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scottdurand 01-12-2013 11:27 PM

Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated
Receiving my most recent copy of Cigar Journal and seeing the Gurkha 125th Anniv cigar listed as a 96 in a 'Class of it's own' is just a reminder that I can trust very little of what is published in the magazines. We all know the top 25's and most of what we read is BS but these types of reviews just solidify the non belief. :2

big_jaygee 01-12-2013 11:32 PM

Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated
i dont think it is a "96" but it is a decent smoke. i tried one, i liked it and picked up a fiver. not great but good :tu

icehog3 01-12-2013 11:38 PM

Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated
I gave it a 97.

On a scale of 10,000.

big_jaygee 01-12-2013 11:45 PM

Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1780530)
I gave it a 97.

On a scale of 10,000.

hahahahaha :r :r im surprised its that high on your list

Sadden 01-13-2013 01:33 AM

Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated
Went and looked it up and its getting decent reviews in a couple different places. Might try a fiver but i cant see me getting any in bulk...

Nelenea 01-13-2013 08:43 AM

Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated
I bought 2 robusto's the other week. Smoked one the other day.

Not a "bad" Ghurka by any means, but then again it was nothing "wow" about it either. Just a regular medium tobacco taste to it.

I bought them to see if they were good enough for the box as my wife loves neat nick nack boxes and she would have liked this one.

I might revisit it in a month or two but a 96? No way... 86 maybe.

688sonarmen 01-13-2013 09:13 AM

Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated

Originally Posted by scottdurand (Post 1780525)
Receiving my most recent copy of Cigar Journal and seeing the Gurkha 125th Anniv cigar listed as a 96 in a 'Class of it's own' is just a reminder that I can trust very little of what is published in the magazines. We all know the top 25's and most of what we read is BS but these types of reviews just solidify the non belief. :2

Have you smoked it?

themoneycollector 01-13-2013 01:37 PM

Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated
I'm sure it's fantastic.

Hitting 1 out of 100 blends is pure luck, it's bound to happen, even to Gurkha.

big_jaygee 01-13-2013 02:46 PM

Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated

Originally Posted by 688sonarmen (Post 1780601)
Have you smoked it?

i was going to ask but didnt want to start a forum "fight". but from what i have seen on multiple threads... as soon as some see the word "gurkha" the bashing begins.

oh well i like them so i smoke them :tu

icehog3 01-13-2013 04:12 PM

Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated

Originally Posted by big_jaygee (Post 1780706)
oh well i like them so i smoke them :tu

Fair enough. :tu

I don't, so I don't. :)

scottdurand 01-13-2013 04:34 PM

Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated
I was passed 2 of these, only smoked one though. I doubt i'll ever smoke the 2nd, not a complex smoke by any means and a 'meh' at best.

scottdurand 01-13-2013 04:35 PM

Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated
Although I have no doubt someone will smoke them and like the cigar, but the point is not this cigar in particular, it's the over hype of sticks by magazines.

big_jaygee 01-13-2013 04:43 PM

Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated

Originally Posted by scottdurand (Post 1780755)
but the point is not this cigar in particular, it's the over hype of sticks by magazines.

well they say cash is king and it can make anybody their puppet!! :r

scottdurand 01-13-2013 04:47 PM

Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated
Yep, especially with publications struggling these days. Everyone likes something different, I mean someone is even smoking those 'hand rolled' cigars from Walgreens.

Robulous78 01-13-2013 04:48 PM

Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated

Originally Posted by scottdurand (Post 1780754)
not a complex smoke by any means and a 'meh' at best.

This sums up my experience with the Gurkha brand in general... Haven't had the 125th but in the GAZILLIONS of Gurkhas that seemed to flock around me as I was a newb, I have only enjoyed 2...

The Ninja : Spike ( I chock this up to having it with good coffee while smoking it)
And the Black Ops: Toro (This one wasn't complex at all but it definitely hit some dark notes...)

There was a micobatch also from Gurkha that wasn't horrible for the price but I think they are long gone nor could I remember the name of it...

Personally, I think Gurkha is not a terrible cigar for those that like milder sticks or that enjoy a monotone flavor... I myself enjoy a symphony of spice and varying levels of dark flavors... but to each their own... :2

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