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BHalbrooks 10-03-2012 02:23 PM

Borderlands 2
Anyone play it? I'm sure most of the Forum doesn't really play Video Games.

Robulous78 10-03-2012 02:49 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
My neighbor and his girl are addicted to it... I haven't got on the sticks yet but I can say from an onlooker point of view it seems badass... :tu

BHalbrooks 10-03-2012 09:47 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
Do you have an Xbox?

Zane 10-03-2012 09:50 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
I play it on pc. Pretty fun. I have like a level 25 Assasin and a 20 Siren.

BHalbrooks 10-03-2012 09:57 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
I just beat it today with Zer0. Gonna start the next playthrough next week sometime.

Blak Smyth 10-04-2012 05:07 AM

Re: Borderlands 2
I thought about picking it up but am prolly just gonna go for Black Ops 2 instead.

madwilliamflint 10-11-2012 01:58 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
Yep. I've got a L25/26 Zero. Just started a mechromancer as well.

Seems a lot longer than its predecessor. I've got 59 or so hours logged (good lord.) but I suspect I'm probably only about 2/3 through the baseline story.

Does it have the same kind of replay mechanic that B1 had? Where you could start over and run through it again scaled up to your existing level and toys?

BFallehy 10-11-2012 02:00 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
I have a few friends who are playing this. I am thinking about picking it up but waiting till I can find it used or on sale. :noon

Robulous78 10-13-2012 11:41 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
Watched My neighbor beat the final boss on BL2... Looks Awesome.... :tu

jonharky 10-14-2012 06:19 AM

Re: Borderlands 2
My gf's son got it and beat it in 3 days in XBox then goes back to do all the achievements

BHalbrooks 10-14-2012 07:05 PM

Re: Borderlands 2

Originally Posted by madwilliamflint (Post 1731501)
Yep. I've got a L25/26 Zero. Just started a mechromancer as well.

Seems a lot longer than its predecessor. I've got 59 or so hours logged (good lord.) but I suspect I'm probably only about 2/3 through the baseline story.

Does it have the same kind of replay mechanic that B1 had? Where you could start over and run through it again scaled up to your existing level and toys?

I have a level 45 I (think) Zer0. I just started a Mechromancer as well today. That's like Level 3 or something goofy. j
Yes sir it does have the First and Second playthrough options.

Originally Posted by BFallehy (Post 1731503)
I have a few friends who are playing this. I am thinking about picking it up but waiting till I can find it used or on sale. :noon

I heard about a site selling it for $45. Want me to find the site? It was posted on another Forum I barely frequent, they have a wicked Borderlands 2 thread though.

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1732787)
Watched My neighbor beat the final boss on BL2... Looks Awesome.... :tu

Final boss was actually easy. I had trouble at first then found a glitch off to the side where you can shoot at him, but you can't get hurt by his attacks, or the Crystalisks.

Originally Posted by jonharky (Post 1732853)
My gf's son got it and beat it in 3 days in XBox then goes back to do all the achievements

Yea, that's what I did. I did also start the "True Vault Hunter" playthrough. You start out at your rank at the end of your first playthrough. You then start playing through the game again. Enemies are harder, loot is better, etc.

I'm on Xbox Live: BHalbrooks if anyone needs help with a boss or anything.

spectrrr 10-17-2012 03:09 AM

Re: Borderlands 2
I loved the original, I'll be playing 2 just as soon as my new laptop arrives next week :)

madwilliamflint 10-17-2012 01:11 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
Finished the main line. Very happy with it. A couple of the near ending zones are really awesome. Plus an orange shield that's a melee damage shield and reflects bullets back as corrosion damage doesn't suck. :p

There's already another DLC? Just downloaded and started it last night.

I'll go back and do the other stuff later.

Finished the main quest line and most side quests at L33 with Zer0.

madwilliamflint 10-27-2012 06:42 AM

Re: Borderlands 2
So if you follow Gearbox on twitter and/or like them on Facebook you can get a code (one each) for unlocking a new "golden chest key." Active 'til 9:00 am EDT this morning.

Just found out about 'em.

dwoodward 10-29-2012 11:14 AM

Re: Borderlands 2
I play on the PC with the girlfriend. I have a few LAN characters with other people tho, so if anyone wants to start up a game with me, I am more than happy to.

My steam ID is thelifeofmyself. Add me. :)

As far as my progress, level 32 at the moment, I suspect the games main storyline is coming to an end soon. I am currently playing as Assassin (Zer0) and my skill build is pretty much entirely melee based. The girlfriend is a Siren and went a combo of sniping and team health bonuses. I have been having a TON of fun with the "Law & Order" pistol - shield combo.

