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76GTFan 01-30-2013 05:42 PM

Whiskey stones?
I know it has been discussed here before, but what are your thoughts on these? I really don't see any effect on the taste of whiskey. I know they aren't supposed to get the spirit real cold, but I can't notice the lack of edge. So what's the point?:sh

bobarian 01-30-2013 05:44 PM

Re: Whiskey stones?
The point is getting people to spend money for rocks? :sh

theonlybear4CORT 01-30-2013 06:02 PM

Re: Whiskey stones?
So your spirits won't get diluted?

76GTFan 01-30-2013 06:03 PM

Re: Whiskey stones?
I actually bought these over a year ago, so the sting from feeling ripped off has gone. Was in my basement fridge pulling a steak out, when I saw them in the freezer. I may try and sell them, but would feel guilty to make someone feel ripped like I was. Some folks like these things though. I just didn't.

76GTFan 01-30-2013 06:05 PM

Re: Whiskey stones?

Originally Posted by theonlybear4CORT (Post 1789056)
So your spirits won't get diluted?

Yeah they call that neat.:r

I can't tell the difference with or without. Wanna buy some 40 dollar soap stones.

mahtofire14 01-30-2013 06:07 PM

Re: Whiskey stones?
These guys just followed me on Twitter. Got me kind of interested but only because it wouldn't dilute my whiskey. Nice to see some opinions on them here though.

dwoodward 01-30-2013 06:16 PM

Re: Whiskey stones?
I got mine as a gift. Problem is that they hold almost zero heat/cold/whatever. I dropped all 8 of them in a glass of whiskey and the drink stayed almost exactly the same temperature. It's all a gimmick, no real value to them at all. If you want your whiskey cool without diluting it, put it in the fridge for a half hour before pouring, it will do the job better.

pnoon 01-30-2013 06:18 PM

Re: Whiskey stones?

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1789060)
I got mine as a gift. Problem is that they hold almost zero heat/cold/whatever. I dropped all 8 of them in a glass of whiskey and the drink stayed almost exactly the same temperature. It's all a gimmick, no real value to them at all. If you want your whiskey cool without diluting it, put it in the fridge for a half hour before pouring, it will do the job better.

I think you're supposed to put them in the freezer first. ;)

SvilleKid 01-30-2013 06:18 PM

Re: Whiskey stones?
Put the bottle of booze in the freezer. Then drink it neat. Cold, and no stones to clean up afterwards. As someone that only drinks his good booze neat, I find no difference in the taste cold, or room temperature.

I understand the dynamics of a cube or two of ice "opening" the tastes up, but I don't find I need it for most of what I drink. If I drank a lot of single malt scotch or had younger and better tastebuds, I might have a different opinion, as I understand there are a lot of complex flavors to good scotch that are released with varying amounts of water.

Other than the difference between cold booze, and room temp booze, I can't think of a reason to put rocks in my booze glasses!

pnoon 01-30-2013 06:21 PM

Re: Whiskey stones?
I agree with you, Cliff.
The only exception for me is cask strength whiskies. A small splash of water does wonders.

dwoodward 01-30-2013 06:41 PM

Re: Whiskey stones?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1789061)
I think you're supposed to put them in the freezer first. ;)

LOL... Yeah I suppose I should have clarified that I had done that prior. I actually had them in our deep freezer which runs at something like -10F. They were cold when I took them out, but once put in my drink they did almost nothing. After further analysis, they warm up to room temp in about a minute if you just put them on the counter. :sh

SvilleKid 01-30-2013 09:32 PM

Re: Whiskey stones?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1789064)
I agree with you, Cliff.
The only exception for me is cask strength whiskies. A small splash of water does wonders.

I know Jeremy has a set of "ice" rocks that he uses from time to time. And he particularly likes a little water in Irish Whiskey. I have to admit, Peter... I've never tried water in the barrel-strength bourbons I've had. It might be the thing that makes Bookers palatable for me (just a little on the strong/harsh side for me to enjoy sipping). Might be something I should try instead of giving away the bottle I have!!!

Robulous78 01-30-2013 09:43 PM

Re: Whiskey stones?
I would say just have it straight up, if you are really concerned with the temperature you could always just freeze the glass you are going to use... unless of course your glass is something fancy that requires you to hold your pinkie in the air while sipping... :lr

mithrilG60 01-30-2013 09:55 PM

Re: Whiskey stones?

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1789062)
I understand the dynamics of a cube or two of ice "opening" the tastes up, but I don't find I need it for most of what I drink. If I drank a lot of single malt scotch or had younger and better tastebuds, I might have a different opinion, as I understand there are a lot of complex flavors to good scotch that are released with varying amounts of water.

Ice doesn't open anything up, cooling prevent some of the volatile aromatics from vaporizing which in certain spirits is a good thing. In most whiskey you actually want those aromatics since they are the source of the nose and much of the taste. Room temp water is a different matter as diluting the alcohol level allows you to taste more nuance and less alcohol. Most whiskey is meant to be drunk at room temp, it's not vodka!

icehog3 01-31-2013 01:15 AM

Re: Whiskey stones?
I bought a set about a year ago, used them a few times, and now they just sit there in the freezer. They are absolutely worhtless....glad I bought them heavily discounted.

massphatness 01-31-2013 05:02 AM

Re: Whiskey stones?
I've gotten three sets at various times over the years as gifts. I use them on a rotating basis with the rocks in my head. I find when I use the soap stones in my dome, it helps me think clean thoughts.

mahtofire14 01-31-2013 05:53 AM

Re: Whiskey stones?
Guess I'll pass on these and just keep buying cigars....:rolleyes:

czerbe 01-31-2013 07:38 AM

Re: Whiskey stones?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1789064)
I agree with you, Cliff.
The only exception for me is cask strength whiskies. A small splash of water does wonders.


Couldn't agree more Cash Strength is no joke great flavors but needs a touch of water. I don't like the stones they never seem to keep the Scotch cold and I'm always worried one day the stones will chip or break the glass or my teeth for that matter trying to get that last drop in the bottom of the glass!!! :sh

replicant_argent 01-31-2013 08:17 AM

Re: Whiskey stones?
The first thread you started on these would have been a great one to bump with your current thoughts rather than make yet another thread on them, it may help if people just had one "opinion" thread to disseminate if/when they decided to search such a thing.

Or have you been using the stones so much and with such frequency you are constantly looped and forgot? ;)

SvilleKid 01-31-2013 08:44 AM

Re: Whiskey stones?

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 1789133)
Ice doesn't open anything up, cooling prevent some of the volatile aromatics from vaporizing which in certain spirits is a good thing. In most whiskey you actually want those aromatics since they are the source of the nose and much of the taste. Room temp water is a different matter as diluting the alcohol level allows you to taste more nuance and less alcohol. Most whiskey is meant to be drunk at room temp, it's not vodka!

As I understand it, it's not the ice, it's the water that melts from the ice. Using ice allows more taste/aroma development as it melts and provides an increasing amount of water as you sip, and thus an ever changing water/spirit ratio. The cooling effect is secondary, and not the main function, as I have read. As to vodka, I stopped drinking that decades ago, so I can't pass any judgements on it's response to ice! I know cheap vodka went well with Sprite and ice when I was 18!

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