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cmitch 05-13-2013 09:51 AM

Liga Privada UF-13
As a self professed Liga Privada whore, I couldn't resist the purchase of a 5 pack (retail $13 stick) when these hit the shelves. I was excited to see the dark oily wrapper with the pig tail and couldn't wait to smoke one.

My friend, David D got a kitchen pass and we met at his man cave to have one of these. As I lit mine, I recognized the original spice that I usually get from the darker wrappers on the Ligas. The burn was very even, perfectly rolled and required only one touch up. I admittedly smoke faster than the average cigar smoker, so, getting that admission out of the way may explain my experience.

I found the UF-13 had the signature copious amounts of smoke. But, that's where it parted company with other Ligas. I continued to get strong peppery spice until halfway through where the cigar turned bitter and acrid. Wow. I wasn't expecting that. I looked at doc's stick and he was at about the same location, maybe 1/4 inch more on his stick. While he assured me it was good, the look on his face seemed to tell me otherwise.

Doc D is a classy guy. If that thing tasted like a flying turd from a buzzard's bottom, he wouldn't say, "Hey, this tastes like sheat!" He might say "Well, it's not my favorite." He said neither but I couldn't help that he might have felt somewhat the same way as I did: unimpressed.

This is quite an unusual experience for me with a LP. All I've had ranged from okay to FANTASTIC, like the FFP. But this cigar was underwhelming and pungent in flavor. Like the extra sharp cheddar cheese in cheeses pungent. No sweetness, no nutty tones, just pungency. Did I smoke it too fast? Maybe. I found touching it up/purging it made it more tolerable but just because it's a Liga, I'm not going to praise it. I didn't nub mine. I lit a No. 9 robusto afterwards while Doc was still 3/4 into his. A No. 9. Now, that's better.

I'm saving the others for some age time in my humi. Maybe in a few months, they'll mellow out and I'll get some enjoyment out of my investment. I remember enjoying the UF-4 a little more but still underwhelmed.

This cigar gets the following from me:

Pre-light appearance (oily, dark wrapper): 9 excellent

Roll quality (draw): 9.5 excellent

Burn quality (eveness of burn): 8 good

Flavor: 4 to 4.5 Poor (not a lost cause since it didn't turn bitter until half way).

On my scale, that makes this one a 77.

I personally find it's no wonder that, all of a sudden, I'm seeing UF-13's pop up on sales sites right and left, more than any other Liga Privada as of late. Maybe these need to age, who knows?

All other Ligas, save the UF-4, are strong 90+ in my book, with the FFP being the best I've had. I'll smoke another UF-13 in a few weeks/months and see if the flavor is better and then post back my opinion.

kelmac07 05-13-2013 10:01 AM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13
Clayton, might have just had a "dud". That, plus your fast smoking may have resulted in your outcome. I have smoked two of these and REALLY ENJOYED them both. :2

Coach Deg 05-13-2013 10:05 AM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13
I had my first UF-13 last night. I liked it. Thought was Liga like. Just didn't think it was worth the $15.

Malakai 05-13-2013 10:35 AM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13
I was excited to try the ones I managed to get. I smoked one and thought it was ok. I have liked most of the other stuff in the Liga and Unico lines that I have tried but was a bit let down by it. Perhaps it too was a dud and I will certainly smoke the others to give them a chance. At this point though I wouldn't see myself buying more of these until I have burned what I have.

FUEL 05-13-2013 11:21 AM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13
I'm a Liga whore and I've been through a few boxes of them and all have varied. Never had a "bad" one but I've found that with virtually all Ligas for some reason they are best ROTT if you want any of the strength profile to remain. Saka posted in another forum that due to the high volume that they have made and the very fast turn around times from the pant to the store he recommended at least 3 weeks rest to allow them to acclimate.

I'm not a big believer in aging as I don't have the patience and I do get the resting period but not when it comes at the sacrifice of the over all profile which I have found between the pre-release, initial "launch" and the last box a week or two back.

With the exception of the Velvet Rat and Undercrown Pig I believe I have had them all (sans the Black Rat, BBR and Baschert which I really don't consider a fair comparison as they are virtually impossible to find let alone get someone to part with) and my favorite bar none is the Feral Pig. I don't mind paying $15 for a FFP but at the same price for a UF-13 I would not grab a single every time I hit the B&M. Smoking them too fast will give you that harshness I can say for certain as I am a faster smoker too (fawking ADD) and when I cognitively slow down they do blend very nice and creamy with a long oily finish.


equetefue 05-13-2013 11:47 AM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13
I personally prefer the UF4 to the UF13 both ROTT and rested.

