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Steve 06-21-2013 02:19 PM

Was out scouting and saw the dangdest thing..
I was walking along a fire break near a neighboring property when I came upon what looked like a small (3' diameter) sinkhole. I decided to see how deep it was by dropping a rock and listening for a thud or a splash. Upon hearing nothing, I decided something heavier was needed, and began to look around. After looking around for a few minutes, I saw an old jeep transfer case laying amongst some broom sage. I picked it up, carried it over to the hole, and proceeded to drop it in. I was listening for verification of landfall, when all of a sudden, this goat comes running up to me and dives straight into the hole.

That's weird, I thought. Wonder what motivated that goat to jump into that hole? After pondering this for a few minutes, I went on my way and continued scouting for deer and turkey sign. I had walked a bit when I ran into our neighbor who had a perplexed look on his face.

"You seen an old goat anywhere around here?", he inquired.

"Funny you should ask.", I replied. "I saw one dive into a hole in the ground a little bit ago, strangest thing I ever saw", I said.

"Hmm", he thought. "Couldn't have been my goat. Mine was tied to an old transfer case."

Happy Friday!

Dave128 06-21-2013 02:34 PM

Re: Was out scouting and saw the dangdest thing..

organgrinder 06-21-2013 02:40 PM

Re: Was out scouting and saw the dangdest thing..


big_jaygee 06-21-2013 02:48 PM

Re: Was out scouting and saw the dangdest thing..
:r :r :r

kelmac07 06-21-2013 05:27 PM

Re: Was out scouting and saw the dangdest thing..
:r :r

CigarNut 06-21-2013 07:01 PM

Re: Was out scouting and saw the dangdest thing..
:r :r

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