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FriendlyMan 08-06-2012 03:10 PM

Tablet Information help please
Hi, I would apriciate some advice or information if you know anything about tablets.

I was hoping to get somthing I could watch a specific online video on. It's kinda a lecture that I need to watch every day. I could do it from anywhere, and thats why I want it to be mobile. My droid is to small and it dosnt work on there, I tried. My laptop would be too heavy at times and that would make it harder to be consistint with the lectures.
I am very not familyer with the wifi tablets. Dose it mean it only works where wifi is provided? Would I beable to conect to my work network if I know the password? or any open network? please explain.
I see one on craiglist 7" for $80 I txted the person he said its a orginal 7 inch MID what do you think? I dont want to get a connection on it. I am paying for that on my phone already. I dont think I'll find an unlimted deal on a tablet like I have on my phone now with Verizon, thats over.

CigarNut 08-06-2012 04:41 PM

Re: Tablet Information help please

Originally Posted by FriendlyMan (Post 1695109)
Hi, I would apriciate some advice or information if you know anything about tablets.

I was hoping to get somthing I could watch a specific online video on. It's kinda a lecture that I need to watch every day. I could do it from anywhere, and thats why I want it to be mobile. My droid is to small and it dosnt work on there, I tried. My laptop would be too heavy at times and that would make it harder to be consistint with the lectures.
I am very not familyer with the wifi tablets.

Dose it mean it only works where wifi is provided? YES
Would I beable to conect to my work network if I know the password? or any open network? please explain. If your employer allows it

I see one on craiglist 7" for $80 I txted the person he said its a orginal 7 inch MID what do you think? Never heard of it

dont want to get a connection on it. I am paying for that on my phone already. I dont think I'll find an unlimted deal on a tablet like I have on my phone now with Verizon, thats over.

If you have reasonable access to WiFi in all the places you would be using your tablet then you can go with a cheap WiFi-only tablet.

For me, there are too many places where I use a tablet that do not offer any WiFi so I went with an iPad. As far as I know there are no other tablets that work directly over a cellular network. You may be able to use your phone as a WiFi access point for your tablet. AT&T charges too much for this other carriers allow it (for now) free of charge.

The iPad is not a cheap tablet, but it works very well at what it does and for me, this is an item where cheap may not be a good thing...

King James 08-06-2012 06:10 PM

Re: Tablet Information help please

Originally Posted by FriendlyMan (Post 1695109)
Hi, I would apriciate some advice or information if you know anything about tablets.

I was hoping to get somthing I could watch a specific online video on. It's kinda a lecture that I need to watch every day. I could do it from anywhere, and thats why I want it to be mobile. My droid is to small and it dosnt work on there, I tried. My laptop would be too heavy at times and that would make it harder to be consistint with the lectures.
I am very not familyer with the wifi tablets. Dose it mean it only works where wifi is provided? Would I beable to conect to my work network if I know the password? or any open network? please explain.
I see one on craiglist 7" for $80 I txted the person he said its a orginal 7 inch MID what do you think? I dont want to get a connection on it. I am paying for that on my phone already. I dont think I'll find an unlimted deal on a tablet like I have on my phone now with Verizon, thats over.

The MID is from 2009 I think so has a few years on it. It runs android, but overall its not a very good quality device. From what I could gather on it, it can't open PDFs or epub, the screen is pretty crappy, the internal speakers are awful, and if you open too many apps the WiFi cuts out. If you are not looking to spend $400 for an iPad, I would suggest spending at least $200 for a Kindle Fire. Other Android tablets like the Samsung Galaxy Tab can be had, but are at the same price point as the iPad.

I'm an Apple user, so any android or windows tablet information beyond that I can't really help too much with. But I would suggest spending a bit more for a quality device, even if you go with something that is refurbished.

RobR1205 08-06-2012 06:48 PM

Re: Tablet Information help please
I was issued an iPad2 for school and really enjoy it. It has a long battery life, great graphics for movies/games, and is probably lower in price now that the "new" iPad is out. I watch videos on it all the time, but one thing to think about is that you cannot watch/play anything that requires Adobe Flash Player on it. <--Someone correct me if I'm wrong, though. It runs on WiFi, but if you are willing to pay the extra $$$ (I personally don't) then you can use 3G pretty much anywhere with your service.

mhailey 08-06-2012 07:14 PM

Re: Tablet Information help please
Google Nexus 7!!

Quad-core processor, high def screen, $200. Really cannot be beat!!!

Eleven 08-06-2012 07:46 PM

Re: Tablet Information help please

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1695272)
Google Nexus 7!!

Quad-core processor, high def screen, $200. Really cannot be beat!!!

I have a cheap android E-Reader for books, but if/when I pull the trigger on a real tablet, this is what I will be getting.

Silound 08-07-2012 07:19 AM

Re: Tablet Information help please
Th real question is what are you trying to watch? From a practical standpoint, remember that Apple devices do not support flash, so if the video is streamed in a flash container, you cannot watch it on an iPad of any sort.

