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MrClean 07-13-2013 05:02 PM

So exhausted from......
trying to find a car for my 16 yr old daughter. We started looking for something in the $4000 range. There is nothing 'decent' that you can find in that price range. They either have 200k + miles or are so ratty you don't want your kid driving them. We upped our budget to $5k and it's still not much better. Now I realize you can't expect a lot with this budget, but I'm so tired of looking at nothing but junk. We've driven all over town, up to 1.5 hours away and still nothing. This morning, we finally found a decent buy.

2000 Chrysler LHS. The cleanest looking car we've seen and it drives good, very little body noises. Transmission shifts good and engine runs smooth. Kind of a big car, but I think she'll be safe in it. It's nicer than my truck! Power everything and heated seats :r
I'm just glad the search is over. Time for a drink and a smoke. :D

cjhalbrooks 07-13-2013 05:22 PM

Re: So exhausted from......
Glad you found what you where looking for.

kelmac07 07-13-2013 05:50 PM

Re: So exhausted from......
Very safe...but not cheap on gas. :2

MrClean 07-13-2013 05:52 PM

Re: So exhausted from......

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1860832)
Very safe...but not cheap on gas. :2

That's what I was thinking too Mac. She doesn't have any long drives, at least right now. Heck, she won't have her license for 2.5 months. But I think I'll feel a little less stress knowing she's in a bigger car like this one.

kelmac07 07-13-2013 05:56 PM

Re: So exhausted from......
Jeff, I hear ya brother. Did this exact same thing a few years back with my youngest. Went out looking for a car with a $ 6500 budget....couldn't find anything in that price range. Dropped 10K on a 2004 Chevy Impala and gave me piece of mind knowing he'd be safe if he was in an accident.

Fast forward a few years...he paid the car off, sold it, and bought a Lexus I300. Kids!! :bh :bh

big_jaygee 07-13-2013 06:01 PM

Re: So exhausted from......
Glad you found a decent ride Jeff :tu

CigarNut 07-13-2013 06:33 PM

Re: So exhausted from......
It's good that you found your daughter a nice starter car. Now for the tough parts:

- Waiting for her to come home after she has been out driving
- Paying for car insurance


MrClean 07-14-2013 02:00 PM

Re: So exhausted from......

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1860837)
Jeff, I hear ya brother. Did this exact same thing a few years back with my youngest. Went out looking for a car with a $ 6500 budget....couldn't find anything in that price range. Dropped 10K on a 2004 Chevy Impala and gave me piece of mind knowing he'd be safe if he was in an accident.

Fast forward a few years...he paid the car off, sold it, and bought a Lexus I300. Kids!! :bh

Come on dad, what's cooler the I300 or the Impala?!?! :r


Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1860842)
It's good that you found your daughter a nice starter car. Now for the tough parts:

- Waiting for her to come home after she has been out driving
- Paying for car insurance


The first time she's out driving by herself, I'll be a nervous wreck. In MO you're required to have a learners permit for 6 months, so even though she's 16 now, she can't test for her license until September. It's going to make her crazy riding the bus to school for a month :D
And she has to fit the bill for gas and insurance, time for someone to get a job! :tu

CigarNut 07-14-2013 05:46 PM

Re: So exhausted from......
But, Dadddddyyyyy, I need some money to hang out withmy friends....

:r :r

shark 07-14-2013 06:28 PM

Re: So exhausted from......

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1860837)
Jeff, I hear ya brother. Did this exact same thing a few years back with my youngest. Went out looking for a car with a $ 6500 budget....couldn't find anything in that price range. Dropped 10K on a 2004 Chevy Impala and gave me piece of mind knowing he'd be safe if he was in an accident.

Fast forward a few years...he paid the car off, sold it, and bought a Lexus I300. Kids!! :bh :bh

She's stylin' now! :banger

MrClean 07-14-2013 09:03 PM

Re: So exhausted from......

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1861051)
But, Dadddddyyyyy, I need some money to hang out withmy friends....

:r :r

Michael, you've obviously been in this situation my friend.

jledou 07-15-2013 05:48 AM

Re: So exhausted from......
Looks like a good find Jeff. I am not looking forward to doing the same in about 8 years.

OLS 07-15-2013 06:36 AM

Re: So exhausted from......
Try to keep a firm hand on that pledge to let her fund her own wheeled dreams.
That car won't age sitting in the driveway. When she has money, she has wheels.
When she is broke, she has friends. I started my first job at 14, cooking chicken.
My nights were shot thereafter, but I was flush with cash, and when I DID have
time to hang out, my friends enjoyed helping me spend my money. But if she learns
that lesson with this car, she will be SO MUCH LESS LIKELY to get into financial
difficulty even with a credit card. HOLD FAST to that idea, gas, oil, insurance, all
out of her own funds. It will pay off for both of you. Til she has a garage sale
and puts all the expensive things you bought her out on the street for 50 cents.

CigarSquid 07-15-2013 07:42 AM

Re: So exhausted from......
Right on. I hated searching for my truck.. I finally gave up for a few months.. then when I went back to searching, found something fairly quick.

Glad your little headache is over.. Enjoy and be safe!

gbum 07-15-2013 07:54 AM

Re: So exhausted from......
wow... for 5k you can get that nice car...

in my country... what you can get for 5k is just something like 1991 Peugeot 405 GTX...1991 Daihatsu Charade 1.0 (M) and 1989 Ford Laser TX3 Hatchback or any pre 1995 local brand...


czerbe 07-15-2013 08:12 AM

Re: So exhausted from......
My first car was an 89 VW Fox!!! I drove that thing in to the ground paid 3K cash for it at 17 and drove it until I was 22 then I bought a 2002 VW Jetta still have it today.

jjirons69 07-15-2013 02:53 PM

Re: So exhausted from......
Heck, I still drive my ever-trusty 94 Chevy truck everywhere I go.

I had a 77 Bonneville growing up. The Land Yacht. It could hold a load of friends and went all over the world. Great days...

OLS 07-16-2013 08:46 AM

Re: So exhausted from......
Continuing thread jack....
Lord, we used to put 10 in a Country Squire wagon and ROLL around New Orleans on the weekends.
Man, what times.

Simple1 07-16-2013 03:58 PM

Re: So exhausted from......
My baby is only 11 months old. You guys are scaring me. I dread the day I but him a car and he can drive.

AdamJoshua 07-16-2013 04:08 PM

Re: So exhausted from......
My first car, i had to pay for myself, it was like a mid 70s ambassador piece of sh!t that was rusting out, the passenger side floorboard, or what was left of it gave you a great view of the road as you went along. I drove it to and from school and work for 2 yrs this was in about '84, I think it was around 500 bucks. SCORE!

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