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Kevin(n)tn 06-07-2012 08:28 PM

Cigar cases
I am wanting a nice two or three finger case. It would be a nice fathers day present. I figure about $100 max. I looked at the xikar envoy's. Any thoughts guys?

Theo Cincy 06-07-2012 09:28 PM

Re: Cigar cases
I know a guy that I smoke with that makes custom cigar finger leather cases. He is good and can probably add more of a personal touch that would still be cost effective. Let me know if you would like to see some of his work?

WittyUserName 06-07-2012 09:35 PM

Re: Cigar cases
Diesel makes a nice leather two finger case. I picked one up on cbid.

Fia 06-08-2012 05:37 AM

Re: Cigar cases
One nice thing about the envoy case is that they are pretty sturdy too. I like to take that to vegas when I play black jack. I can keep it in my back pocket and sit on my big okole for hours at a time and now problems. :)

Ciro 06-08-2012 11:03 AM

Re: Cigar cases
There are many really nice cigar cases that won't run you near $100.

With the extra money you can fill the case with some really nice smokes.

Kevin(n)tn 06-08-2012 03:00 PM

Re: Cigar cases
Cool thanks guys. Theo I would like to see his work. Know prices for his cases?

OldDirty 06-08-2012 07:01 PM

Re: Cigar cases
I enjoy mine and if I remember I only paid 45 for mine on ebay. It's a 3 finger case.

rizzle 06-11-2012 09:36 AM

Re: Cigar cases
I really like the Envoy cases.

goatfarmer 06-14-2012 01:38 PM

Re: Cigar cases
Can't really compare to the other cases, received this 2 cigar case as a gift. The metal tubes have screw on caps and seem to keep the cigars fairly fresh.

ColdCuts 11-13-2012 12:37 AM

Re: Cigar cases

Originally Posted by Kevin(n)tn (Post 1651572)
I am wanting a nice two or three finger case. It would be a nice fathers day present. I figure about $100 max. I looked at the xikar envoy's. Any thoughts guys?

Kevin, what did you decide to go with?

I too am in the market for a leather case, and looking on The Bay I'm seeing two and three-finger cases ranging from $160 - $100 (Andre Garcia, Pheasant, Davidoff, Ashton, Savoy) all the way down to $10. From what I can see on my computer screen, they all look more or less the same. Is this a situation of you get what you pay for? Is there something meaningful that separates the high-end cases from the $10 cases?

Kevin(n)tn 11-13-2012 06:28 AM

Re: Cigar cases
I'm a firm believer in you get what you pay for. For Father's Day I received the Xikar carbon fiber three finger and a single stick case. The may not be as expensive as some but they are built with quality. The problem with the three finger is when you take one stick out the other two will rattle around. Leave the cello on. The single stick case is made for a 56 or so rg. It's a little big. But both have stood up well. Hope this helps. Check out cigar I think one of those will be in my stocking this year

aich75013 11-13-2012 07:46 AM

Re: Cigar cases
Edit: Nevermind. Just saw how old this post was.

I have a Xikar Envoy 3-finger case that I use when I go out.
I really like it.
Found it for $33 on Cigar Monster a few years ago.

ColdCuts 11-13-2012 10:00 AM

Re: Cigar cases

Originally Posted by Kevin(n)tn (Post 1748914)
Check out cigar I think one of those will be in my stocking this year

The Cigar Mate looks really nice. Tough to fit in a suit jacket though. Then again, I guess that depends on the size of the suit jacket. Haha.

As for the cigars rattling around once the first cigar is removed, I've seen some cases that hold two or three cigars, but each cigar is contained within it's own individual finger. That would solve that problem. Not sure offhand which manufacturer makes those. I'll poke around.

shopkins82 11-14-2012 12:53 PM

Re: Cigar cases
I have the cheap brown-leather 2-finger from and it does the job well me. It's usually in an inside coat pocket (sport coat, overcoat, or fleece when casual). I wish they had a three-finger version and I may go for a cheap black-leather three-finger which would match more of my suits and sportcoats anyway.

Basically two-finger is enough for me and a friend on a night out (usually with the wives so lucky to get a single full smoke in anyway) an three would be good for partied. If I'm traveling for business I'll load up one or two Black Ops 4-stick Cigar Caddy style cases and then transfer into the leather case if I'm going out to a restaurant, bar, event, etc.

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