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irratebass 09-24-2012 10:20 AM

Books on iPhone 4S
Does anyone use the iBooks on their phones? I thought I would try this out and downloaded a few samples of some books I am interested in.

Can anyone with experience tell me if after reading the sample and downloading the full book that it takes you to where you left off at or do you start back over again? Also are the samples in order or are you just kind of jumping around? It feels like I am going in order, but after talking to a friend who has the read the same book (not from his phone) that I was missing some things.

Thanks in advance.

kelmac07 09-24-2012 10:24 AM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S
No idea Mickey...I do know that I don't want to be reading on that little screen (even if you can change the font). :2 Keep reading on that screen and you're gonna need bifocals real quick.

irratebass 09-24-2012 10:33 AM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1721703)
No idea Mickey...I do know that I don't want to be reading on that little screen (even if you can change the font). :2 Keep reading on that screen and you're gonna need bifocals real quick.

Well I will be getting my wife's Nexus 7 at Christmas and she will be getting a new iPad, for now just wanted to test the waters on my iPhone

pnoon 09-24-2012 10:57 AM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S
To the best of my knowledge, the only way they will stay in sync across Apple devices is if you use iCloud. Nexus to iPad? I think you are stuck with manually syncing.

Also, I concur with the "you are nuts to read a book on your phone" crowd.

aich75013 09-24-2012 11:02 AM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S
The samples download as a separate book, so when you download the full book, it will begin at the beginning. It's not too difficult to jump ahead to the chapter you left off at, though.
The samples that I have read were the first chapter, or a portion of it. It was always in it's entirety.

irratebass 09-24-2012 11:41 AM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1721719)
To the best of my knowledge, the only way they will stay in sync across Apple devices is if you use iCloud. Nexus to iPad? I think you are stuck with manually syncing.

Also, I concur with the "you are nuts to read a book on your phone" crowd.

Thanks for the info


Originally Posted by aich75013 (Post 1721721)
The samples download as a separate book, so when you download the full book, it will begin at the beginning. It's not too difficult to jump ahead to the chapter you left off at, though.
The samples that I have read were the first chapter, or a portion of it. It was always in it's entirety.

Ok, good deal thanks for this.

CigarNut 09-24-2012 12:15 PM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S
I have not used iBooks, but I have used the Kindle app on my iPhone and the current location does sync as expected. I do not know what iBooks needs to sync.

I don't like to read on my phone but I have been caught out having to wait somewhere with nothing else but my phone. I just make the font big enough and go for it. Not ideal, but it does work in a pinch -- and I already have bifocals... :)

Chainsaw13 09-24-2012 12:16 PM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S
I read a couple books on my Iphone 4. Not all that bad honestly, if you turn it sideways. Now it's obviously much better on my Ipad.

SvilleKid 09-24-2012 12:27 PM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S
I guess I'm in the "Nutty" crowd. I ONLY download the free books on several readers on my phone. I can make the font sizes and screen brightness anything I need to make reading easy. Mainly I use Stanza and iBooks, but I have an older app called "classics" that was an early reader, and a paid app ($2.99, I think). I am reading many of the old classics that I missed as a youth. Currently reading "Great Expectations" on iBooks, and some Sci-Fi books on Stanza, and the Iliad on Classics app. I find there are more books available free than I can read in my life, and haven't purchased a single book in electronic format in the two years I've been using the iPhone as a reader. My wife is in the crowd that does not use her iPhone as a reader. I do not own a tablet, and do not see the need for a separate reader that only reads books and such, when I have a phone that will do the same thing. I don't notice the page turning action at all after the first several pages, because I'm usually absorbed in the book. Battery-wise, I have a back-up battery that gives me three full charges that I use traveling anyway, so I'm not concerned about battery usage. Plus, I find that reading in reverse text (black screen, white text) greatly reduces battery use.

I like the fact that I can load books I find free on-line. Baen books has a lot of Sci-Fi from the early years of series that I can download for free, in a variety of formats. This works for Stanza and iBooks both.

I'm sure I'm in the minority here. But, I really do not mind the small screen, because I can adjust the fonts for easy reading, and a quick flick if a finger on the screen, and the next page is up in an instant. And, I currently have ZERO need for a tablet. I don't usually buy single use electronics like a dedicated book reader, so a Kindle or a Nook are not in my "need" or "want" list. As for current titles??? I still prefer hard-copy, and belong to BOMC2 where I buy $25 hardbacks for $8 per month.

Again, I only use the iPhone book apps for old classics and any newer, free downloads I find I'm interested in. I currently have 180 books loaded and 67 books in pdf format loaded on my phone. Since these are all free items, when I finish reading a book, I usually delete it from the phone.

elderboy02 09-24-2012 12:35 PM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1721719)
Also, I concur with the "you are nuts to read a book on your phone" crowd.

LOL. Before I had my iPad, I read George W. Bush's Executive Points on my Droid. It gave me a headache :r

irratebass 09-24-2012 12:40 PM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1721796)
I guess I'm in the "Nutty" crowd. I ONLY download the free books on several readers on my phone. I can make the font sizes and screen brightness anything I need to make reading easy. Mainly I use Stanza and iBooks, but I have an older app called "classics" that was an early reader, and a paid app ($2.99, I think). I am reading many of the old classics that I missed as a youth. Currently reading "Great Expectations" on iBooks, and some Sci-Fi books on Stanza, and the Iliad on Classics app. I find there are more books available free than I can read in my life, and haven't purchased a single book in electronic format in the two years I've been using the iPhone as a reader. My wife is in the crowd that does not use her iPhone as a reader. I do not own a tablet, and do not see the need for a separate reader that only reads books and such, when I have a phone that will do the same thing. I don't notice the page turning action at all after the first several pages, because I'm usually absorbed in the book. Battery-wise, I have a back-up battery that gives me three full charges that I use traveling anyway, so I'm not concerned about battery usage. Plus, I find that reading in reverse text (black screen, white text) greatly reduces battery use.

