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cjhalbrooks 08-10-2013 08:02 PM

So my wife and i are looking at raising and "producing" rabbits. Both of us have had rabbits as a food source when we where younger. The questions i have; what rabbit is the best to bread, what is the best way to "contain" the rabbits, and what would be the best source of food for the rabbits. The rabbits would be for the cory household only. I have checked the the local laws and i will be fine. I would like to get some info on this. Thanks

Zane 08-10-2013 08:13 PM

Re: Rabbits
Well.... Beware of.... Bunnicula!!!!!!

AdamJoshua 08-10-2013 08:15 PM

Re: Rabbits
Wouldn't google be a better source of information about actually raising rabbits? I mean if you were serious and all. I had a friend that raised them in Alaska, all I know is if they get too hot they can explode, literally, so they'd have to hose them down in the summer.

cjhalbrooks 08-10-2013 08:29 PM

Re: Rabbits
I was kind of hoping there is another redneck that has done this. I am reading up on Google and books but i was just wondering. I understand thank you and will looking in to a cooling system .

TJarv 08-10-2013 09:26 PM

Re: Rabbits
I actually had a few rabbits when I was younger. My dad built an elevated hutch to keep unwanted "guests" away from them. We would buy rabbit food from a local feed store in town. The temps here in the summer can reach 108, so we would freeze 2 liter bottles of water and put them in there for the rabbits to lay next to so they could keep cool.

icehog3 08-11-2013 12:14 AM

Re: Rabbits
Rednecks? Rabbits? Hmmmm

cjhalbrooks 08-11-2013 07:09 AM

Re: Rabbits

Originally Posted by TJarv (Post 1872271)
I actually had a few rabbits when I was younger. My dad built an elevated hutch to keep unwanted "guests" away from them. We would buy rabbit food from a local feed store in town. The temps here in the summer can reach 108, so we would freeze 2 liter bottles of water and put them in there for the rabbits to lay next to so they could keep cool.

Smart idea thanks


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1872319)

um i think a hammer will be better than destroying my wife's car lol

Zane 08-11-2013 09:40 AM

Re: Rabbits

Originally Posted by cjhalbrooks (Post 1872348)
Smart idea thanks

um i think a hammer will be better than destroying my wife's car lol

I am a little hurt you didn't enjoy my bunnicula picture!

cjhalbrooks 08-11-2013 10:07 AM

Re: Rabbits

Originally Posted by Zane (Post 1872376)
I am a little hurt you didn't enjoy my bunnicula picture!

I didnt know what to say i am at a lost of words. This would have been better

BHalbrooks 08-11-2013 01:23 PM

Re: Rabbits

Originally Posted by Zane (Post 1872376)
I am a little hurt you didn't enjoy my bunnicula picture!

I enjoyed it :tu

Cory, what the ****. Why would Rabbit meat be worth all this hassle? You're better off just hunting the little bastards. You really want Xeke seeing/hearing a Rabbit die :lr

cjhalbrooks 08-11-2013 01:57 PM

Re: Rabbits
for one rabbit has a season and i can butcher the rabbits year around. 2nd xeke and aris love the youtube videos of the last minutes of a rabbits life.

shark 08-11-2013 02:40 PM

Re: Rabbits

Originally Posted by cjhalbrooks (Post 1872441)
for one rabbit has a season and i can butcher the rabbits year around. 2nd xeke and aris love the youtube videos of the last minutes of a rabbits life.

BlackDog 08-11-2013 02:57 PM

Re: Rabbits
I've got THIS book and it has a chapter about raising rabbits. But as the title suggests, it has lots of information about lots of things you may want to try if you live in the country. It's sort of a book for people who might want to try living "off the grid" - how to raise various animals, how to capture power from streams, how to build outbuildings, using herbs from the wild, raising vegetables, etc. Lots of useful information.

I should add I live in a suburban townhouse, so for me the book is just for dreaming. I'd love to live in the country, but I don't have a current purpose for any of the information in the book.

Blueface 08-11-2013 03:13 PM

Re: Rabbits

Originally Posted by shark (Post 1872462)

That reminded me of this

BHalbrooks 08-11-2013 03:25 PM

Re: Rabbits

Originally Posted by cjhalbrooks (Post 1872441)
for one rabbit has a season and i can butcher the rabbits year around. 2nd xeke and aris love the youtube videos of the last minutes of a rabbits life.

For one, there aren't Hunting Season in KY
For two, Your kids are Children of the Corn... Creeps.

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