Personally, I like Android tablets. While they are not as sleek as iPads and don't have quite the battery life, I feel they better represent what the tablet market was trying to accomplish in terms of a mobile platform for actual work and utility. Plus, having an Android based phone means everything is synced between the two devices via my Gmail account. That makes work, email, documents, and all of that much easier to manage.

FriendlyMan 08-07-2012 07:35 AM

Re: Tablet Information help please
The main thing I'm planning to watch is online and is best watch from a Google browser as stated on thier website. So maybe nexus 7 is the way to go.
I'm wondering if easythether app would work from my Verizon thunderbolt. Using my Verizon phone as a hot spot would be an extra $30 which us what I want to avoid.

If anyone has one for sale let me know.

irratebass 08-07-2012 07:48 AM

Re: Tablet Information help please

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1695272)
Google Nexus 7!!

Quad-core processor, high def screen, $200. Really cannot be beat!!!

Thanks for the link, I checked it out and also seen a review on Youtube, I think I may go get one for the wife (her bday is next month) today after work.

irratebass 08-07-2012 07:54 AM

Re: Tablet Information help please
*double post* bleh

mhailey 08-07-2012 08:42 AM

Re: Tablet Information help please

Originally Posted by FriendlyMan (Post 1695477)
The main thing I'm planning to watch is online and is best watch from a Google browser as stated on thier website. So maybe nexus 7 is the way to go.
I'm wondering if easythether app would work from my Verizon thunderbolt. Using my Verizon phone as a hot spot would be an extra $30 which us what I want to avoid.

If anyone has one for sale let me know.

Check out PdaNet from June Frabrics. you can tether it through the USB cable, wifi, or blue tooth. It costs $5 flat one time fee (when I bought the program), to visit secure websites, although the first 2 weeks are free. I highly recommend it. I use it to tether my laptop to my phone for the internet when I don't have a wifi hotspot.

pnoon 08-07-2012 08:56 AM

Re: Tablet Information help please

Originally Posted by FriendlyMan (Post 1695477)
The main thing I'm planning to watch is ....


FriendlyMan 08-07-2012 09:34 AM

Re: Tablet Information help please
Am I thinking what your thinking I'm thinking.
No, That's not it.

I'll explain a little better, It's a daily lesson, It takes about 35-40 minutes each lesson. It's not a file you down load you watch it on the browser. You can watch today or also go back and watch the ones you missed or go forward.


Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1695520)

pnoon 08-07-2012 09:38 AM

Re: Tablet Information help please

Originally Posted by FriendlyMan (Post 1695538)
Am I thinking what your thinking I'm thinking.
No, That's not it.

I have no clue what you're thinking.

Originally Posted by FriendlyMan (Post 1695538)
I'll explain a little better, It's a daily lesson, It takes about 35-40 minutes each lesson. It's not a file you down load you watch it on the browser. You can watch today or also go back and watch the ones you missed or go forward.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is the actual link so those trying to help can understand the technical aspects of what you want to view. Without knowing that, you might get well intentioned advice that is of no use to you.

FriendlyMan 08-07-2012 09:44 AM

Re: Tablet Information help please
It's the Talmud if you learn a page a day it takes 7 years to complete.

Just a note: Daf means Page in Hebrew. = Page a day.
And by the way: a good time to burn a cigar.

CRIMPS 08-07-2012 09:52 AM

Re: Tablet Information help please

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1695272)
Google Nexus 7!!

Quad-core processor, high def screen, $200. Really cannot be beat!!!

A coworker just got a FEW of these. He carries one with him a lot. He can actually get it in his pocket a lot of the time. Looks great, feels great, runs super fast, and seems to be a great price, too. :2

FriendlyMan 08-07-2012 09:56 AM

Re: Tablet Information help please
So if I'm not downloading anything the 8gb should be good.
I don't think thier is a deference in speed between the two?


Originally Posted by CRIMPS (Post 1695550)
A coworker just got a FEW of these. He carries one with him a lot. He can actually get it in his pocket a lot of the time. Looks great, feels great, runs super fast, and seems to be a great price, too. :2

irratebass 08-07-2012 09:57 AM

Re: Tablet Information help please

Originally Posted by CRIMPS (Post 1695550)
A coworker just got a FEW of these. He carries one with him a lot. He can actually get it in his pocket a lot of the time. Looks great, feels great, runs super fast, and seems to be a great price, too. :2

I just called my local HH Gregg and they have 2, I am leaving in about 15 mins to get one.

CigarNut 08-07-2012 10:41 AM

Re: Tablet Information help please

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1695272)
Google Nexus 7!!

Quad-core processor, high def screen, $200. Really cannot be beat!!!

Too small for me -- I need more than a 7" screen -- and I know that is personal preference.

irratebass 08-07-2012 11:23 AM

Re: Tablet Information help please
Here it is

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