If anyone here has been thinking about getting the game, I have an extra CD-KEY that I won for the game ( I already had it preordered ). You can enter into Steam and download the game. It comes with the Mechromancer. I was thinking maybe a trade for sticks or other things of interest. (It's for PC)

madwilliamflint 10-29-2012 12:17 PM

Re: Borderlands 2

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1741054)
I play on the PC with the girlfriend. I have a few LAN characters with other people tho, so if anyone wants to start up a game with me, I am more than happy to.

My steam ID is thelifeofmyself. Add me. :)

As far as my progress, level 32 at the moment, I suspect the games main storyline is coming to an end soon. I am currently playing as Assassin (Zer0) and my skill build is pretty much entirely melee based. The girlfriend is a Siren and went a combo of sniping and team health bonuses. I have been having a TON of fun with the "Law & Order" pistol - shield combo.

If anyone here has been thinking about getting the game, I have an extra CD-KEY that I won for the game ( I already had it preordered ). You can enter into Steam and download the game. It comes with the Mechromancer. I was thinking maybe a trade for sticks or other things of interest. (It's for PC)

Oh the L&O combo was great. I have this horrible problem where I hang on to the old named items even though they've outlived their usefulness. The bank is full of stuff like that. But I'm on my 2nd playthrough and the shotgun with the hyperion bot AI is just useless this time around.

A...a sniping siren o.O? Melee speced Zer0?

I clearly lack imagination.

dwoodward 12-02-2012 09:13 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
Anyone still play this? Just recently stumbled on a "Alkaline The Bee" Amplify shield. This thing is ridiculously OP... Takes my normal 2000 dmg pistol shots and amplifies them to 17k damage a shot with no shot drain. The enemies literally explode in a bloody mess when I shoot them. Using a shotgun makes this thing a 1 shot boss killer. Crazy damage.

spectrrr 12-03-2012 12:03 AM

Re: Borderlands 2

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1758557)
Anyone still play this? Just recently stumbled on a "Alkaline The Bee" Amplify shield. This thing is ridiculously OP... Takes my normal 2000 dmg pistol shots and amplifies them to 17k damage a shot with no shot drain. The enemies literally explode in a bloody mess when I shoot them. Using a shotgun makes this thing a 1 shot boss killer. Crazy damage.

Yep. I was playing around in the save editor, seeing what kinda things were available and I ran across that one. I'd love to find one legit that I could use. Simply amazing damage, and wicked fast recharge!

Paired with a "Maggie" pistol, it can be even deadlier than a shotty. Maggie pistol is a legendary Jacobs pistol - except I think it's firing .410 shotgun shells :) --- a level 38 maggie does 1203 x6 dmg, and it sends those 6 rounds out in a very tight cone (81.2 accuracy). Get lucky with a "loaded" variant and your sending 14 of those rounds downrange as fast as you can pull the trigger, and with the usual fast as hell jacobs reload. (for comparison, a lvl 38 Jacobs Law pistol does around 3500 dmg, one bullet).

For a legal pairing, A nice Blue quality Vladof TMP pistol can be incredibly deadly with the Bee shield as well, you just have to remember to pop out, spray and duck behind something again.

I ended up going back to my Law & Order combo (legally found items). I thought the Law & Order combo was crazy OP for a melee assassin, but the Bee put it to shame, made it not even fun anymore :P

madwilliamflint 12-03-2012 08:01 AM

Re: Borderlands 2
yaeh I'm clocking WAY too many hours on B2. I'm about half way through the 2nd playthrough with zer0 and I just respecced him for melee, which is a *****. I just can't get the hang of it.

I think i'm at L47 or so. Once I tag 50 I'm going to start hunting legendaries.

First time around I found a couple shields off the Warrior. But they were L35 so they're just in the stash now.

The arena DLC is busting my balls with zer0. I just can't seem to tank enough damage. I get lucky when there's a goliath or two to let loose. But failing that I get squished pretty easily.

spectrrr 12-03-2012 08:12 AM

Re: Borderlands 2
You need a LAW pistol (any level will do, its not for shooting) and a an Order shield. Then you can tank damage like crazy :) (both blue level items)
Combine that with a high end health boosting relic (cooldown and melee dmg relics work well also) and you can tank a shitload of damage.
(law&order basically says that any melee damage you do with lalw gets absorbed back as health if you have order equipped)

Have you played the pirates DLC? there's a gun you get that gives you +200% melee damage. If you cant get law and order, that would be a good second bet, that and enough backstab and you'll never come out of deception till almost everyone is dead.

there's definitely a bit of a "dance" involved in meleeing guys, but I find the non badasses you can dance around and get in 6 solid hits on someone without them touching you.

I tried respecing mine as a sniper, but everytime a guy got close I wanted to run up and slice him.... only difference, he didn't die when I did this as a sniper! I had to go back to the melee build.

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