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JJKJR 02-15-2013 06:59 AM

When You Find A Beetle
What's the advice when you find a live bettle in the humidor? I always do the freezer protocol that I've learned on this forum with all the cigars that I buy. About 2-3 months ago I saw a cigar with a beetle hole, which I discarded and then maybe 2-3 more since then. Last week I took the top shelf of the humidor off to get a cigar. When I lifted it back up to put it back on, I saw a beetle on the table. I think that was the bast#$@. So what should I do? Re-freeze the remaining cigars? Take out the remaining cigars and wipe out the humidor? Give them away to the forum members for free?

chaase321 02-15-2013 07:08 AM

Re: When You Find A Beetle
I'm sure there will be plenty of advice given here, but just my two cents...

I would immediately quarantine everything that was in that humi. Put it all in double ziplock freezer bags and back into the freezer...which you may not be doing correctly (or freezer not getting cold enough) if you always do it but still had a beetle.

Also, I keep all of my cigars on the lower level of the house, and about 10 degrees at all times below 75. This way, if there are eggs, they have a really hard time hatching.

Zane 02-15-2013 07:09 AM

Re: When You Find A Beetle
Deep Freeze for a week. It happens to everyone. Here is a link to a video regarding it.

pnoon 02-15-2013 07:20 AM

Re: When You Find A Beetle
Giving away cigars you KNOW to be infested is not a good thing. Unless you want to be ostracized by the cigar community.
Posted via Mobile Device

Bondo 287 02-15-2013 07:24 AM

Re: When You Find A Beetle
Yeah deep freeze as above. But just for laughs, while freezing, check the empty humidor. Thoroughly. Any crack or gap. If you have "bead media" for hydration make sure they aren't hiding in there. They can also climb into some types of hygrometers if it is the analog dial type. Never seen that, but still, they are shy critters, love to burrow, and have to be surviving somehow.

jjefrey 02-15-2013 08:41 AM

Re: When You Find A Beetle
As already stated Deep Freeze treatment should get this taken care of.

milhouse 02-15-2013 09:15 AM

Re: When You Find A Beetle
i would consider wrapping the humidor in saran wrap and freezing that too.

might have some larvea tucked away.

milhouse 02-15-2013 09:16 AM

Re: When You Find A Beetle
being that you have had beetles before, it seems like you have a temperature issue.

you said you freeze everthing... are you sure that you:

1. freeze everything before it goes in your humidor...
2. nothing that was not frozen goes into that humidor....

If yes to these 2 questions, I would guess you are not freezing long enough or at a low enough temperature.

it's better to be proactive than reactive.

cmitch 02-15-2013 09:22 AM

Re: When You Find A Beetle

RYJ Habano devoured by beetle:

cjhalbrooks 02-15-2013 09:35 AM

Re: When You Find A Beetle
OKay you have me checking out ALL MY CIGARS.

hazydat620 02-15-2013 09:41 AM

Re: When You Find A Beetle
This is bad juju right here, but its like a wreck I cant look away from. I got a sick feeling in my stomach looking at that RYJ.

markem 02-15-2013 09:53 AM

Re: When You Find A Beetle
Freezing, of course, if your best option. Freezing the humidor could result in warpage and is probably contraindicated. Follow the technique outlined in the sticky in one of the forums.

After I get sticks out of the freezer and back to room temp, I tend to leave them in the sealed back for a couple of months in the humidor (but I have a very big humidor).

Also, beware the gifted cigar. In spite of the other person's best anti-beetle precautions, one may slip through. I leave all gifted cigars in the original bags, usually until they are smoked. I do open the bags and have the open ends pointed up (on the premise that a beetle with cigars to eat won't wander far - a possible error on my part) for humidity control. Once again, I have room. Remember, only you can prevent beetle outbreaks in your humidor.

I currently have 4 cigars that I received from an auction that are riddled with beetle holes and one larvae is visible. I'm leaving the zip lock they came in sealed and the bag set out on an out-of-the-way counter to see what develops. This is by far my biggest infestation ever and the only active one that I have ever found. btw, I smoked the undamaged on the other day and it was great!

Sadden 02-15-2013 12:53 PM

Re: When You Find A Beetle
Mark make sure you document the carnage.

dragnframe 02-15-2013 01:08 PM

Re: When You Find A Beetle
Once he gets rid of the bettles, What is the best way to prevent bettles from coming back?

dragnframe 02-15-2013 01:09 PM

Re: When You Find A Beetle

Originally Posted by milhouse (Post 1795598)
being that you have had beetles before, it seems like you have a temperature issue.

you said you freeze everthing... are you sure that you:

1. freeze everything before it goes in your humidor...
2. nothing that was not frozen goes into that humidor....

If yes to these 2 questions, I would guess you are not freezing long enough or at a low enough temperature.

it's better to be proactive than reactive.

So, are you sopose to freeze sticks befpre you put them in the humidor?

688sonarmen 02-15-2013 01:13 PM

Re: When You Find A Beetle

Originally Posted by JJKJR (Post 1795543)
What's the advice when you find a live bettle in the humidor? I always do the freezer protocol that I've learned on this forum with all the cigars that I buy. About 2-3 months ago I saw a cigar with a beetle hole, which I discarded and then maybe 2-3 more since then. Last week I took the top shelf of the humidor off to get a cigar. When I lifted it back up to put it back on, I saw a beetle on the table. I think that was the bast#$@. So what should I do? Re-freeze the remaining cigars? Take out the remaining cigars and wipe out the humidor? Give them away to the forum members for free?

You forgot to add this :r

T.G 02-15-2013 01:51 PM

Re: When You Find A Beetle

Originally Posted by dragnframe (Post 1795691)
Once he gets rid of the bettles, What is the best way to prevent bettles from coming back?

Clean the humidor and boxes properly, freeze all cigars and chances will be pretty low. If you do those right, and it's really not hard to, then you would require an outside source for re-contamination.


Originally Posted by dragnframe (Post 1795692)
So, are you sopose to freeze sticks befpre you put them in the humidor?

If your methodology is to freeze the cigars, then yes, you would want to do it before introducing them into the humidor.

mahtofire14 02-15-2013 01:59 PM

Re: When You Find A Beetle
Dang, now I'm gonna have to spend the next hour looking over my stash......


mahtofire14 02-15-2013 10:50 PM

Re: When You Find A Beetle
I've always wondered if you keep the celo on all your cigars, can the beetles get through it or would they be trapped in that one cigar?

pnoon 02-15-2013 10:51 PM

Re: When You Find A Beetle

Originally Posted by mahtofire14 (Post 1795857)
I've always wondered if you keep the celo on all your cigars, can the beetles get through it or would they be trapped in that one cigar?

Beetles can and will chew thru cello.

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