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kansashat 06-29-2013 01:34 AM

Bitter pallate?
I've had a problem for a couple of months now.

Most cigars I have been smoking develop a bitter finish about halfway through the cigar.

I smoke a lot of Nicaraguan...Pepins, Oliva, EO brands, etc...

I've checked my RH, 60-65 mostly.

I'm a soft flamer, but have been doing that for a very long time & until recently, no problem.

Have tried flame purging & it helps a little.

I drink somewhat hoppy craft beers, amber ales, steam beer, etc. Have noticed that malty beers like bocks & stouts reduce the bitterness quite a bit, but don't want to drink stouts exclusivley.

Have tried, without much success LOL, to slow down a bit on puffing. I'm not smoking any faster than I have for years, so WTH?

I haven't tried dry boxing yet as it demands a bit more planning than I would prefer.

So, to summarize. The nose is great, am still a very prolific retroinhaler, & the taste is fine...til I get to the finish, then bitter city. AAAAGGGHHH!

Any thoughts? Anyone?

There may be some around here who may remember me from another site. I must say that Iamstillveryfondofbananacreampie!

pnoon 06-29-2013 08:14 AM

Re: Bitter pallate?
Good to see you surface again Alan. Isuredorememberyourpenchantforbananagreampie.

Have you tried just drinking water? Eliminating the beer component may not solve the problem but will reduce the variables.

AdamJoshua 06-29-2013 08:38 AM

Re: Bitter pallate?
Just curious have is this all cigars, have you gone to a B&M and bought a cigar and tried that, or is this just cigars from your stash?

688sonarmen 06-29-2013 08:47 AM

Re: Bitter pallate?
Do you smoke outside? If so I know that when the heat and Rh are high it tends to cause my cigars to burn poorly and can get bitter.

Garbandz 06-29-2013 09:20 AM

Re: Bitter pallate?
This has happened to me and others on this forum. I have done some digging to try and understand this problem. Here is what I have learned.
Could be your body has a ph problem,have you changed diet or vitamins,are you drinking more citrus or dairy? Coffee?
Could be you need to purge your system,too much nicotine hanging around.
Quit cigars for a week,monitor fluids and vitamins,and brush your teeth and tongue thoroughly.Possibly an oral bacteria is present.
And stay away from hoppy beers,for a while,too...

MUNKY 06-29-2013 01:59 PM

Re: Bitter pallate?
I have ruined a couple good sticks when pairing with beer (Newcastle) and have since stopped drinking beers with my Stogies. It tasted just as you described.

markem 06-29-2013 02:19 PM

Re: Bitter pallate?
Buy but I know that avatar. Welcome home!

As some have mentioned, could be the pairing. Have you considered that it may be that you are smoking too fast? I literally needed an egg timer to slow myself down at one point.

Milvel 06-29-2013 02:37 PM

Re: Bitter pallate?
I never seem to get a good taste from a cigar while drinking a beer. I'll either drink a Dr Pepper or Crown and Coke. DP seems to go well with most of the cigars I've smoked.

Porch Dweller 06-29-2013 02:58 PM

Re: Bitter pallate?
I don't have luck pairing a hoppy beer with a cigar. The pleasant bitterness of the hops just seems to overpower the cigar. So now I stick with water or a sweeter drink - Coke Zero, rum and coke, bourbon, home-brewed stout, and occasionally Scotch or Irish whiskey.

milhouse 06-29-2013 04:10 PM

Re: Bitter pallate?
i don't like pairing beer with cigars. if i do drink a beer, light beers taste best to me when smoking. To me a coors light or an amstel light seems to taste better than a craft beer in that instance. Probably because they are mostly water anyway. LOL

i have tried the soda thing, and that doesn't do it for me either.

Lightly sweetened tea is my go to non alcoholic drink for cigars. i drink bourbon with them the other 95% of the time.

hope your taste buds go back to normal lol

oooo35980 06-29-2013 10:05 PM

Re: Bitter pallate?
Sometimes I get the same problem. No amount of brushing has ever helped. It's usually my cue that I haven't been drinking enough water and I'm dehydrated. I use to think it was palate fatigue or something but if I drink a gallon of so of water over the course of a day it clears right up.

kansashat 06-30-2013 01:36 AM

Re: Bitter pallate?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1855533)
Good to see you surface again Alan. Isuredorememberyourpenchantforbananagreampie.

Have you tried just drinking water? Eliminating the beer component may not solve the problem but will reduce the variables.

Hey Peter! Good to hear from you! I recognize some others too...hola vatos! Thanks for everyone's input.

I think the beer, sadly, may be the answer...I do love my three beers after work. In retrospect, I remember recently smoking a few early evening cigars in the back yard after yardwork on my day off. I was drinking a coke zero while relaxing by the shade garden & didn't notice the bitterness. Oh well, I do have some brandy & cognac that may pair a little better with a cigar. Will try tomorrow nite & see how it problem takes about 2 beers to smoke a cigar, but God knows how much Remy Martin I can drink with a cigar! LOL!!!

mosesbotbol 06-30-2013 06:33 AM

Re: Bitter pallate?
Bitter cigars are generally from getting them too hot or smoking them too quickly. Try using a timer on the next cigar and puff only every two minutes. Slowing the cigar smoking pace down is difficult, but will reward you in the en.

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