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JoeCool87TC 12-25-2012 10:44 PM

Very Merry White Christmas
Merry Christmas Everyone! We had a great day - it started at about 3:15am as Santa was leaving the area with a very loud boom as he exceeded sound speed. :D

Actually it was a nearby lightning strike that killed our power for a few seconds. Then we had local thunderstorms with rain downpours until about 9:00am. The rain stopped and it was looking good, especially about 3:30pm or so when we started getting rain with clumps of snow! :noon

By 4:15 it was snowing heavily, and all told it looks like we got an inch or maybe two before it stopped sometime after 9:00pm. Anyway, here's a pic of our first Christmas in Texas, and it was/is a white Christmas!!! :tu

kelmac07 12-26-2012 05:19 AM

Re: Very Merry White Christmas
Haven't had a white Christmas in Virginia in some time. Man do I miss those days.

joeobx 12-26-2012 06:11 AM

Re: Very Merry White Christmas
Looks like we're having a white day after......sleet :mad: at least I don't have to work today.

never_enough 12-26-2012 01:22 PM

Re: Very Merry White Christmas
It was snowing yesterday morning, started to accumulate. Then it stopped and melted. No white Christmas.

icehog3 12-26-2012 01:24 PM

Re: Very Merry White Christmas
Glad at least one person who wanted it got a white Christmas, Joe. :)

Here in Chicago, I was more than cool with a green Christmas.

JoeCool87TC 12-26-2012 02:00 PM

Re: Very Merry White Christmas
I like it, so does wifey. The last white Christmas I had was 1959 on Vashon Island, WA when I was 8 years old. Sure am glad to be back in a rural setting now, even though I did have to wait for retirement to do so. All the interim years were spent in SoCal and I'm really glad to be out of that mess!

iaMkcK 12-27-2012 02:29 AM

Re: Very Merry White Christmas
Texas got snow? Oh come on! Now I know the deserts of California deserve a little powder if Texas is getting some -.-

cobra03 12-27-2012 03:06 AM

Re: Very Merry White Christmas

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1771023)
Haven't had a white Christmas in Virginia in some time. Man do I miss those days.

A white Christmas is nice but I remember how people drive in VA in the snow. Well I wouldnt call it driving so much as it is sliding off the road into a ditch. Made me want to lock the door and hide under my bed.

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