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Remo 05-17-2012 11:14 AM

A question about death....
Figured i'd see what kind of answers I get about this. Me and my buddies often kick around this subject and I am sure some of you do also. The question is....

If you could know the date and time of your death and how you die would you want to know? I usually go with yes, might be good to know so you could get things done that you wanted to accomplish, get things in order and maybe be a better person. On the flipside that would be on your mind all the time and maybe crippling to know that you only have so much time left.

Odd question I know but kind of interesting.

floydpink 05-17-2012 11:40 AM

Re: A question about death....
If you MUST know, click here.

chaase321 05-17-2012 11:41 AM

Re: A question about death....
I love this question. I have considered it many times...

I agree that some people would be "crippled" knowing the date, time, and way they will die. However, I look at it this way...

death happens to everyone, there is no amount of worrying, running, changing, money, or science that will keep you alive forever; therefore, why not know? If i knew when, then I think that would take all the worrying away.

I think about it this way...because no one knows when they will die, they are constantly worrying about it, thinking about it, trying to live their life a certain way (i.e. health, monetarily, etc.). If they knew, then they could ease their worrying and make sure to spend more time with the people and things that really matter in life. I think people would be generally happier. If you knew you were going to be dead tomorrow, you would probably be pleasant today; however, since you don't may in fact be a complete a-hole today.

Also, as no one will ever really know, we already have a jaded outlook on it.

replicant_argent 05-17-2012 11:42 AM

Re: A question about death....
Isn't knowing you will die enough?
No one gets out of here alive. Nuff said.

Steve 05-17-2012 11:45 AM

Re: A question about death....
I already know when I'll die...someday :D

Subvet642 05-17-2012 11:47 AM

Re: A question about death....
I've often considered it the curse of humanity to be aware of our mortality, in any respect. As for being a better person, the "skull and crossed bones" of Masonic symbology is a reminder that death is always near and we should conduct ourselves such that we are always prepared for judgement. If one is waiting for their "departure" time and date before becoming a better person, they've already failed.

massphatness 05-17-2012 11:50 AM

Re: A question about death....
I really could not care less about when I'm going to die -- it's not something I think about, really at all. The woman I work for is 66 or so and stresses about sniffle, cough and bug bite that comes along. She won't stay in hotels above the 7th floor because she's afraid a ladder truck wouldn't be able to reach her. She doesn't fly because crashing terrifies her. Bird flu & mad cow nearly have her in a hermit-like state. It's crazy -- she's so afraid of EVERYTHING that I don't think she really enjoys anything. Sad. No thank you.

Steve 05-17-2012 11:55 AM

Re: A question about death....
Seriously, I already had my near death experience back in January of 2009. The way I look at it, each new year is a bonus year for me. I am glad to still be here for my wife and daughter and try to enjoy every minute I can.

Remo 05-17-2012 12:11 PM

Re: A question about death....

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 1638992)
If you MUST know, click here.

Yeah, but that is a natural time death.

mosesbotbol 05-17-2012 12:14 PM

Re: A question about death....
I don't want to know. How could anyone be sure of when you'll die unless they are planning on killing you?

Blak Smyth 05-17-2012 12:20 PM

Re: A question about death....
I would like to know. if it is soon, I don't want to spend anymore time at this god forsaken place of business I find myself at everyday.

Remo 05-17-2012 12:21 PM

Re: A question about death....

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 1639005)
I don't want to know. How could anyone be sure of when you'll die unless they are planning on killing you?

Hypothetical question bro :tu

bobarian 05-17-2012 12:40 PM

Re: A question about death....
I choose to enjoy life, rather than ponder an inevitable death. :sh

Apoco 05-17-2012 01:25 PM

Re: A question about death....
Sure I do! Assuming nothing I do from there on would change that date and time once I know it - I could have a heck of a lot of fun being reckless between now and then :banger
Posted via Mobile Device

Pseudosacred 05-17-2012 01:27 PM

Re: A question about death....
If I knew when I was going to die, I'd be a dangerous person to be around...

shilala 05-17-2012 01:55 PM

Re: A question about death....
Nope. It wouldn't change a thing about how I do anything, it's useless information.
When I wrap it up every night and say my prayers, I don't expect a tomorrow. When I open my eyes and I'm allowed another go at it, it's a gift and I treat it as such.
There's nothing left that I desire, hope for, or want to do that I'd feel like I was losing out if God took me in the middle of dinner tonight.
We're having grilled ribeyes and corn on the cob, otherwise I'd have said "before dinner tonight". ;)

Ogre 05-17-2012 02:06 PM

Re: A question about death....
I don't care to know. I will play hard until my batteries run out!!!

jjirons69 05-17-2012 02:59 PM

Re: A question about death....
Don't want to know. Could care less. Charging ahead daily. Life is an adventure not a destination.

replicant_argent 05-17-2012 03:20 PM

Re: A question about death....

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1639045)
I'd feel like I was losing out if God took me in the middle of dinner tonight.
We're having grilled ribeyes and corn on the cob, otherwise I'd have said "before dinner tonight". ;)

If God takes me out while I am mid-Ribeye, I will be having a serious Come-to-Jesus chat with her for screwing up my meal, and using it as confirmation that she hates me.

Ribeye, the King of meats, all shall bow before it.

never_enough 05-17-2012 03:37 PM

Re: A question about death....
Sure. I like to know things.

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