I like the fact that I can load books I find free on-line. Baen books has a lot of Sci-Fi from the early years of series that I can download for free, in a variety of formats. This works for Stanza and iBooks both.

I'm sure I'm in the minority here. But, I really do not mind the small screen, because I can adjust the fonts for easy reading, and a quick flick if a finger on the screen, and the next page is up in an instant. And, I currently have ZERO need for a tablet. I don't usually buy single use electronics like a dedicated book reader, so a Kindle or a Nook are not in my "need" or "want" list. As for current titles??? I still prefer hard-copy, and belong to BOMC2 where I buy $25 hardbacks for $8 per month.

Again, I only use the iPhone book apps for old classics and any newer, free downloads I find I'm interested in. I currently have 180 books loaded and 67 books in pdf format loaded on my phone. Since these are all free items, when I finish reading a book, I usually delete it from the phone.

So far I am not having problems reading the samples on my phone by turning it sideways and adjusting the Font and Theme.......hmm I had Kindle on my iPhone and never used it, just deleted it with the new update, gonna go look at that again....thanks

Cigar Mike 09-24-2012 01:40 PM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S
I download books and read them on my iPod, which has pretty much the same screen size and software as most iPhones, I think. I use an app called "Overdrive" which does a good job interfacing with my public library back home. I can download books for free (they're usually under 1MB) and then they get deleted once my "loan period" is done, or I can renew them if I'm not done yet. There's some basic functions to change font size and contrast, and you can jump around easily or bookmark pages to come back to later.

irratebass 09-24-2012 02:18 PM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S

Originally Posted by Cigar Mike (Post 1721863)
I download books and read them on my iPod, which has pretty much the same screen size and software as most iPhones, I think. I use an app called "Overdrive" which does a good job interfacing with my public library back home. I can download books for free (they're usually under 1MB) and then they get deleted once my "loan period" is done, or I can renew them if I'm not done yet. There's some basic functions to change font size and contrast, and you can jump around easily or bookmark pages to come back to later.

I doubt my hillbilly library has jumped on the online wagon, but I will take a look, thanks.

shilala 09-24-2012 02:52 PM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1721719)
To the best of my knowledge, the only way they will stay in sync across Apple devices is if you use iCloud. Nexus to iPad? I think you are stuck with manually syncing.

Also, I concur with the "you are nuts to read a book on your phone" crowd.

Here's the thing, Peter...
With the Kindle App on my phone and ipad, I can read anywhere and my spot in the book syncs between devices. When I'm sitting in a Dr.'s office, waiting on the wife to shop, sitting on the can, whenever I have downtime, I can read a few pages.
It's not hard to read, and while I certainly don't want to read a whole book on the phone, it is simply awesome for times when I just don't want to put a book down because it's SO good.
If the book isn't rocking me, then I just don't use the phone to read. It sure is nice when I find a book I love, though.
I guess this still leaves me in the "you are nuts to read a book on your phone" group, because it's not something I normally do, not at all.

Think of the feature as a value-added goodie rather than a real tool for reading. Then it makes good sense, and becomes a really cool and usable feature. :)

forgop 09-24-2012 03:43 PM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S
I have kindle that I rarely use, but go between my iPad, iPhone, desktop, and laptop, so I'm pretty well set.

mhailey 09-24-2012 04:12 PM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S
I have the Kindle App on my android phone, and have the Bible, The Art of War, the "Hunger Games" series, as well as other books. I don't mind reading it on my phone, and since upgrading my phone to one that has 4.8 inch screen reading on my phone is no issue. Bump the font up as big as it gets, and I'm good to go. I also don't read in black and white, but in the sepia tone, which is easier on my eyes. I love having books just available to read. I don't have to lug my bible around to have it easily accessible. etc... .

sevans105 09-24-2012 05:12 PM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S
Tremendously agree with the Kindle app crowd. I read fairly voraciously and the Kindle app syncs so nicely with my phone (motorola droid x2) iPad and laptop that it is just fantastic. With the phone app, I'm able to read at Doctor visits, long lines, riding shotgun in the car, bathroom, etc, etc. While at home I tend to use the iPad and laptop or net book. The sync feature is just frikkin awesome.

Currently plowing through one of Neil Stephenson's 500 page beasts. I love being able to go immediately where I left off on any number of devices.

irratebass 09-25-2012 07:17 AM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S

Originally Posted by Cigar Mike (Post 1721863)
I download books and read them on my iPod, which has pretty much the same screen size and software as most iPhones, I think. I use an app called "Overdrive" which does a good job interfacing with my public library back home. I can download books for free (they're usually under 1MB) and then they get deleted once my "loan period" is done, or I can renew them if I'm not done yet. There's some basic functions to change font size and contrast, and you can jump around easily or bookmark pages to come back to later.

Well my hillbilly library does has this, now I'm on a waiting list for a book lol.

awsmith4 09-25-2012 10:50 PM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S
I read on mine a good bit. Often in the field or anywhere I will read while waiting. One tip I had show to me was to invert the color in different lighting conditions to see white type on black background. It especially is easy on my eyes in dimmer conditions.

Settings > General > Accessibility > Triple Click > Invert Colors

Justinphilly 09-26-2012 01:26 AM

Re: Books on iPhone 4S
Albert, it's been a long time my friend. Congrats on the Braves success this year. Anyway, I've tried reading on my iPhone/iPad, but just can't avoid a headache. I would love to do it, since it would enable me to read a lot more, but I can't ring myself to remember to take a book with me.

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