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shilala 08-25-2012 07:19 AM

Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
I've been chewing a can or 2 a day for 33 years, and been chewing tobacco for a good 35 or 36.
Today will be a record. I have NEVER been without snuff for 4 days in the last 30+ years.
It is driving me out of my freakin mind, and I'm starting to get a bit snappish. It's taken a ton of prayer to get this far, I'm sure it'll take a whole lot more before it's done.

I'm going to go get some of that fake snuff today and I'm also going to get some jerky snuff. Oddly, the nicotine dropoff hasn't really bothered me. I've been nursing the same PL panatella for the last few days, I spark it up when I'm ready to crack. There's way more than half left.

If you guys have any tips from when you suffered through this, I could sure use them. :)

dwoodward 08-25-2012 07:26 AM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
Good job Scott! Drop the snuff.

A good support group behind you would be the best way and easiest way to quit. And incase you didn't notice, CA is a good place for that!

68TriShield 08-25-2012 07:27 AM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
What makes you say it's not nicotine withdraw?
If it were me I'd try some Nicorette gum or whatever it's called.

smitty81 08-25-2012 07:33 AM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
I could drop cigars, cigarettes, and booze whenever................

Chew on the other hand was the hardest think I ever gave up.

I used to just leave my ID in the car if I was going in the gas station or where ever, I was young enough that they still carded me.

It was really hard to just quit cold turkey, I had to slowly ween myself off.

After a while, I was able to go about 3 weeks or so without. I tried it after those 3 weeks and I got sicker than a dog.

That was the end for me.

Good luck Scott, it's a tough road but you can do it.

kelmac07 08-25-2012 08:28 AM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
Best of luck Scottie...going on 35 years with snuff here. Thought about quitting a few times. :D

Eleven 08-25-2012 08:30 AM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
I gave up cigarettes in 97, after the first day it all became a game of "Made it one day, make it through the next and it's another victory". I made it much more important to myself to not fail.

Going cold turkey was the only way for me to quit, there was no way to slow down.

Good luck!

shilala 08-25-2012 08:35 AM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 1705352)
What makes you say it's not nicotine withdraw?
If it were me I'd try some Nicorette gum or whatever it's called.

I have a mess of cigars, Dave. I can always go to them for the nicotine. I'm honestly afraid of getting addicted to nicotine gum, lots and lots of guys have told me they did that. An old boy just told me a couple weekends ago that he quit after 45 years, it took him a year with the nicotine gum and he's still chewing jerky snuff. :)

I went and got some jerky snuff and that immediately solved the "going nuts wanting a dip" thing, so that's gonna be a big help. I'll keep a cigar handy, too. I have some little Punch Margaritas and some tiny little cohibas that'll work. I'm not going to smoke anything unless it's absolutely necessary, I really want to get the goo out of my system asap.

JenksAnejo 08-25-2012 08:39 AM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
Good for you Scott! Good luck buddy it'll all be worth it :tu

363 08-25-2012 08:44 AM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
Good luck Scott!

dwoodward 08-25-2012 08:44 AM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
On a side note... I always thought snuff was that powdery tobacco you snorted. Not chewed.

I don't chew any tobacco, so I might be wrong, just curious.

JenksAnejo 08-25-2012 08:47 AM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
Snuff can be called what you described, but in the chewing tobacco world it is generally very fine cut chewing tobacco.

Fordman4ever 08-25-2012 08:50 AM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
Not a day goes by that I don't think about going down to the gas station and getting a can. Lots of time in the gym or doing yard work or working in the garage keeps my mind off of it.

Fordman4ever 08-25-2012 08:52 AM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
Why did you quit, if you don't mind me asking?

IBQTEE1 08-25-2012 10:34 AM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
Now I understand why you were offering it to me at the Shack. You were seeing if you could start going without it. :D

Congrats brother.

RevSmoke 08-25-2012 11:40 AM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
Scott, here's an idea I have used.

Coffee grounds. Put them in an old tin. You can get a pinch whenever you want. You can even spit and it looks like snuff spit. Of course, you can also swallow and no harm done.

Yes, I am serious. It is works.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

Big Bert 08-25-2012 12:30 PM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
Good luck scott!! you can do it brother.

Nathan 08-25-2012 09:59 PM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
Good work! At this point in time every day will be easier than the day before. I just thought of that and remembered the hell I went through everytime I thought of buying any. I knew if I bought any I would have to start that all over. I don't like doing something twice.

PCR 08-25-2012 10:20 PM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
Scott, amazingly this is day four for me too. I haven't dipped as long as you have but none the less... Many of us, me included, are creatures of habit. One of the ways to help quit dip/chew is to remove yourself from the place that you daily chew. I dipped at work, so there goes that theory for me (not independently wealthy). So I put the thought into my head that I would just be me BEFORE I dipped, as in before I ever chewed. I gotta tell you, so far so good. It's almost as if I just forgot I had the habit. Give it a try, maybe it will help you too. God Bless you brother, we're all here to help in whatever way we can.

RobR1205 08-25-2012 10:37 PM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
Sorry no first hand advice, but just wanted to wish you all the best in your effort to quit! I know you'll do it! Prayers and well wishes sent!

poriggity 08-25-2012 10:57 PM

Re: Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
Good luck Scott. I have started up again.. I try to quit, but don't go more than I day before I pick up a can again.

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