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Silound 12-12-2008 12:19 AM

Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
Well, in a previous post related to a Cremosa, I challenged anyone with a strong stomach and no sense to try a handful of terrible cigars I have sitting around. (

Dan (Hardz) and Mark (borndead1) were insane enough to take up my challenge!

Here's the way this works:
  • Dan and Mark will each smoke the 16 cigars I sent them in order.
  • For each smoke, they will take pictures and post a review in this thread (hopefully entertaining)
  • After they have posted all 16 reviews, I will send them each a nice little care package of worthwhile smokes and some other goodies to help them recover from the trauma.

Good luck guys, this should be good for a few laughs!

I'm an evil bastard aren't I?

Don Fernando 12-12-2008 04:12 AM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
16, ouch, I was tempted to accept the challenge, but 16 dog rockets, I glad I didn't pic up the gloves.

taltos 12-12-2008 04:30 AM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
This sounds like suicide by Cremosa.:r:r:r

14holestogie 12-12-2008 04:36 AM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!

Originally Posted by taltos (Post 115217)
This sounds like suicide by Cremosa.:r:r:r

That'd be Cremocide, wouldn't it? :hm

dccraft 12-12-2008 06:02 AM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
These 2 guys will smoke anything.:ss

Boy, talk about taki' one for the team :ze

borndead1 12-12-2008 06:34 AM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
I just looked over the list of cigars.

No Cremosas? :(


UGH, man. SIXTEEN dog rockets? I thought it was gonna be like 4 or 5! :r

But I accepted the offer, so be it. Hit me.

EDIT: I don't have a camera, but I know this guy named Hal who has one. :D

ucla695 12-12-2008 06:45 AM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
Wow, a handful might be doable, but 16 takes perseverance. Take it one cigar at a time. Good luck guys.

Starscream 12-12-2008 08:48 AM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
Where's the list? Inquiring minds want to know. Can't wait to see the reviews on these!:D

Silound 12-12-2008 10:51 AM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
No Cremosas, sorry. I honestly don't own any and never will.

The List

Cigar # Notes
  1. Nicaraguan robusto. These will NOT humidify past the brittle hard stage, no matter how high the humidity they’re kept at. I keep them in my 55% long term box. No name to them, just a cheap bundle cigar.
  2. Similar to Cigar #1, except these are some unbranded product by Rolando Reyes. Obviously, this should be warning enough for most people who read reviews, however this Dominican treat should be enough to kill you and put you out of your misery.
  3. Some unbranded Honduran junk that I got as a bonus from a “hookup.” These things came as brutally damaged as they look now.
  4. God only knows where these came from, I’ve had them so long I think they’re multiplying. I got a box of 100 at one time as give-away cigars. They came looking like hell. Marketed as Honduran, these may at best be what was scraped up from a dead Honduran dog.
  5. Supposed Cuban knockoffs, these are about as Cuban as I am. Also, they smell like a leprous goat. Pity, because they honestly look decent. I haven’t a clue where these are from.
  6. Where did I die and end up in hell for buying these Nicaraguan crap sticks? I hand these out to people who beg for a cigar.
  7. They smell Honduran, but I don’t know what the frick they are, or where the frick I got them. I think that sums these up nicely.
  8. Unknown in brand and origin, these were a “gift” from a well meaning friend who brought them back from Mexico. I refused to smoke any after his last gift, and I still do.
  9. Bob’s Bundled Cigar Company cigars. Honest to God, that’s what they were called. They existed for a grand total of a month or less before going under, and this was their “flagship cigar. I don’t remember to this day why my boss ever bought a bundle to try from the rep, but I remember where he stashed the 23 remaining sticks. Hope you enjoy this one.
  10. Ok, another “no-clue” bundle. Something from Cigar Connection in Florida that costs $11 a bundle….4 years ago. 4 years has done nothing but improve these cigars….improve how badly they taste.
  11. Another “your guess is as good as mine” cigar.
  12. Cuvee Blanc from the DR. Biggest disappointment ever to me, because I’ve had a decent Cuvee in the past. Worst branded cigar I’ve had in ages.
  13. Bahia Seconds. Something I found at the B&M and bought foolishly thinking they would age to be something decent.
  14. Occidental Reserve. These aren’t exactly dog rockets, but they’re far from my list of good smokes.
  15. J. Fuego 777. While some call this a good cigar, I’m afraid I relegated it to the “give-away to get rid of them” pile. Nicaraguan puros, they’re something short of terrible.
  16. Flor de Girard. One of the local B&M’s here has this made as their house brand. Aside from sucking pure ammonia, they’re not likely to kill you…I don’t think anyway.

tchariya 12-12-2008 10:55 AM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!

