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Habana Mike 09-25-2013 09:33 PM

Favored cigars survey
I have decided as part of my interest and vocation in data anlytics to do an informal survey on the most popular cigars preferred by country or region, not based on HSA sales or other figures, but rather on preferences of seasoned smokers that participate on cigar forums.

I expect the results to differ significantly from those generally reported as I doubt the most favored cigar in any population sample will be the Monte #4, which has been consistently specified as the most popular cigar in the world for some time.

All I am asking is that you post your home country and top 3 favorite marcas/vitolas so I may collect the data for aggregation and analysis.

This survey is being performed across a number of sites I frequent so I ask that you only respond once on the first forum you encounter this request. If you have any suggestions regarding other forums not mentioned in posts you think I might use to contribute to the study, please include those - or PM me if you'd rather. I'd like to get as large a cross-section as possible.

I appreciate your participation.

dvickery 09-26-2013 12:31 PM

Re: Favored cigars survey
monty#4(well there you go)
punch rs12
bolivar pc

just the moment...favorites...based on what I have smoked in the last month.


dave 09-27-2013 07:37 AM

Re: Favored cigars survey
You didn't post this in 'Habanos', but am I correct in assuming that's only origin that you're asking about? Question quickly becomes too hard when you (I?) start to contemplate NC's -- too many wrappers and other blend variations within marcas.

So...without waiting for an answer:

HU Mag 46
Parti PSD4

pektel 09-27-2013 08:27 AM

Re: Favored cigars survey
Minnesota, USA

Cohiba CE

shilala 09-27-2013 08:46 AM

Re: Favored cigars survey

HDM du Gourmet
Punch RS11

MUNKY 09-27-2013 08:55 AM

Re: Favored cigars survey

Cromagnon mandible
Liga Privada Flying Feral Pig
Tatuaje Reserva 2006

STEVE S 09-27-2013 09:31 AM

Re: Favored cigars survey

Padron 45
Bolivar pc

dgold21 09-27-2013 03:05 PM

Re: Favored cigars survey

SCdlH El Principe

Garbandz 09-27-2013 04:00 PM

Re: Favored cigars survey

monte 3
RyJ mille fleur
Boli corona

shark 09-27-2013 07:29 PM

Re: Favored cigars survey

Curivari Diplomaticos
Bolivar Royal Corona
Arturo Fuente 858 Maduro

shark 09-27-2013 07:31 PM

Re: Favored cigars survey

Originally Posted by dave (Post 1886199)
You didn't post this in 'Habanos', but am I correct in assuming that's only origin that you're asking about? Question quickly becomes too hard when you (I?) start to contemplate NC's -- too many wrappers and other blend variations within marcas.

So...without waiting for an answer:

HU Mag 46
Parti PSD4

Not necessarily: most popular cigars preferred by country or region. Kinda vague as to the smoker's country or region, or the cigar country or region. :confused:

Habana Mike 09-30-2013 10:09 PM

Re: Favored cigars survey
Yes, some good points. My initial enquiry has proven to be too vague.

I am looking for input on all cigars from all countries.

I wanted to stratify by the respondee's home country as well e.g. who in France, UK, US prefers which cigars.

Also, asking for favorite versus most purchased is not accurate as I am looking to capture the volume versus preference, which can certainly differ.

And finally I was not clear in specifying that I was looking for the marca and vitola of each of the 3 cigars, e.g. Cohiba Robusto or FFOX Reserva de Chateau

Regardless I appreciate all of your responses, the exercise is actually more around the ability to capture the input, aggregate and analyze as much as the results I arrive at.


oooo35980 09-30-2013 10:19 PM

Re: Favored cigars survey
USA - Alabama

Liga Privade T52 Toro
7-20-4 Robusto
LFD Double Ligero Lancero

icehog3 09-30-2013 10:46 PM

Re: Favored cigars survey
So you want our "most purchased", correct, Mike?

dave 10-01-2013 06:49 AM

Re: Favored cigars survey
That completely changes things.....Please disregard my above 'favored cigars'.....

Most purchased in last year? Past 5 years? Ever? Not trying to be an ass, but I will have very different answers depending on how you define the time frame. So, if your exercise is really about data collection and interpretation, you have to be very, very careful how your data call is worded.

And, as I unsuccessfully tried to state regarding NC's.....marca and vitola may or may not get you something useful....not unless every responder interprets question the same.

For example, to me, marca means 'brand' -- e.g., let's simplify greatly.... take Non-Cuban RyJ and Monte. If in the stated time frame I've smoked:

20 RyJ Vintage Churchills
20 Reserva Real Churchills
20 1875 Churchills
20 Reserva Real Churchills

50 Monte Classic (Brown) Churchills

Would your data collection have an expectation that I'd report mostly:

A. RyJ Churchill, or
B. Monte Classic Churchill

So much variety in NC blends within a 'marca', to me, makes this an inaccurate, if not pointless, exercise until the phrasing of the question becomes painfully precise.

Again, I'm not trying to be a dick - but, if the exercise is "the input, aggregate and analysis", I think that if any accuracy is expected, you're poised to fail. If just a data handling exercise without regard to results, I'll apologize and shut the front door.

Drew@CHhumdiors 10-23-2013 02:23 PM

Re: Favored cigars survey
Huge fan of the Tatiana Flavored Classic Groovy Blue. Absolute best flavored cigar out there

OnePyroTec 10-23-2013 02:59 PM

Re: Favored cigars survey

Originally Posted by dvickery (Post 1885991)
monty#4(well there you go)
punch rs12
bolivar pc

just the moment...favorites...based on what I have smoked in the last month.


Two out of three is not bad Derrek.

My list would be:
Monty #4
Bolivar PC
Whatever I'm smoking with friends

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