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chippewastud79 12-13-2008 03:25 PM

I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
While I didn't really walk or attend the ceremony, my time for the graduation was 5:00 pm, so that means I just graduated from college. I am receiving a Bachelors Degree in History and Physical Education from Central Michigan University. I guess I get the piece of paper in the mail in a week or so. So maybe it took 8 years (there was a 3 and a half year break in there) and it isn't the entire degree I was originally scheduled to get, but life changes and I am happy either way.

I know it is a little lame, but thought I would share with you folks :tu

BamBam 12-13-2008 03:27 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
Not lame. That's awesome. Especially the fact that you finished after taking the break. Going back is the hardest part.


Clampdown 12-13-2008 03:28 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
Awesome job, congrats. Who cares how long it took, just pat yourself on the back, grab your favorite drink and sit back and have a smoke. Nice work.

Bruzee 12-13-2008 03:30 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
Definately not lame... Congrats bro! Now pick out that smoke you have been savin'. :)

Darrell 12-13-2008 03:31 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
Congrats Adam!!!!

boonedoggle 12-13-2008 03:32 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
Congrats brother! I'm thinking about going for my Master's at CMU!

cort 12-13-2008 03:34 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
Congrats Adam. Way to follow through and get that degree.

I hope you enjoy a great smoke tonight.

ChicagoWhiteSox 12-13-2008 03:37 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)

webjunkie 12-13-2008 03:40 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
Congratulations! :chr

I second the call for a good cigar tonight. Graduation is definitely call for a celebration.

Sailkat 12-13-2008 03:45 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
Congratulations! Time for a celebration smoke!! :ss

gettysburgfreak 12-13-2008 03:48 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
congrats man, if you know anyone hiring someone with a history degree let me know.

:eevis 12-13-2008 03:49 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
Congrats!! That is awesome! My wife is doing the same as you did, she only has one class to go. Life defiently does chage, but the best thing is that you followed through. Happy for ya :ss

The Dakotan 12-13-2008 03:57 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
That's great, Adam! Congrats!

bobarian 12-13-2008 04:06 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
Congratulations, Adam. Perseverance pays off! :salute:

Now its time for a special smoke.:ss

elderboy02 12-13-2008 04:07 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
Congratulations bud! :tu :salute: :dance: :chr :wnr

Now, what stogie are you going to celebrate with? :cb

DPD6030 12-13-2008 04:51 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
Congrats on the graduation even if I'm a Bulldog from Ferris State! Way to stick with it. :tu

adampc22 12-13-2008 04:57 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
Congrats mate happy for ya

ahc4353 12-13-2008 05:04 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
No way is that lame and thank you for thinking enough of us to share. You should be very proud of yourself!

Congratulations my friend!

KidRock 12-13-2008 05:27 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
:ze Good jon on working hard, Congrats Adam!!!!!!!

Tenor CS 12-13-2008 05:28 PM

Re: I just graduated! (Its about damn time)
Congratulations, Adam. As a teacher, I would never disparage the accomplishments of someone who shows the dedication necessary to earn a degree.

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