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CigarSquid 03-12-2012 08:11 AM

Which Opus X?
I am looking into bidding on one of these..

Which one should I start off with? I have never had one before.

Perfecxion, Lost City, Reserva D'Chateau, LFMF?

I know it may be hard to offer me one with out me saying what I like... It is hard.. I have a few favorites.. Alec Bradley, RP and Diesel's.. Tops right there.

I am still willing to try any stick, since I am still new at this. From mild to full, from light to dark..

(:garydon't flame to hard:tu)

pnoon 03-12-2012 08:25 AM

Re: Which Opus X?
Just pick one and go with it.
Posted via Mobile Device

dwoodward 03-12-2012 08:45 AM

Re: Which Opus X?
From what I have read you either like Opus X or you don't so. Bid on anyone you think you would like to try and chances are you will like it lol.

Islayphile 03-12-2012 09:01 AM

Re: Which Opus X?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1588742)
Just pick one and go with it.
Posted via Mobile Device


Don't think about it too much, just pick one

T.G 03-12-2012 10:11 AM

Re: Which Opus X?

Originally Posted by garryyjr (Post 1588731)
I am looking into bidding on one of these..

Which one should I start off with? I have never had one before.

Perfecxion, Lost City, Reserva D'Chateau, LFMF?

1) Peter's advice is solid, just pick one. I've smoked 3 of the 4 vitolas you listed and I don't think it would make much of any difference which one you pick for the first time Opus X smoker.

2) You said "bidding". If you are looking at those cigars on cbid, I'd recommend you start calling around to B&M's before you bid. Opus Xes tend to close at exceptionally high prices. I'd start with Tampa Sweethearts, you might have to purchase a sampler of 6 cigars, 2 Opus Xes, 2 regular Fuentes and 2 of their TS cigars to get them, but you'll be getting the 6 for what the 2 on cbid would cost.

Emjaysmash 03-12-2012 10:33 AM

Re: Which Opus X?
I like the xXx Power Ranger size.

x man 03-12-2012 10:37 AM

Re: Which Opus X?
If you never had an Opus i would go with the RdC.

Reaver2145 03-12-2012 11:39 AM

Re: Which Opus X?
If i had to choose one i liked it would be the lost city but even then i knew it was overpriced and not really worth the hype.

Boz 03-12-2012 12:23 PM

Re: Which Opus X?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1588826)
1) Peter's advice is solid, just pick one. I've smoked 3 of the 4 vitolas you listed and I don't think it would make much of any difference which one you pick for the first time Opus X smoker.

2) You said "bidding". If you are looking at those cigars on cbid, I'd recommend you start calling around to B&M's before you bid. Opus Xes tend to close at exceptionally high prices. I'd start with Tampa Sweethearts, you might have to purchase a sampler of 6 cigars, 2 Opus Xes, 2 regular Fuentes and 2 of their TS cigars to get them, but you'll be getting the 6 for what the 2 on cbid would cost.

Agreed. When they are in stock locally, I can always get them cheaper than cbid.

CigarSquid 03-12-2012 01:12 PM

Re: Which Opus X?

Originally Posted by Boz (Post 1588923)
Agreed. When they are in stock locally, I can always get them cheaper than cbid.

Nothing local for me.. I may want to do the sampler deal better.. I will just have to break down and spend some money on these and decide for myself if they are worth the money, to me.

jluck 03-12-2012 01:14 PM

Re: Which Opus X?
I went to three large B&M's last week all in the same day, I found the very same vitola OPUSX's ranging from 20 to 34 dollars! I also found some tins of three OPUSX's ranging from 55-68.00, the the employee said "they'd been here for a few years". I will get one or more next trip. I could pick something up for you Garryy if you don't have good luck on-line or local to you.

CigarSquid 03-12-2012 01:21 PM

Re: Which Opus X?
Thanks Jared. I will do some research online this week. Southern Oregon has nothing for B&M's..

I will let you know.

ZachF88 03-12-2012 01:40 PM

Re: Which Opus X?
I love the Lost City. But all Opus X's are good (well haven't tried any forbidden's yet)

jakesmokes 03-12-2012 01:59 PM

Re: Which Opus X?
I prefer perfecxion over the D'Chateau. Not sure why.. It seems to have a more well rounded flavor and its easier to draw, so far, of the ones I have smoked.

Try cigars direct too.. they have a lot of different ones in stock. I like the super bellicoso.

688sonarmen 03-12-2012 02:02 PM

Re: Which Opus X?
Like has been stated by several wise brothers check out tampa sweethearts and sign up for the newsletter. When they are in stock they have plenty and are sold at msrp.

dwoodward 03-12-2012 02:22 PM

Re: Which Opus X?
I know my B&M stocks them. They keep them in a separate display cabinet near the register. It's pretty much the only "HTF" cigars they have.

If you need prices I can get them for you. Compared to the markup on everything else, I know the Opus X prices (too rich for me tho) were very reasonable the last time I looked at them.

lenguamor 03-12-2012 02:26 PM

Re: Which Opus X?
Call Tampa Sweethearts directly. They have various samplers (Lost City, esp.) and they are the most reasonable of all the vendors.

T.G 03-12-2012 02:35 PM

Re: Which Opus X?

Originally Posted by jluck (Post 1588992)
I went to three large B&M's last week all in the same day, I found the very same vitola OPUSX's ranging from 20 to 34 dollars! I also found some tins of three OPUSX's ranging from 55-68.00, the the employee said "they'd been here for a few years". I will get one or more next trip. I could pick something up for you Garryy if you don't have good luck on-line or local to you.

Those prices are double to quadruple the MSRP, if not more.

MSRP on Opus Xes is actually quite reasonable. $10 to $15 on the average, some vitolas are less, a few are more. Special/rare shapes can run higher.

Note, that state taxes are going to be on top of that, so depending on how oppressive your state is they can be significant, but, if you order from out of state you should not be charged it.

dwoodward 03-12-2012 03:06 PM

Re: Which Opus X?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1589078)
Those prices are double to quadruple the MSRP, if not more.

MSRP on Opus Xes is actually quite reasonable. $10 to $15 on the average, some vitolas are less, a few are more. Special/rare shapes can run higher.

Note, that state taxes are going to be on top of that, so depending on how oppressive your state is they can be significant, but, if you order from out of state you should not be charged it.

Out of curiousity, is there a list of MSRP of the more popular Opus X cigars?

markem 03-12-2012 03:08 PM

Re: Which Opus X?

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1589100)
Out of curiousity, is there a list of MSRP of the more popular Opus X cigars?

Interestingly, when I typed "msrp opus x cigar" in to google, the first link had all the information.

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