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PhantomPhlyer 09-09-2013 05:15 AM

Zippo Blu
I am very interested in purchasing one of the "new" Zippo Blu or Blu2 lighters. I have had a Zippo lighter for eons and it just feels like part of me. Obviously, I don't want to light my cigars with a lighter that is fueled with petrochemicals, but I still want to have that Zippo heft in my pocket and my hand.

Have any of you tried the Zippo gas torch lighter? It is called the Zippo Blu or the Blu2.

There is an outfit very close to me here in Florida that will customize Zippo lighters (name, "birdie on the ball", etc.) and personalizing a lighter is part of the overall experience.

I have had the Zippo insert (a butane torch assembly that slides into an old Zippo case) as sold by one of the VERY popular mail-order houses, but it leaves a lot to be desired. Zippo has always produced a high-quality product and I want to know if that legacy has continued into their butane lighter line.

Thanks to anyone who will take the time and help an old geezer !!! :salute:

icehog3 09-09-2013 08:33 AM

Re: Zippo Blu
Dan, haven't tried (or even seen) one of the Zippo Blu lighters. I have tried the inserts as well, and with varying success like you. I am sure someone here has tried it and will chime in.

Welcome to the Asylum! :)

Shadow 09-09-2013 08:52 AM

Re: Zippo Blu
I bought three of them when they first came out a couple of years ago. One for me and one for each of my kids. I had the two for the kids engraved with their initials at the local Things Remembered. All three are still going strong.

Sadden 09-09-2013 09:14 PM

Re: Zippo Blu
I was interested in one but the local place wanted almost 100$ for one. Looking at inserts but I have 2x xikars so im not looking to hard.....

PhantomPhlyer 09-20-2013 07:02 PM

Re: Zippo Blu
Zippo offers the same lifetime guarantee on the BLU and the BLU2 that they offer on their regular lighters, so I guess that they will stand up to a beating. I know that my petro-fueled lighter has. Anyway, the place I'm looking at is only asking about $35 for the lighter and about $10 for the engraving. That $100 price tag is staggering. I don't blame you for not jumping on it.

I used to keep a Zippo in a leg pocket on my flight suit until one day, I experienced what low atmospheric pressure will do to a Zippo on occasion: that lighter leaked lighter fluid all over my flight suit and my leg. Raised a blister the size of a saucer !!! Cured me of that habit for sure !!!

Anyhoooooo ... thanks for the 411. Appreciate the get-backs. I think I will pull the trigger. If it pans out well, I will post a link so that if anyone is interested, they can jump right to it.

pkny1 09-20-2013 09:21 PM

Re: Zippo Blu

Originally Posted by Sadden (Post 1881691)
I was interested in one but the local place wanted almost 100$ for one. Looking at inserts but I have 2x xikars so im not looking to hard.....

Amazon has 8 left in stock at about half of what you just said. I'd check eBay.

That said.. cool lighter! Don't have one, but it looks nice!

tenbaseg 09-21-2013 12:20 PM

Re: Zippo Blu
I had a zippo blu when they first came out. I had to send it back because it failed to light consistantly. The replacement did the same thing. I gave up on it.

goatfarmer 11-12-2013 10:47 AM

Re: Zippo Blu
Purchased one few years back and rarely use it, find it cumbersome striking the flint and hold down the fuel lever. Mine does not have a flame adjustment feature and the flame is small for stoking up, and then some times it lights and some times not?

NCRadioMan 11-14-2013 10:15 AM

Re: Zippo Blu
The ZippoBlu is the worst torch lighter made. Amazing that a company like Zippo can screw up a lighter so badly.

goatfarmer 11-14-2013 10:29 AM

Re: Zippo Blu
Broke out the old vintage Zippo and removed the lighter fluid portion, saved in event ever decide to sell, and replaced it with a 'thunderbird' propane insert. Have another Zippo and replaced with 'ZPlus' insert and both cartridges work great.

Heavy_d 11-14-2013 10:43 AM

Re: Zippo Blu

Originally Posted by goatfarmer (Post 1899438)
Broke out the old vintage Zippo and removed the lighter fluid portion, saved in event ever decide to sell, and replaced it with a 'thunderbird' propane insert. Have another Zippo and replaced with 'ZPlus' insert and both cartridges work great.

+1. I use the Thunderbird cartridge in mine and have yet to have any problems. Gives me the look and feel of the Zippo with the clean burn of the butane.

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