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Mikey202 08-27-2012 10:42 AM

Yahoo Fantasy Football 2012 (Newbies can play, too!!!)
:noonneed 10 people!!!

Have 3 plus me!!!

5 Premium NC buy in = $50, plus a 5vr for the troops!!!

If you are new to Cigar Asylum this is your chance to get some positive trader feedback / rep and get to be part of something great.

Draft is set for Sept 1 @ 1200 pm (noon).

1. Mikey202 / IN YO' FACE!!
2. Revsmoke / Northwoodsmen
3. elderboy02 / Bengals= Superbowl


Mikey202 08-27-2012 10:25 PM

Re: Yahoo Fantasy Football 2012 (Newbies can play, too!!!)

RevSmoke 08-28-2012 10:53 AM

Re: Yahoo Fantasy Football 2012 (Newbies can play, too!!!)
Come on people.

This is a great opportunity to support the troops and get into some fantasy football.

Mikey202 08-30-2012 03:30 PM

Re: Yahoo Fantasy Football 2012 (Newbies can play, too!!!)
Bump..... we have had 60 people veiw this thread, and no takers? The economy must be bad.

Last year people where turned away from leagues, and now this?:confused:

pnoon 08-30-2012 03:32 PM

Re: Yahoo Fantasy Football 2012 (Newbies can play, too!!!)
My guess is that this is around the 3rd or 4th (maybe 5th) FF league posted here in CA. How many can the community support? Not trying to be a Negative Nancy (Hi Bob!). Just sharing an observation.

Mikey202 08-30-2012 03:37 PM

Re: Yahoo Fantasy Football 2012 (Newbies can play, too!!!)

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1708339)
My guess is that this is around the 3rd or 4th (maybe 5th) FF league posted here in CA. How many can the community support? Not trying to be a Negative Nancy (Hi Bob!). Just sharing an observation.

Didn't relize that there was that many already. I only new of 1 other.

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