Originally Posted by Silound (Post 115723)
No Cremosas, sorry. I honestly don't own any and never will.

The List

Cigar # Notes

[13]Bahia Seconds. Something I found at the B&M and bought foolishly thinking they would age to be something decent.

Heh...maybe the seconds are better.

borndead1 12-15-2008 12:37 PM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
Got my big sack o' dog rockets today. Will commence to smoking and reviewing soon. :hn

EDIT: Silound, do I have to smoke the whole cigar? :r

Smokin Gator 12-15-2008 01:19 PM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
Oh my... I can't even imagine!!! My condolences brothers.

Silound 12-15-2008 01:22 PM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!

Originally Posted by borndead1 (Post 120581)
EDIT: Silound, do I have to smoke the whole cigar? :r

Nah, just be creative about the review :) Then again, you may find you like one or two of them *shrug*.

EDIT: Throw up a picture if you can to let people see the assortment :rr

BlackIrish 12-15-2008 01:28 PM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!

Originally Posted by Silound (Post 115723)

Cuvee Blanc from the DR. Biggest disappointment ever to me, because I’ve had a decent Cuvee in the past. Worst branded cigar I’ve had in ages.

I, too, was stunned by how bad these were. Really looking forward to seeing the reviews roll in.

borndead1 12-17-2008 04:30 AM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
Now reviewing: Dog Rocket #1 Sorry, no camera. I am meeting up with HK3 later this week and will ask him to bring his camera and snap a few pics.

From Silound's description: #1. Nicaraguan robusto. These will NOT humidify past the brittle hard stage, no matter how high the humidity they’re kept at. I keep them in my 55% long term box. No name to them, just a cheap bundle cigar.

My take: Not an attractive cigar. Several blemishes including some black spots on the wrapper. Cap is very crooked but cuts ok. Can see several stems in the clipped head. This cigar looks to be short filler.

Pre-light draw: :pu OMG, Silound, are you sure this thing is made from tobacco? Aw man...what the hell did I get myself into? Pre-light draw tastes like mildewy hay.

Lit it up and smelled the smoke coming from the foot. Smells like....mildewy hay that has just been set on fire.

First few draws are very harsh. Flavor is bad but not unbearably so. Tastes like...mildewy hay that is burning. At this point if I had to guess I would say this was a Thompson cigar.

It's not the worst cigar I've ever smoked. The flavor on the draw is not *too* nasty, but the nose exhale is making my nose run and it leaves an aftertaste of....

can you guess?.....

Mildewy hay!

This..."cigar" is supposedly Nicaraguan, but I swear I can taste some low quality Honduran tobacco as well. Oh, almost forgot. Burn and draw are absolutely perfect! :)

LMAO!!!!!! I just did a flame purge and it made my smoke detector go off!!!! :r:r:r

Around 1/3 through, and amazingly the mildewy flavor is almost gone. Maybe thanks to the flame purge? Still making my nose run to nose exhale.

OK, I'm gonna take a REALLY big draw so I can get a good spectrum (rectum?) of flavors. Will do a French inhale, a nose exhale, and concentrate on the finish.

OK, after doing that I gotta tap out. :( Made it about halfway through.

Final thoughts:

Like I said, this was not the worst cigar I've ever smoked, but it was pretty nasty.

dccraft 12-17-2008 05:43 AM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
Way to take one for the team. And this is just the first one????:r

elderboy02 12-17-2008 06:30 AM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
This is going to be good! :r

Smokin Gator 12-17-2008 06:40 AM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
LOL... thanks for the review. One down and only 15 more to go!!!

MiloFinch 12-17-2008 11:22 PM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
Occidental Reserves is far from a dog rocket, and The Flor de Girards, while aren't that good, I find smokeable.

weak_link 12-17-2008 11:39 PM

Re: Silound's Dog-Rocket Review Challenge!
16 lousy smokes is a tall order. Good luck fellas. :r

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