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TJtorpedo 11-07-2012 06:32 PM

Google Nexus 7?
Been looking at mini-tablets, and the Nexus 7 caught my eye. I'm not an I-device kind of guy, so I'm looking at alternatives. I don't have any experience with tablets of any kind, so this would be my first.

Anyone own or have used one of these and what do you think of it?

Robulous78 11-07-2012 07:38 PM

Re: Google Nexus 7?
I haven't used one... but I will say this... Window's 8 is going to blow almost all other operating systems out of the water from what I have seen... If I were considering a tablet I would be saving my money for the new Microsoft Surface.... :2

timj219 11-07-2012 07:49 PM

Re: Google Nexus 7?
I'm posting this from my nexus 7. I held off buying a tablet for a long time after fooling with a couple at work. This one seemed like the perfect combo of features and convenience and decent price so I bought one. Nice machine good for web, facebook, Ted talks, music.

I really like it. I rarely use a PC or laptop at home anymore.

CigarSquid 11-07-2012 08:19 PM

Re: Google Nexus 7?
I have and am using the Asus t700t.. love it. Very happy.. even bought my wife one. I'm huge on Android, no Apple for me at all.

CRIMPS 11-08-2012 11:28 AM

Re: Google Nexus 7?

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1746510)
I haven't used one... but I will say this... Window's 8 is going to blow almost all other operating systems out of the water from what I have seen... If I were considering a tablet I would be saving my money for the new Microsoft Surface.... :2

My immediate reaction was to disagree with this statement. However, after thinking for a moment, I would probably ask the OP how he plans on using his tablet. Your recommendation may very well be a good option. :2

jledou 11-08-2012 12:26 PM

Re: Google Nexus 7?
IMO - right price and nice hardware. Only downside for me is no rear facing camera ... may not be that big of deal in the end but that is the only thing that has held me back from pulling the trigger.
One other thought, after using the nook color, this size is very comfortable in your hand.

timj219 11-08-2012 12:29 PM

Re: Google Nexus 7?

Originally Posted by CRIMPS (Post 1746793)
My immediate reaction was to disagree with this statement. However, after thinking for a moment, I would probably ask the OP how he plans on using his tablet. Your recommendation may very well be a good option. :2

Absolutely right. Saying windows 8 will blow other OSs out of the water begs the question of what we expect from the OS. Does anyone want all the functionality of a windows OS on a 7 inch tablet? Do we want to work on spreadsheets and edit graphics and compile C# code and all the other things we do on a PC or laptop? If not then the decision comes down to which device/OS combo will best perform the tasks we are most likely to want accomplished. In the case of a 7" tablet that might mean doing web, email, instant message, facebook, music playback on a small lightweight device that gets a dozen hours of battery life and can be tossed on the couch or stuck into the pocket of a bathrobe. And if the nexus 7 (or some other tablet) does those things as well as a windows 8 device then it becomes a matter of price.

CigarNut 11-08-2012 12:37 PM

Re: Google Nexus 7?
For me using a tablet is all about connectivity. The OS is secondary as most of the things I do transcend the OS (Browser, Email, Media Player, etc.). That is why I chose the iPad -- I want the connectivity via cellular network when there is no WiFi and I don't to have to "F" with tethered hotspot...

Beyond that, the choice of OS for many becomes a religious issue as it is with PC's (be it laptop or notebook) or smartphones...

TJtorpedo 11-08-2012 06:34 PM

Re: Google Nexus 7?

Originally Posted by CRIMPS (Post 1746793)
My immediate reaction was to disagree with this statement. However, after thinking for a moment, I would probably ask the OP how he plans on using his tablet. Your recommendation may very well be a good option. :2

Good point. I'll be just using it strictly for entertainment: web, music, some games, etc. I won't be conducting any business on it. Just want a super portable format for me to screw around on. :D

Appreciate the opinions!

CRIMPS 11-08-2012 07:55 PM

Re: Google Nexus 7?

Originally Posted by TJtorpedo (Post 1746962)
Good point. I'll be just using it strictly for entertainment: web, music, some games, etc. I won't be conducting any business on it. Just want a super portable format for me to screw around on. :D

Appreciate the opinions!

In that case, the device is AWESOME!!! You can actually fit it in your pocket... if you have a big pocket.

Android 4.X is super smooth on the device.

