if it ran Windows 8 and had zero apps, it'd be my choice if I were being deployed.

dwoodward 09-27-2013 09:37 AM

Re: Looking for a tablet to take on my deployment
Im not a fan of apple products either. As much as it pains to say it tho. The iPad is probably one of the best tablets on the market and their app store is top notch.

jledou 09-27-2013 10:09 AM

Re: Looking for a tablet to take on my deployment
My thoughts, Surface RT is not a full Windows 8 operating system and does not deliver the full picture, Surface Pro would be a better option but a lot more expensive.
iPads are good but you are going to pay a little more for them.
I would say the Nexus devices for bang for you buck on Android.
For me Android (Asus, Samsung or Nexus) or Apple are good choices you just need to be comfortable with the price and feel of the device you choose. Windows tablets may get there but not right now.

larryinlc 09-27-2013 11:59 AM

Re: Looking for a tablet to take on my deployment
I've had more tablets and phones than I can count, including two Ipad 2's. I thought they were all good and the Apples were buttery smooth, but my latest, Google Nexus 10, is every bit as nice as the Apple offerings. The 2560 x 1600 screen is brilliant and razor sharp. I like that Google updates their own android products first and on a regular basis, so I have the the latest Jelly Bean 4.3. It is very smooth also and this tablet has lots of horsepower under the hood. Android gets better all the time. I find it very intuitive just as I did with the Ipad, but they're different. Not in a bad way though.


Buckeye Jack 09-27-2013 12:53 PM

Re: Looking for a tablet to take on my deployment
To each his own, but just curious, why not an ipad "out of principle"? I can definitely understand if there is a personal reason like Apple screwed you over once, but if not, just curious. I say run what you want, no harm no foul.....personally for me, thats an iPad Mini.....

I choose iPad because for that last 4-5 years I have supported smart phones and tablets at work and Android's give us the most problems....

I think if I were going Android, I'd look at the Nexus products from LG/Google. I carried a Nexus 4 for a few months while testing it out and it was the best android device I had used (still went back to my iPhone). the 7" I've never gotten to play with but I've heard good things

Steelerfanatic 09-27-2013 11:36 PM

Re: Looking for a tablet to take on my deployment
I have had damn near every tablet out there including all the versions of the iPad. I settled on the iPad mini with a Lifeproof case for my deployment. Wanted to have the protection from dropping and dust proof in a small form factor case. You can only get that with the Lifeproof. For me, the iPad mini is the best tablet out there.

oooo35980 09-28-2013 12:32 AM

Re: Looking for a tablet to take on my deployment
My wife and I just switched to Windows 8 and she got a Windows phone. She complains about the lack of apps but I haven't seen any real negative effects of her being unable to download 4000 worthless spyware games for me to have to clean off. Whether or not the lack of apps is a problem depends whether you have apps you really need or just want a big app store to keep you entertained like my wife does.

After using the same OS on a phone and computer I've begun to think that Microsoft might have actually gotten it right this time.

Fordman4ever 09-28-2013 09:20 PM

Re: Looking for a tablet to take on my deployment
I ended up getting the Galaxy Note 10.1

This thing is freaking awesome. I love it already. Thanks for all the advice folks.

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