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Ogre 05-25-2012 01:51 PM

40ct Cigar Caddy Mod
I got tired of having to use a flashlight or nothing at all in low light situations. Here is the mod I did to correct the situation. The cost was $11 at home depot. Its 4 LED lights that run on 3 AAA batteries. This thing is bright as heck.

Fia 05-25-2012 01:54 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod
Thats really cool!!! You just cut the foam with a razor? Did you need to do anything else to affix it to the lid?

Ogre 05-25-2012 01:58 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod

Originally Posted by Fia (Post 1643263)
Thats really cool!!! You just cut the foam with a razor? Did you need to do anything else to affix it to the lid?

3M double sided tape. That way I can remove it if I need to replace batteries.

shilala 05-25-2012 02:01 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod
I have one in mine, too. Just like the one in the Halliburton in the WTS thread.
I stole the idea from Dball. :)

Ogre 05-25-2012 02:03 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod
Awesome set up Scott. I would love to get a Halliburton Case, but the budget wont allow it right now.

shilala 05-25-2012 02:09 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod

Originally Posted by Ogre (Post 1643271)
Awesome set up Scott. I would love to get a Halliburton Case, but the budget wont allow it right now.

Me too, brother. How I missed that one is beyond me.
I really don't need it at all, I have 6 or 7 travel humis already. One I haven't used and another is still in the box, lol.
I'm going to pimp out a Pelican Storm for out here in the shop. That way it can get dirty and beat up and won't matter.
I need to go find another light like the one you have or the one I have already. The one I have was in our pantry until I put a light in. Weeze got it somewhere, I have no idea where. Probably Lowes or Target.
I like it because it's just got two contacts you bridge with your finger, it's incredibly bright, and the angle adjust any way you want it. The thing is just plain cool.

kelmac07 05-25-2012 02:56 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod
Sweet Larry!! I stole this same idea from Dom at his herf last year, set up both my Xikar 30-50 count and my Xikar 50-80 count up with one. :tu :tu

area51 05-25-2012 03:06 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod
That's awesome.

Big Bert 05-25-2012 05:20 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod
Nice!!! Im thinking of getting a travel humidor also. Getting tired of using tupperware

dwoodward 05-25-2012 06:36 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod
Do you have to turn it on and off manually? If so, it would probably have been cheaper to just get an LED flashlight for 99 cents at any gas station and placed it inside the case.

Love the creativity tho. Looks awesome.

Ogre 05-25-2012 07:09 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1643381)
Do you have to turn it on and off manually? If so, it would probably have been cheaper to just get an LED flashlight for 99 cents at any gas station and placed it inside the case.

Love the creativity tho. Looks awesome.

I was doing the flashlight thing and was getting tired of it. This works allot better. And yes, I have to turn in on manually. :noon

boom 05-27-2012 09:34 AM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod
Nice Guys!!!!

EricF 05-27-2012 10:29 AM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1643289)
Sweet Larry!! I stole this same idea from Dom at his herf last year, set up both my Xikar 30-50 count and my Xikar 50-80 count up with one. :tu :tu

And I stole it from Mac for my 50ct!!! :tu

dwoodward 05-31-2012 05:36 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod

Originally Posted by Ogre (Post 1643405)
I was doing the flashlight thing and was getting tired of it. This works allot better. And yes, I have to turn in on manually. :noon

I'm still doing the flashlight I got at Ace Hardware for a buck.. It works for me lol. Maybe when it runs out of batteries ill find another reason to waste money on this hobby. :r

MarkinAZ 05-31-2012 05:52 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod
My light works fairly decent when needed Larry:dance:

BTW, nice mod to your 40ct Larry...

shilala 05-31-2012 06:21 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod

Originally Posted by Ogre (Post 1643405)
I was doing the flashlight thing and was getting tired of it. This works allot better. And yes, I have to turn in on manually. :noon

It sure beats holding a flashlight in your teeth. :D

GreekGodX 05-31-2012 06:26 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod
I bet Scott can figure out how to rig this so it turns on when you open it :)

Jasonw560 05-31-2012 06:32 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod
Brilliant idea! I would think sticky hook and loop (Velcro) would work as good as the double sided tape. Might last longer, too.

Ogre 05-31-2012 06:44 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod
I was thinking about the velcro, but I had the tape in the garage.

OnlyDryReds 06-01-2012 04:44 PM

Re: 40ct Cigar Caddy Mod
Maybe two double mercury switches and an op amp and you could get it to turn off and on correctly...hmmmmm have to work on this idea...

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