I may be buying one at some point, myself. Of course, all of this is my humble opinion.

Explore 11-08-2012 08:52 PM

Re: Google Nexus 7?
You might consider the 32gb 3g version. For $50 extra it is worth it for me.

PS I am a former owner of a rooted Nook color and am currently using an HTC Flyer. Looking forward to getting a Nexus 7.

mithrilG60 11-09-2012 12:12 AM

Re: Google Nexus 7?

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1746510)
I haven't used one... but I will say this... Window's 8 is going to blow almost all other operating systems out of the water from what I have seen... If I were considering a tablet I would be saving my money for the new Microsoft Surface.... :2

No offence, but don't hold your breath. I had a Surface to play with over the weekend, synopsis is that it's great for Office so if you're looking for a super light/portable Word device so you don't have to lug your laptop on business trips then it's for you (as long as you don't want to connect to Exchange). If you're looking for something that works well as a tablet for pretty much everything else most people use tablets for then keep looking because the Surface feels as about finished and developed as the mass of Android 2.2 tablets did about 18 months ago. Give it a few more years and it may get there, in it's current iteration it's going to be a flop.

OP: the Nexus 7 is a great little tablet, it's the first non-iPad to provide any form of real competition to Apple. If you want a tablet and don't want an iPad it's the only real choice. I would suggest playing with one to decide if you want a 7" tablet or if you need the bigger 10" screen. The Nexus 10 launches on Nov 13 so you'll have both options then.

mfarre03 11-09-2012 03:02 AM

Re: Google Nexus 7?
My brother and sis inlaw both have the Nexus, they both love it and so do I. It seems to be the perfect size, feels great in the hand and isn't too heavy. I have played around with a Kindle Fire but it just seemed bulky. The Nexus is just great, I like using it better than my wifes Ipad.

CigarSquid 11-09-2012 06:48 AM

Re: Google Nexus 7?

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 1747118)
OP: the Nexus 7 is a great little tablet, it's the first non-iPad to provide any form of real competition to Apple. If you want a tablet and don't want an iPad it's the only real choice. I would suggest playing with one to decide if you want a 7" tablet or if you need the bigger 10" screen. The Nexus 10 launches on Nov 13 so you'll have both options then.

I did that for about 2 weeks.. Going back and forth with a 7 and 10. Way happy I went with the 10 over 7.

mfarre03 11-14-2012 03:00 AM

Re: Google Nexus 7?

Originally Posted by garryyjr (Post 1747173)
I did that for about 2 weeks.. Going back and forth with a 7 and 10. Way happy I went with the 10 over 7.

I guess I dig the Nexus 7 over the 10 because I already have a laptop and don't always need something that big.

irratebass 11-14-2012 04:00 AM

Re: Google Nexus 7?
I bought my wife the 7 for her bday in Aug, and she is happy with it, but I can tell she would rather have an iPad, just because she is used to Apple products, she never had a Droid items, so a friend at work had a 60g iPad 1 for sale and sold it to me dirt cheap which I plan on giving to her at Christmas then I will ask for her Nexus 7.

So that being said I started looking around the web for "tips and tricks" for the 7 so I can get a pretty good idea of what to look for.I came across a couple forums and in one particular forum there was a thread dedicated to "tips and tricks" and one member in particular started making videos, I highly recommend those of you who have the 7 or those who are thinking about getting the 7, check it out and subscribe. I have no affiliation with the poster, just sharing what I found.....he also owns the iPad and the Transformer Prime, but absolutely LOVES his 7. Check the link below.

He also has videos about the iPads, iPad Minis, Surface and Nexus 10

CigarSquid 11-14-2012 07:24 AM

Re: Google Nexus 7?

Originally Posted by mfarre03 (Post 1749438)
I guess I dig the Nexus 7 over the 10 because I already have a laptop and don't always need something that big.

I understand. The 7 is just bigger than a phone.. Kinda odd size. While the 10 is smaller than a laptop, but still a bit bigger to carry around. 17 laptop vs 10 tablet vs 7 tablet.

In the sense of that, I went with the 10. I know it is smaller than a laptop and bigger than the phone(obviously) and came to terms with it not just sliding in a bag. I wanted something that is as close to the laptop but more mobile.

If you want small to carry around, stick with a 3inch or so phone. To me, I don't see the point in going 4 inches up. JMO

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