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GWN 12-13-2012 07:45 PM

It's all about you guys and gals
It's been a long couple of weeks up here in the Great White North.
Work is insane, my wife's brand new vehicle (her first) was rear-ended on the highway to the tune of $11K and the tow truck company actually came the repair shop and stole our vehicle because the insurance company wanted to pay $190 less than the $900 tow bill they demanded.
We commute 50 km each way, each day, up and down that highway and everyone else on the road is a self-absorbed bastard, fighting their way through traffic to get there 30 seconds faster.
We live in a me-first society, I told my wife while we were walking the dog tonight.
It was cold and windy. And garbage night. I stopped to pick up an empty cardboard box that blew out of someone's recycling box (I think it was taco shells) and put it back it. We both paused, as it seemed out of the norm in today's society.
So I started a rant, how everyone's out for themselves these days and the idea of community — helping out one another — is a thing of the past.
And then I though of this place. And the troop auction. And the idea of gifting an expensive cigar to a brother (or sister) only because they've never tried it.
We're a throwback to better days, my friends. I happy to be here and glad to know there are others out there who recognize this. :2

hscmit 12-13-2012 07:50 PM

Re: It's all about you guys and gals
hope things turn around for you

GWN 12-13-2012 07:52 PM

Re: It's all about you guys and gals

Originally Posted by hscmit (Post 1764852)
hope things turn around for you

Car's back at the shop. Raised holy hell until it was returned. Insurance will cover it all, just thought it was a good example of they way people act these days. :)

DMK 12-13-2012 07:52 PM

Re: It's all about you guys and gals
Smoke something good and you'll feel better.

cjhalbrooks 12-13-2012 07:53 PM

Re: It's all about you guys and gals
Hang in there brother. These days have to show their ugly head that way we learn to love the days that are truly blessings.

really what do i know

big_jaygee 12-13-2012 07:59 PM

Re: It's all about you guys and gals
days like that bring out the worst in a lot of people... im glad you can see that there are better things ahead.

hotreds 12-13-2012 09:08 PM

Re: It's all about you guys and gals
God Bless, brother!

Ogre 12-13-2012 10:05 PM

Re: It's all about you guys and gals
I like to visit this place after dealing with idiots all day. It reminds me there are others just as warped as I am. Hope you get your car back soon.

RevSmoke 12-13-2012 10:13 PM

Re: It's all about you guys and gals
Praying things turn around.

maverickdrinker 12-13-2012 10:48 PM

Re: It's all about you guys and gals
Sorry to hear about this Jeff. Hope that things work out for the better.

The good news is that your wife wasn't hurt in the accident. Thank goodness.

Be well bro.

irratebass 12-14-2012 04:01 AM

Re: It's all about you guys and gals
Great story and thought and I couldn't agree more, glad the insurance company stepped up and did the right's hoping the car comes back better than before :banger

iaMkcK 12-14-2012 05:16 AM

Re: It's all about you guys and gals

Originally Posted by GWN (Post 1764847)
the tow truck company actually came the repair shop and stole our vehicle because the insurance company wanted to pay $190 less than the $900 tow bill they demanded.

:O That's so over the top.. Wow.. Sorry you had to deal with that! Good luck with everything getting back on track. And yeah, I think I may just love this place too :)

hammondc 12-14-2012 05:51 AM

Re: It's all about you guys and gals
I agree buddy. People suck. I had to get in some guys ass about a week ago as I caught him letting his dog **** in my yard. I'm talking 100lb something or other dog. Clean it up folks!!!!

And, although it seems less people smoke cigarettes, I was at a stop light and witnessed someone tossing buts out. A WHOLE ASHTRAY FULL!!!!!! I think littering should have a mandatory $2000 non-reduceable fine. Pay it or work it off cleaning up trash on the highway.

+1 on the traffic. Here in Little Mexico, Texas, giant SUVs and trucks out number us regular car folks. Still...they zip and zoom in and out of lanes in the same 3 mile stretch of gridlock. Stay in your lane are not going anywhere.

I could go on and on........

jjirons69 12-14-2012 10:11 AM

Re: It's all about you guys and gals
You're good people, Jeff. We have a lot of good ones here. It's nice we can all find a place to meet. It's a shame the rest of the world drives right past the roses.

Old Sailor 12-14-2012 12:46 PM

Re: It's all about you guys and gals
Sorry to hear about this Jeff. Throw something on the smoker, light up a good cigar, grab a drink and watch the smoker smoke!

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