Frank-D-Tank 05-13-2013 05:22 PM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13
Just picked one up yesterday from my B&M. Happened in at the right time, so I figured I'd grab one while they had 'em. I've only tried a No 9 and a T52, so I am curious to see how this one stacks up. Probably going to let it acclimate for a few weeks.

FUEL 05-13-2013 09:01 PM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13

Originally Posted by Frank-D-Tank (Post 1834065)
Just picked one up yesterday from my B&M. Happened in at the right time, so I figured I'd grab one while they had 'em. I've only tried a No 9 and a T52, so I am curious to see how this one stacks up. Probably going to let it acclimate for a few weeks.

I'd smoke it right away then snag another and let it rest 3 weeks, compare and contrast.

lilninjabuddy 05-14-2013 01:23 AM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13
That sharpness sounds like its sick. Ive had that with a few cigars. Give the others a few weeks downtime, and I bet you wind up with that same profile you know and love.

Frank-D-Tank 05-14-2013 03:16 PM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13

Originally Posted by FUEL (Post 1834213)
I'd smoke it right away then snag another and let it rest 3 weeks, compare and contrast.

That sounds like a good idea. I am at work now, I will go by tomorrow and see if they still have them in stock.

Azpostal 05-14-2013 09:09 PM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13
I have not had one of those yet but every DE cigar ive ever had has been pretty good.

ironchefscott 05-14-2013 09:58 PM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13
I was personally really unimpressed with this stick as well. I found it to be bland and boring. But hey what do I know? I have liked most other LP's I have had in the past, and based upon reviews I was really excited about this one.

CamoFlogged 05-14-2013 10:11 PM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13

Originally Posted by Frank-D-Tank (Post 1834598)
That sounds like a good idea. I am at work now, I will go by tomorrow and see if they still have them in stock.

If your B&M still has them, I would buy them out. Lot's of folks on here would be happy to trade with you cause they are a tough find.

TheGiver 05-15-2013 04:25 PM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13
I want to be blown away by the UF-13, but so far I have not. So far the FFP has been that one. I have several of the UF's and paid top dollar locally and via online stores. So I really hope they change for me, otherwise I'll be stuck smoking something I felt I overpaid for.

cmitch 05-16-2013 05:35 AM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13
Found even more for sale last night. People are unloading these things like a Toyota out of warranty.

FUEL 05-19-2013 10:19 PM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13

Originally Posted by cmitch (Post 1835327)
Found even more for sale last night. People are unloading these things like a Toyota out of warranty.

Where and at what price point out of curiosity?

TheGiver 05-19-2013 11:22 PM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13
I wouldn't say that by any means. I believe there are more available because well....there are more available. Not because of a quality issue.

Smoked my 3rd one the other night and it was outstanding. Far better than the first 2. It's been in my humi for about a month.

Originally Posted by cmitch (Post 1835327)
Found even more for sale last night. People are unloading these things like a Toyota out of warranty.

They are going for around $180-$210 a box. If you are looking for some shoot me a PM. Would be happy to help.

Originally Posted by FUEL (Post 1837125)
Where and at what price point out of curiosity?

FUEL 05-20-2013 12:00 AM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13

Originally Posted by TheGiver (Post 1837167)
I wouldn't say that by any means. I believe there are more available because well....there are more available. Not because of a quality issue.

Smoked my 3rd one the other night and it was outstanding. Far better than the first 2. It's been in my humi for about a month.

They are going for around $180-$210 a box. If you are looking for some shoot me a PM. Would be happy to help.

Agree, I just believe that this is LPs first true hard launch of a higher production stick. I think they are great and don't think spending $15 for 2 hours of pleasure is a bad thing.

Appreciate the offer but boxes are available here for around $160 I was just curious and should have been more specific if they were being seen online or at local B&Ms.

cmitch 05-20-2013 08:15 AM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13

Originally Posted by TheGiver (Post 1837167)
They are going for around $180-$210 a box. If you are looking for some shoot me a PM. Would be happy to help.

I paid $65 plus shipping for a fiver. Retail is $13 a stick. So, if they're going for that, then it's just seller mark-up because they can get it.

TheGiver 05-20-2013 08:51 AM

Re: Liga Privada UF-13
This is not what the thread is about, but locally they are $13.99 +10% tax. Taxes are a killer. The .gov is making the real $. I got a fiver from I think it was corona or oldtimecigars @13 each then got just raped on the shipping at $11 because they would only send UPS.


Originally Posted by cmitch (Post 1837266)
I paid $65 plus shipping for a fiver. Retail is $13 a stick. So, if they're going for that, then it's just seller mark-up because they can get it.

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