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BlkDrew 07-18-2012 07:28 AM

Cc number stolen
So this morning I called Visa to let tem know that I will be out of the country for a week. While doing so I checked my online statement and noticed a fraudulent charge to Autotrader. The customer service for visa gave me a phone number for where the charge was made. It was in fact autotrader and someone placed an ad using my CC number, good thing was that autotrader flagged it when it was placed as a fraudulent ad and charged back my account.

I cancelled my CC Due to it beig compromised and requested a new one. Is there anything else I should do or should that be enough?

smitty81 07-18-2012 07:29 AM

Re: Cc number stolen

You should be ok here.

fencefixer 07-18-2012 07:34 AM

Re: Cc number stolen
You're all set. Visa zero liability at its finest.

Silound 07-18-2012 09:09 AM

Re: Cc number stolen
If I were you, I would cover all my bases. You have no idea where they got that information, so if something was compromised, other things could be as well.

Start by inspecting statements for any other credit, charge, or debit cards you have for any fraudulent charges. Keep a close eye on them for the next few months. If another fraudulent charge shows up anywhere, I would immediately request new accounts/cards for everything, report the fraud to the credit bureaus and keep a close eye on them.

Second, I would go pull your credit report now and make sure there aren't any surprises lurking on that. Identity theft happens to even the most careful people, so any breach is serious. If you weren't aware, the federal government mandates that you can get one free credit report per calendar year from (see here for reference information

Someone is bound to think that my advice here is overkill, and yes, it is. But I would rather take an hour of my time once a week when I'm already doing bills and paperwork to be cautious rather than spend a lifetime rebuilding destroyed credit or paying back fraudulent debt.

Brutus2600 07-18-2012 09:19 AM

Re: Cc number stolen
Just keep an eye on your other accounts, though you should be fine.

Also do a Malwarebytes scan on all your computers. There's the possibility you have some malware that had a keylogger installed.

More likely than not though you just had some scummy waiter/bartender skim your card when you paid.

jjirons69 07-18-2012 10:23 AM

Re: Cc number stolen
Best of luck!

Just had my Amer Exp reissued. Tried to get gas on vacation and the card wouldn't read. They then called me and asked if I was trying to purchase gas. They also had a cosmetic charge for $3 in Ohio and a $1 charge on Facebook for a game, neither of which I had a clue about. They canned the card and sent another. First time for me.

Ogre 07-18-2012 11:34 AM

Re: Cc number stolen
It has also happened to me. I love my Credit Union, they were on top of it. Mine was an online purchase out of Canada. Always wondered if they caught the BASTAGE that did it.

area51 07-18-2012 11:46 AM

Re: Cc number stolen
That happened to me last year. Over $300 for xbox live.

BlkDrew 07-18-2012 01:31 PM

Re: Cc number stolen
Thanks for the input, credit report is clean. I'll just keep my eye out on my debit card which is all I have left.

forgop 07-18-2012 01:34 PM

Re: Cc number stolen
My discover card got hit to the tune of around $750 worth at a Meijer store in Michigan. My fraud prevention called and I'm disputing the charges now. It's strange because the card has always been in my possession and one of the transactions was for cash and I don't even know my PIN.

tupacboy 07-18-2012 01:37 PM

Re: Cc number stolen
you might want to put all 3 credit bereau on fraud alert for 90 days... so taht nobody else can run your credit just in case... doesn't cost anything and you can do it online...

larryinlc 07-18-2012 05:02 PM

Re: Cc number stolen
Having just replaced my cc because it was hacked, I downloaded and installed malwarebytes. It found two keyloggers. Thanks for the link


Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 1682448)

Also do a Malwarebytes scan on all your computers. There's the possibility you have some malware that had a keylogger installed.

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