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N2 GOLD 11-19-2012 12:44 PM

HELP, with Ribeye Roast...
I have a Ribeye Roast (6lbs.) that I would like to smoke for Thanksgiving. I would like some recommendations on rub's & smoke time?

I'll be serving Turkey Breast 7lbs (oven), Filet Mignon roast 2lbs.(smoked) & I want to smoke the Ribeye. This would be my first Ribeye & would liek some pointers.

T.G 11-19-2012 01:15 PM

Re: HELP, with Ribeye Roast...
Roasts are easy. I like Gracie Allen's classic recipe:

1 large Roast of beef
1 small Roast of beef

Take the two roasts and put them in the oven (or smoker). When the little one burns, the big one is done.

Ok, seriously, here are 4 different step-by-step guides/recipes, in the right hand column, under beef:

shilala 11-19-2012 01:52 PM

Re: HELP, with Ribeye Roast...
You need a good meat thermometer. Almost any spices are good, even just salt and pepper. But a nice crust kicks ass.
You'll need the thermometer to cook it medium rare throughout. You can't cook a standing rib on the fly, you'll cook the life out of it and dry it out. There are formulas that tell you what temperature to cook and for how long for the weight of the cut. They're bullsh1t. You absolutely need a thermometer if you want it to turn out it's best.
Good luck, my man. You made me hungry!!! :)

forgop 11-19-2012 03:05 PM

Re: HELP, with Ribeye Roast...
I worked at a steakhouse in college that served prime rib better than I've had anywhere else and I'm even including the major "chains" on par with Shulas and the like.

Their method was to lift the fat cap up and use a bit of vegetable oil all over the top and season with salt, pepper, celery salt (40/40/20 ratio) and then coat with rosemary and thyme all over the top (under/over fat cap). Sear at high heat for like 30 minutes of around 500 and then place in an alto sham at like 180 to get to desired temp.

Robulous78 11-19-2012 03:12 PM

Re: HELP, with Ribeye Roast...

Originally Posted by N2 GOLD (Post 1752309)
I have a Ribeye Roast (6lbs.) that I would like to smoke for Thanksgiving. I would like some recommendations on rub's & smoke time?

I'll be serving Turkey Breast 7lbs (oven), Filet Mignon roast 2lbs.(smoked) & I want to smoke the Ribeye. This would be my first Ribeye & would liek some pointers.

bishes :dr :dr :dr

I think I wanna go to Rico's for thanksgiving.... :D

Old Sailor 11-19-2012 10:46 PM

Re: HELP, with Ribeye Roast...

Originally Posted by N2 GOLD (Post 1752309)
I have a Ribeye Roast (6lbs.) that I would like to smoke for Thanksgiving. I would like some recommendations on rub's & smoke time?

I'll be serving Turkey Breast 7lbs (oven), Filet Mignon roast 2lbs.(smoked) & I want to smoke the Ribeye. This would be my first Ribeye & would liek some pointers.

this how I do my roasts with potatoes and carrots on my WSM:
• Combine pre-packaged brown gravy mix, Ranch dressing mix, and Italian seasoning mix.
• Place the roast in a disposable foil pan, sprinkle both sides with the seasoning mix, then add 1 cup of beef broth or water.
• Cook uncovered at 240-260°F for two hours, then cover with foil and cook another 5-6 hours until fork tender.

• Let rest for 10 minutes before serving.

markem 11-19-2012 10:55 PM

Re: HELP, with Ribeye Roast...
I don't have any suggestions for smoking as I have never smoked a standing rib roast. But I do use a thermometer for all smoking tasks. Get one with a remote probe for ease of use.

For the rub, I'd recommend taking some high quality olive oil and bring it to a warm temp then add rosemary, tarragon, garlic (I prefer ground freeze dried) and maybe some dried cranberries or cherries. Let it sit a good long while to infuse the oil. Marinade the roast in the oil plus smoked course salt overnight and you should be good to go.

Me, I'm cooking a whole 7 rib standing rib roast (local, grass fed) in red wine and tarragon for our Thursday dinner. I'll sprinkle with smoked salt at the 2/3 point.

And I will be using a meat thermometer with a remote.

N2 GOLD 11-20-2012 04:19 PM

Re: HELP, with Ribeye Roast...
Thanks for the 411/recommendations... :ss

Ubiquitous 11-20-2012 06:09 PM

Re: HELP, with Ribeye Roast...
I could pass a lot of information on about smoking. Instead, I'll send you to this guy:

Some great ideas!

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